244 research outputs found

    Interactions between dorsal and ventral streams for controlling skilled grasp

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    The two visual systems hypothesis suggests processing of visual information into two distinct routes in the brain: a dorsal stream for the control of actions and a ventral stream for the identification of objects. Recently, increasing evidence has shown that the dorsal and ventral streams are not strictly independent, but do interact with each other. In this paper, we argue that the interactions between dorsal and ventral streams are important for controlling complex object-oriented hand movements, especially skilled grasp. Anatomical studies have reported the existence of direct connections between dorsal and ventral stream areas. These physiological interconnections appear to be gradually more active as the precision demands of the grasp become higher. It is hypothesised that the dorsal stream needs to retrieve detailed information about object identity, stored in ventral stream areas, when the object properties require complex fine-tuning of the grasp. In turn, the ventral stream might receive up to date grasp-related information from dorsal stream areas to refine the object internal representation. Future research will provide direct evidence for which specific areas of the two streams interact, the timing of their interactions and in which behavioural context they occur

    Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in the Dutch North sea: population ecology and effects of wind farms

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    This study was setup to gain an understanding of the possible effects of large-scale development of wind farms in Dutch waters on grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). This should be considered a first step in doing so as up until now relatively little was known about the species in Dutch waters. The study was carried out in the framework of WE@SEA a foundation aimed at acquiring knowledge in the field of offshore wind energy

    Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and wind farms: a case study in the Dutch North Sea

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    The rapid increase in development of offshore wind energy in European waters has raised concern for the possible environmental impacts of wind farms. We studied whether harbour porpoise occurrence has been affected by the presence of the Dutch offshore wind farm Egmond aan Zee. This was done by studying acoustic activity of porpoises in the wind farm and in two reference areas using stationary acoustic monitoring (with T-PODs) prior to construction (baseline: June 2003 to June 2004) and during normal operation of the wind farm (operation: April 2007 to April 2009). The results show a strong seasonal pattern, with more activity recorded during winter months. There was also an overall increase in acoustic activity from baseline to operation, in line with a general increase in porpoise abundance in Dutch waters over the last decade. The acoustic activity was significantly higher inside the wind farm than in the reference areas, indicating that the occurrence of porpoises in this area increased as well. The reasons of this apparent preference for the wind farm area are not clear. Two possible causes are discussed: an increased food availability inside the wind farm (reef effect) and/or the absence of vessels in an otherwise heavily trafficked part of the North Sea (sheltering effect

    Is Caregiver Gender Important for Boys and Girls? Gender-Specific Child–Caregiver Interactions and Attachment Relationships

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    Outcomes of studies with exclusively or predominantly female caregivers suggest that boys in child care are involved with interactions, attachment relationships, and care of lower quality than girls. We investigated to what extent child gender (N = 38, 19 boys) and caregiver gender (N = 38, 19 males) is associated with child–caregiver interactions and attachment relationships. Children’s involvement and caregivers’ sensitive and stimulation behaviors were observed using systematic observations of semistructured play. Children’s secure attachment with caregivers was observed using the Attachment Q-Sort. Research Findings: Male and female caregivers showed similar sensitive behaviors toward boys and girls, and children had similar levels of secure attachment with male and female caregivers. Female caregivers had a tendency to stimulate boys more than girls, and this behavior was associated with a lower secure attachment in boys. Girls’ involvement with the caregiver was associated with male and female caregivers’ sensitive behavior and with male but not female caregivers’ stimulation. Conversely, boys’ involvement with the caregiver was elicited by sensitive but not stimulating behavior of male caregivers but not by female caregivers. Practice or Policy: Boys and girls can have equally positive interactions and attachment relationships with both male and female caregivers

    Men and women in child care: a study of caregiver–child interactions

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    In this observational study, male and female professional caregivers’ (n = 42) levels of sensitivity and stimulation toward three-year-old children (n = 42) were observed in a semi-structured play situation. Further, sex roles of male and female caregivers were examined with the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI). Male and female caregivers showed the same levels of attention, sensitivity, and stimulation toward boys and girls. Furthermore, all caregivers were classified as feminine or androgynous, but not masculine. Only for female caregivers was a positive relation found between higher levels of femininity and more stimulation of girls. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that male and female staff in childcare share similar interaction styles and sex roles. However, our findings suggest that caregivers’ sex roles should be included in future research as well as in the debate on men in childcare

    Data availibility for the fisheries impact assessment of the FIMPAS project

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    The project Fisheries Measures in Protected Areas (FIMPAS) aims to introduce fisheries measures in the marine Natura 2000 sites within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Dutch part of the North Sea by the end of 2011. The FIMPAS project covers three such areas, the Dogger Bank and the Cleaver Bank (both to be designated for protection under the Habitats Directive) and the Frisian Front (to be designated for protection under the Birds Directive). These sites are beyond the Dutch 12 nm zone and several EU Member States fish within these areas. Therefore fisheries measures must be implemented through the Common Fisheries Policy. These marine protected areas, as well as the potential fisheries measures, are a consequence of the implementation of the European Birds and Habitats Directives and will be proposed to the European Commission by the Dutch government. The Dutch Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), together with Dutch environmental NGOs and the Dutch fishing industry, are cooperating within the FIMPAS project to develop the necessary fisheries measures to achieve the conservation objectives for the Dutch Natura 2000 sites of the North Sea. LNV has asked the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) to organize the necessary scientific processes and give advice on the desired fisheries measures involving the relevant stakeholders in this process
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