365 research outputs found

    Radicale protestanten:Opkomst en ontwikkeling van de EO, de EH en de ChristenUnie en hun voorlopers (1945-2007)

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    Harinck, G. [Promotor]Stoffels, H.C. [Copromotor

    Quality aspects in price indices and international comparisons:applications of the hedonic method

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    The main topic of this thesis has been the quality issue in price comparisons through time and across space. In studying this topic, this thesis has tried to answer the following questions: first, what is the impact of differences in quality on intertemporal and international price comparisons? Second, what are the theoretical and practical advantages and drawbacks of the hedonic method compared to the matched model method to deal with this 'quality issue'? Below, I briefly summarize the main conclusions from the preceding chapters. I will provide an assessment of how quality issues will affect the future of price measurement practice and the use of hedonics, and discuss the implications for measurement practices in construction of time series price indices and currency conversion factors. ... Zie: Summary

    An architecture for an integrated medical workstation : its realization and evaluation

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    This study describes the development of the HERMES integrated medical workstation for the support of patient care and clinical data analysis. Tbis development proceeded in two steps. First, a prototype integrated workstation was developed for the limited domain of support for clinical data analysis. Second, insight resulting from experience with the design and implementation of the prototype, and from the outcome of its formal user evaluation were used as input to design the new HERMES architecture, also intended to encompass the support of patient care. HERMES offers a solution for the urgent problem in medical informatics of integrating different applications on different hosts. Our approach combines the client-server paradigm with a graphical user interface to provide user-friendly access to the clinician. Its application domain includes both patient care and clinical data analysis. In this introductory chapter, we will briefly introduce the idea of providing integrated computer support to the clinician and the recent progress made in computer science that enables this novel approach to workstation integration

    Towards Mapping-Based Document Retrieval in Heterogeneous Digital Libraries

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    In many scientific domains, researchers depend on a timely and efficient access to available publications in their particular area. The increasing availability of publications in electronic form via digital libraries is a reaction to this need. A remaining problem is the fact that the pool of all available publications is distributed between different libraries. In order to increase the availability of information, these different libraries should be linked in such a way, that all the information is available via any one of them. Peer-to-peer technologies provide sophisticated solutions for this kind of loose integration of information sources. In our work, we consider digital libraries that organize documents according to a dedicated classification hierarchy or provide access to information on the basis of a thesaurus. These kinds of access mechanisms have proven to increase the retrieval result and are therefore widely used. On the other hand, this causes new problems as different sources will use different classifications and thesauri to organize information. This means, that we have to be able to mediate between these different structures. Integrating this mediation into the information retrieval process is a problem that to the best of our knowledge has not been addressed before

    Training text chunkers on a silver standard corpus: Can silver replace gold?

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    Background: To train chunkers in recognizing noun phrases and verb phrases in biomedical text, an annotated corpus is required. The creation of gold standard corpora (GSCs), however, is expensive and time-consuming. GSCs therefore tend to be small and to focus on specific subdomains, which limits their usefulness. We investigated the use of a silver standard corpus (SSC) that is automatically generated by combining the outputs of multiple chunking systems. We explored two use scenarios: one in which chunkers are trained on an SSC in a new domain for which a GSC is not available, and one in which chunkers are trained on an available, although small GSC but supplemented with an SSC.Results: We have tested the two scenarios using three chunkers, Lingpipe, OpenNLP, and Yamcha, and two different corpora, GENIA and PennBioIE. For the first scenario, we showed that the systems trained for noun-phrase recognition on the SSC in one domain performed 2.7-3.1 percenta

    The added value of text from Dutch general practitioner notes in predictive modeling

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    Objective:This work aims to explore the value of Dutch unstructured data, in combination with structured data, for the development of prognostic prediction models in a general practitioner (GP) setting.Materials and methods:We trained and validated prediction models for 4 common clinical prediction problems using various sparse text representations, common prediction algorithms, and observational GP electronic health record (EHR) data. We trained and validated 84 models internally and externally on data from different EHR systems.Results:On average, over all the different text representations and prediction algorithms, models only using text data performed better or similar to models using structured data alone in 2 prediction tasks. Additionally, in these 2 tasks, the combination of structured and text data outperformed models using structured or text data alone. No large performance differences were found between the different text representations and prediction algorithms.Discussion:Our findings indicate that the use of unstructured data alone can result in well-performing prediction models for some clinical prediction problems. Furthermore, the performance improvement achieved by combining structured and text data highlights the added value. Additionally, we demonstrate the significance of clinical natural language processing research in languages other than English and the possibility of validating text-based prediction models across various EHR systems.Conclusion:Our study highlights the potential benefits of incorporating unstructured data in clinical prediction models in a GP setting. Although the added value of unstructured data may vary depending on the specific prediction task, our findings suggest that it has the potential to enhance patient care
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