207 research outputs found

    Basisvorming meertaligheid

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    The acquisition of Dutch

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    D3.2 Instructional Designs for learning analytics and reflection support

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    In the context of the METALOGUE project this deliverable discusses the role and scope of Learner Analytics in METALOGUE, what type of data is available and should be used, the use of Learning Dashboards and visualisations to enable the learner (and tutor) to access the outcomes of the learner analytics, a set of initial example visualisations to be used in METALOGUE, and, finally, it concludes with an instructional design blueprint giving a global outline of a set of tasks with stepwise increasing complexity and the feedback proposed.METALOGUE10000-01-0

    D3.1 Instructional Designs for Real-time Feedback

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    The main objective of METALOGUE is to produce a multimodal dialogue system that is able to implement an interactive behaviour that seems natural to users and is flexible enough to exploit the full potential of multimodal interaction. The METALOGUE system will be arranged in the context of educational use-case scenarios, i.e. for training active citizens (Youth Parliament) and call centre employees. This deliverable describes the intended real-time feedback and reflection in-action support to support the training. Real-time feedback informs learners how they perform key skills and enables them to monitor their progress and thus reflect in-action. This deliverable examines the theoretical considerations of reflection in-action, what type of data is available and should be used, the timing and type of real-time feedback and, finally, concludes with an instructional design blueprint giving a global outline of a set of tasks with stepwise increasing complexity and the feedback proposed.The underlying research project is partly funded by the METALOGUE project. METALOGUE is a Seventh Framework Programme collaborative project funded by the European Commission, grant agreement number: 611073 (http://www.metalogue.eu)
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