107 research outputs found

    Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor MRGPRX2 in human basophils: Expression and functional studies

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    BackgroundOccupancy of MRGPRX2 heralds a new era in our understandings of immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs), but a constitutive expression of this receptor by basophils is debated.ObjectiveTo explore the expression and functionality of MRGPRX2 in and on basophils.MethodsBasophils from patients with birch pollen allergy, IDHRs to moxifloxacin, and healthy controls were studied in different conditions, that is, in rest, after stimulation with anti-IgE, recombinant major birch pollen allergen (rBet v 1), moxifloxacin, fMLP, substance P (SP), or other potential basophil secretagogues. In a separate set of experiments, basophils were studied after purification and resuspension in different media.ResultsResting whole blood basophils barely express MRGPRX2 on their surface and are unresponsive to SP or moxifloxacin. However, surface MRGPRX2 is quickly upregulated upon incubation with anti-IgE or fMLP. Pre-stimulation with anti-IgE can induce a synergic effect on basophil degranulation in IgE-responsive subjects after incubation with SP or moxifloxacin, provided that basophils have been obtained from patients who experienced an IDHR to moxifloxacin. Cell purification can trigger a “spontaneous” and functional upregulation of MRGPRX2 on basophils, not seen in whole blood cells, and its surface density can be influenced by distinct culture media.ConclusionBasophils barely express MRGPRX2 in resting conditions. However, the receptor can be quickly upregulated after stimulation with anti-IgE, fMLP, or after purification, making cells responsive to MRGPRX2 occupation. We anticipate that such “conditioned” basophils constitute a model to explore MRGPRX2 agonism or antagonism, including IDHRs originating from the occupation of this receptor

    Standard methods for Apis mellifera venom research

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    Honey bees have a sting which allows them to inject venomous substances into the body of an opponent or attacker. As the sting originates from a modified ovipositor, it only occurs in the female insect, and this is a defining feature of the bee species that belong to a subclade of the Hymenoptera called Aculeata. There is considerable interest in bee venom research, primarily because of an important subset of the human population who will develop a sometimes life threatening allergic response after a bee sting. However, the use of honey bee venom goes much further, with alleged healing properties in ancient therapies and recent research. The present paper aims to standardize selected methods for honey bee venom research. It covers different methods of venom collection, characterization and storage. Much attention was also addressed to the determination of the biological activity of the venom and its use in the context of biomedical research, more specifically venom allergy. Finally, the procedure for the assignment of new venom allergens has been presented. Las abejas meliferas tienen un aguijon que les permite inyectar sustancias venenosas en el cuerpo de un oponente o atacante. El aguijon es un ovipositor modificado que solo se manifiesta en el insecto hembra, siendo este una caracteristica que define a las especies de abejas que pertenecen al subclado de himenopteros llamada Aculeata. Hay un interes considerable en la investigacion del veneno de abeja, principalmente debido a que un porcentaje importante de la poblacion humana desarrollara una respuesta alergica - a veces mortal - a la picadura de abeja. Sin embargo, el uso del veneno de la abeja melifera abarca mucho mas, con presuntas propiedades curativas en terapias antiguas e investigaciones recientes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estandarizar metodos seleccionados para la investigacion del veneno de las abejas meliferas. Cubre diferentes metodos de recoleccion, caracterizacion y almacenamiento de veneno. Tambien se presto mucha atencion a la determinacion de la actividad biologica del veneno y su uso en el contexto de la investigacion biomedica, mas especificamente la alergia al veneno. Finalmente, se ha presentado el procedimiento para la asignacion de nuevos alergenos de veneno

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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