34 research outputs found

    The influence of glycerol hyperhydration on run performance within an Olympic distance triathlon

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    This study was designed to determine the impact of glycerol hyperhydration, compared with a placebo hyperhydration, on the run performance during an Olympic distance triathlon. Ten competitive triathletes (mean peak oxygen consumption, VO2 peak = 65.5 ± 5.5 ml.kg.-1min-1) undertook two simulated Olympic Distance Triathlons in 31° C and 61% relative humidity. The trials were split into two work phases: a fixed workload phase comprising a 18-20 min swim and a 60 min cycle and, a self regulated time trial run over 10 kilometres conducted on a treadmill. One hundred and fifty min prior each trial, either a glycerol solution (1 g.kg.-1 body mass (BM) in a 4% carbohydrate – electrolyte drink) or a placebo of equal volume of the 4% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution was ingested over one hour. The total fluid intake in each trial was 23 ml.kg.-1 BM. A randomised, double blind, cross over design was used. Due to either 1) the arduous nature of the trials 2) the side effects associated with the ingestion of glycerol 3) or the combination of the two aforementioned reasons, only five of the 10 subjects completed the final 10 km self regulated time trial for both treatments. Only the data obtained from these five subjects were reported in this study. Glycerol ingestion expanded body water over the placebo by 154 ml (26%). At 60 and 90 min after the start of drinking, urine output was significantly higher with glycerol than placebo treatment (216.4, 366.4 ml vs 81.0, 242.0 ml, respectively) but significantly higher at 120 min in the placebo (421.6 ml vs 131.2 ml). There were no significant differences in heart rate and rectal temperature during the swim and cycle phases. However, there were significant increases in heart rate (at 5, 10, 15, 25 and 30 min) and rectal temperature (at 5, 20 and 30 min) during the 10 km run in the glycerol trial. The mean 10 km run time for the placebo trial was 40 min 21 sec (± 2.9 min) while the glycerol trial was 39 min 22 sec (± 2.0 min). The mean difference of 2.1% in finishing time between trials was not significant. Three of the five subjects in the glycerol trial improved their 10 km time by 7.0, 2.4 and 2.7%, respectively. The finishing time for one subject did not change for both trials while another subject had deteriorated by 2.3% in the glycerol trial. In the glycerol treatment, five subjects complained of bloating and nausea while only one subject complained of feeling unwell in the placebo treatment. Data from this study have shown that glycerol hyperhydration did not significantly improve performance while plasma volume expansion and subsequent lower rectal temperature and lower heart rates were not evident. The exact mechanisms of how glycerol hyperhydration can improve performance warrant further investigation.Masters in Applied Scienc

    The effect of gases on the electrical properties of some organic semiconductors

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    Effects of gases (primarily NgO^, BF^, Og and NH^) on the electrical properties of molecular single crystals of donors (phthalocyanine and its Mn(ll), Co(ll), Ni(ll), Cu(ll), Zn(ll) and Ph(ll) complexes, anthracene, perylene and the bis(8-hydroxyquinoline) complexes of Cu(ll) and Pd(ll)), electron acceptor (7,7,8,8 tetraeyanoquinodimethane) and an electron donor-acceptor complex (perylene/7,7,8,8 tetracyanoquinodimethane) have been studied. Apparatus was constructed permitting measurement of semiconduction and photoconduction in vacuo and in various gas pressures, over a temperature range of 290-500K. The conductivity of electron donor and acceptor crystals was only enhanced by electron acceptor and donor gases, respectively, whereas the donor-acceptor complexes were enhanced slightly by both types of gases. Gas effects were confined to the crystal surfaces, except for oxygen on phthalocyanines. The rate and magnitude of conductivity changes on varying the gas pressure were consistent with chemisorption involving electron transfer. Electron transfer between % delocalised orbitals (e.g. NgO^ on phthalocyanines) gave reversible adsorption and gas pressures above 10^Pa resulted in complete surface coverage, each adsorbed molecule producing one surface charge carrier. The more localised c orbitals (e.g. BF-^ on phthalo- cyanineB) resulted in stronger adsorption. Exceptionally, irreversible chemical reaction follows electron transfer (e.g. NgO^ on anthracene). Enhanced semiconduction is accompanied by significant reductions in the activation energy, to values comparable with the photoconduction activation energy. Photoconduction is more sensitive than semiconduction to low gas pressures. Changes in the photoconduction spectral response reflect the influence of adsorbed gases on the exciton dissociation process. Adsorbed NgO^ inhibits the singlet photoconduction in tetracyanoquinodimethane and perylene, but smaller low energy response, with fine structure, possibly triplet bulk photoconduction, persists. Increased surface ionized state density reduces the carrier mobility, resulting in reduced dependence of photocurrent on incident light intensity. The implications of these findings for the design of organic semiconductor gas detectors are discussed

    Nouvelle carte de la moitie meridionale du globe terrestre [cartographic material] : montrant la variation du compas, ou le merveilleux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pouvoir magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'an 1750 = Nieuwe kaart van de zuidelyke helft des aardkloots : vertoonende de miswyzing van't compas, of de wonderlyke aan-eengeschakelde famenloop, der gereegelde en nimmer stilstaande beweeging der magneetsche levenskragt; zo als dezelve bevonden zyn op 't jaar 1750 /

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    Map of the southern hemisphere on a polar projection showing magnetic variations by isogonic lines. Relief shown pictorially.; Prime meridian: Ferro (Hierro), Canary Islands.; Southern hemisphere sheet one of a pair of separate hemisphere maps of the world by Nicolas van Ewyk.; Scale ca. 1:30 000 000 at the equator.; Also available in an electronic version via the Internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-t1520.Nieuwe kaart van de zuidelyke helft des aardkloot

    Lesbian mothers' lived psychological experience of planned motherhood in three South African cities : an exploratory study

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    Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of what constitutes a “normal” family has changed within recent years. This is because various family forms have been found viable. The current study is exploratory and focuses on the planned lesbian family. It aims to describe lesbian mothers’ lived psychological experience of planned motherhood. Utilising a feminist phenomenological approach, the narratives of 10 lesbian couples were obtained. Their emotional experiences are discussed under four headings, namely; the decision to become mothers; the actual process of becoming mothers; motherhood experience; and the anticipation of and actual responses to lesbian motherhood, lesbian families and children of lesbian mothers. Significant findings reveal the decision making involved in becoming mothers; the influence the type of donor has on the couple and their child; the joys and challenges of raising children; the fair division of childcare and household chores; the importance of partner support; the level of bonding with social and adoptive mothers; society’s lack of parental validation; the issue of homophobia and the preparation of their children against homophobia. Lesbian mothers seem to experience motherhood in very similar ways to heterosexual mothers, except that they do not seem as lonely and isolated. The aim of this study was not only to explore the experiences of lesbian mothers, but also to give them a voice within the psychological literature and to strive towards the acceptance of diverse families within mainstream psychology and the broader South African community.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van wat ’n “normale“ familie behels het in die afgelope jare verander. Die rede is dat verskeie gesinsvorme as lewensvatbaar bevind is. Die gesinsvorm onder bestudering is die beplande lesbiese gesin. Hierdie was ’n verkennende studie wat gefokus het op die beskrywing van lesbiese ouers se sielkundige ervaring van beplande lesbiese moederskap. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ’n feministies-fenomenologiese benadering om die verhale van 10 lesbiese paartjies te verkry. Hulle ervarings word onder vier adelings bespreek, naamlik; die besluit om moeders te word; die werklike proses om moeders te word; moederskap ervarings; en die verwagte en werklike reaksies tot lesbiese moederskap van lesbiese families en kinders van lesbiese moeders. Noemenswaardige bevindings onthul die besluitneming betrokke om moeders te word; die invloed wat die tipe skenker op die paartjie en hulle kind het; die vreugde en vereistes van kinders grootmaak; die regverdige verdeling van kindersorg en huishoudelike take; die belangrikheid van lewensmaat ondersteuning; die krag van kinders se band met sosiale en aangenome moeders; die samelewing se tekort aan ouerlike bekragtiging; die kwessie van homofobie en die voorbereiding van hulle kinders hierteen. Dit wil voorkom of lesbiese moeders moeders in baie opsigte dieselfde ervaar as heteroseksuele moeders, behalwe dat hulle nie so alleen en geïsoleerd voorkom nie. Die studie se voorneme was nie net om die ervarings van lesbiese moeders te verken nie, maar ook om aan hulle ’n stem te bied binne die sielkundige literatuur en om te streef na die aanvaarding van uiteenlopende gesinsvorme binne hoofstroom sielkunde asook die breër Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap

    Nouvelle carte de la moitie meridionale du globe terrestre [cartographic material] : montrant la variation du compas, ou le merveilleux accord enchaine des mouvemens regles et ne jamais cessans du vivant pouvoir magnetique; telles qu'on les a trouvez l'an 1750 = Nieuwe kaart van de zuidelyke helft des aardkloots : vertoonende de miswyzing van't compas, of de wonderlyke aan-eengeschakelde famenloop, der gereegelde en nimmer stilstaande beweeging der magneetsche levenskragt; zo als dezelve bevonden zyn op 't jaar 1750 = A new map of the southern half of the earth's globe : shewing the variation of the compass, or the marvelous concatenated concurrence of the regular and never ceasing motion of the living magnetick power, as it was found in the year 1750 /

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    Map of the southern hemisphere on a polar projection showing magnetic variations by isogonic lines. Relief shown pictorially.; Prime meridian: Ferro (Hierro), Canary Islands.; Southern hemisphere sheet one of a pair of separate hemisphere maps of the world by Nicolas van Ewyk.; Text in English at foot of the map: "A new map of the Southern half of the Earth's globe ...."; Scale ca. 1:30 000 000 at the equator.; Also available in an electronic version via the internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-rm3606.Nieuwe kaart van de zuidelyke helft des aardklootsNew map of the southern half of the earth's glob

    The Prehistory of an iron age site on Skutwater

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    After excavations on Mapungubwe by the Department of Archaeology of the University of Pretoria. two definitive research reports emerged in 1979 and 1980. These reports placed the cultural historical framework for Mapungubwe on a firm foundation. superannuating earlier work that had been variously criticised as unsuitable for comparative purposes. The objectives of this research project were to excavate a related site in order to expand the avai I able comparative data and extend the spatial perspective of the Mapungubwe culture. To this end the site of Skutwater was selected. The material recovered from Skutwater was subjected to various analyses for defining the internal structure of Skutwater and generating comparative data. As far as possible quantitative data were used for comparisons. The relationship between Skutwater and Mapungubwe was interpreted within certain social. economic and political models and a definate relationship was found to exist.Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1987.gm2014Anthropology and Archaeologyunrestricte