98 research outputs found

    Ориентализм в музыкальном творчестве М.И. Глинки

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    Цель данной статьи – изучение творчества русских композиторов первой половины ХIХ века с точки зрения дальнейшего проникновения (и окончательного утверждения) ориентального элемента в русскую классическую музыку

    Neurophysiological responses during cooking food associated with different emotions

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    Neurophysiological correlates of affective experience could potentially provide continuous information about a person’s experience when cooking and tasting food, without explicitly verbalizing this. Such measures would be helpful to understand people’s implicit food preferences and choices. This study examined for the first time the relation between neurophysiological variables and affective experiences under real cooking and tasting circumstances, using ingredients that were a priori expected to evoke different affective reactions. 41 participants cooked and tasted two stir-fry dishes in random order following an identical, strictly timed protocol. Once the main ingredient was chicken and the other time mealworms. EEG, ECG and skin potential were recorded continuously. Participants scored subjective valence and arousal after each cooking and tasting session. Frontal EEG alpha asymmetry showed the expected effect throughout the whole cooking and tasting session, consistent with ‘approach’ motivation for chicken and ‘avoidance’ for mealworms. Skin potential effects differed between cooking intervals but were in the expected direction. ECG variables showed an interaction with order of cooking the different dishes. Based on EEG alpha asymmetry, ECG and skin potential variables, we can estimate with 82% accuracy whether a single participant is preparing a dish with mealworms or with chicken. Our study provides evidence that it is possible to estimate experienced emotion during real-life cooking and tasting. We argue that it is important to consider that different neurophysiological and subjective measures reflect different underlying affective processes, to map them out more precisely, and to take advantage of these differences

    Організації Комуністичної спілки молоді України у ВНЗ УСРР у 1920-і роки

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    У статті розглянуті питання організаційного становлення та зростання чисельності комсомольських осередків ВНЗ, розгортання руху за якість знань, створення та діяльність загонів «легкої кавалерії», роль КСМУ у формуванні тоталітарної системи в інститутах і технікумах.В статье рассмотрены вопросы организационного становления и роста численности комсомольских организаций в вузах, развитие движения за качество знаний, роль КСМУ в формировании тоталитарной системы в институтах и техникумах.In the article the following questions are examined: formation and growth of number of Komsomol organizations in institutions of higher education, knowledge quality development, role of youth communist society of Ukraine in formation of totalitarian system at institutes and technical schools

    Innovative Piloting Technique for a Semi-Autonomous UAV Lighter-Than-Air Platform Simulator

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    UAS design has in these years reached a point in which trends and objectives are well beyond the actual test capabilities. The tendency of the past to build and test has clearly been overridden by new design concepts for many reasons, one of these being the scarce or null possibility of testing safety-critical systems such as UAV systems. This is the context in which the Elettra-Twin-Flyer (ETF) Simulator is constantly upgraded and rearranged to incorporate new features and more advanced capabilities. In this paper it is shown how the piloting modes have been differentiated, to improve the airship autonomy and allow path following operations. Innovative piloting tools have been introduced and a new Human-Machine-Interface has been proposed along

    Estimating Affective Taste Experience Using Combined Implicit Behavioral and Neurophysiological Measures

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    We trained a model to distinguish an extreme high arousal, unpleasant drink from regular drinks based on a range of implicit behavioral and physiological responses to naturalistic tasting. The trained model predicted arousal ratings of regular drinks, highlighting the possibility to estimate affective experience without having to rely on subjective ratings.</p

    Linking Categorical and Dimensional Approaches to Assess Food-Related Emotions

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    Reflecting the two main prevailing and opposing views on the nature of emotions, emotional responses to food and beverages are typically measured using either (a) a categorical (lexicon-based) approach where users select or rate the terms that best express their food-related feelings or (b) a dimensional approach where they rate perceived food items along the dimensions of valence and arousal. Relating these two approaches is problematic since a response in terms of valence and arousal is not easily expressed in terms of emotions (like happy or disgusted). In this study, we linked the dimensional approach to a categorical approach by establishing mapping between a set of 25 emotion terms (EsSense25) and the valence&ndash;arousal space (via the EmojiGrid graphical response tool), using a set of 20 food images. In two &lsquo;matching&rsquo; tasks, the participants first imagined how the food shown in a given image would make them feel and then reported either the emotional terms or the combination of valence and arousal that best described their feelings. In two labeling tasks, the participants first imagined experiencing a given emotion term and then they selected either the foods (images) that appeared capable to elicit that feeling or reported the combination of valence and arousal that best reflected that feeling. By combining (1) the mapping between the emotion terms and the food images with (2) the mapping of the food images to the valence&ndash;arousal space, we established (3) an indirect (via the images) mapping of the emotion terms to the valence&ndash;arousal space. The results show that the mapping between terms and images was reliable and that the linkages have straightforward and meaningful interpretations. The valence and arousal values that were assigned to the emotion terms through indirect mapping to the valence&ndash;arousal space were typically less extreme than those that were assigned through direct mapping

    Effects of Multisensory Context on Tofu and Soy Sauce Evaluation and Consumption

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    We examined the effects of an informative pitch and multisensory contexts as potential factors influencing individuals’ experience of tofu with soy sauce and the amount consumed outside the lab. Two hundred and sixteen participants watched one of two pitches (promoting either vegetarian diets or exercise) and were guided into one of three multisensory contexts (‘sustainable’, ‘meat’, or ‘neutral’ theme). Participants rated the aroma and appearance of soy sauce and the taste of tofu dipped in it using the intuitive ‘one touch’ EmojiGrid valence and arousal measuring tool. Our results showed that the ‘meat’ context increased arousal ratings for soy sauce and the tendency to consume more tofu relative to the other contexts. Pitch did not influence affective ratings or amounts consumed. We conclude that the multisensory context has the potential to positively affect peoples’ choices and perceptions of plant-based and sustainable food and promote its consumption

    Sequential dependency for affective appraisal of food images

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    Abstract How we perceive the world is not solely determined by our experiences at a given moment in time, but also by what we have experienced in our immediate past. Here, we investigated whether such sequential effects influence the affective appraisal of food images. Participants from 16 different countries (N = 1278) watched a randomly presented sequence of 60 different food images and reported their affective appraisal of each image in terms of valence and arousal. For both measures, we conducted an inter-trial analysis, based on whether the rating on the preceding trial(s) was low or high. The analyses showed that valence and arousal ratings for a given food image are both assimilated towards the ratings on the previous trial (i.e., a positive serial dependence). For a given trial, the arousal rating depends on the arousal ratings up to three trials back. For valence, we observed a positive dependence for the immediately preceding trial only, while a negative (repulsive) dependence was present up to four trials back. These inter-trial effects were larger for males than for females, but independent of the participants’ BMI, age, and cultural background. The results of this exploratory study may be relevant for the design of websites of food delivery services and restaurant menus