1,651 research outputs found

    FUSE Detection of Galactic OVI Emission in the Halo above the Perseus Arm

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    Background observations obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) toward l=95.4, b=36.1 show OVI 1032,1038 in emission. This sight line probes a region of stronger-than-average soft X-ray emission in the direction of high-velocity cloud Complex C above a part of the disk where Halpha filaments rise into the halo. The OVI intensities, 1600+/-300 ph/s/cm^2/sr (1032A) and 800+/-300 ph/s/cm^2/sr (1038A), are the lowest detected in emission in the Milky Way to date. A second sight line nearby (l=99.3, b=43.3) also shows OVI 1032 emission, but with too low a signal-to-noise ratio to obtain reliable measurements. The measured intensities, velocities, and FWHMs of the OVI doublet and the CII* line at 1037A are consistent with a model in which the observed emission is produced in the Galactic halo by hot gas ejected by supernovae in the Perseus arm. An association of the observed gas with Complex C appears unlikely.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJL, 11 pages including 3 figure

    A self-interacting partially directed walk subject to a force

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    We consider a directed walk model of a homopolymer (in two dimensions) which is self-interacting and can undergo a collapse transition, subject to an applied tensile force. We review and interpret all the results already in the literature concerning the case where this force is in the preferred direction of the walk. We consider the force extension curves at different temperatures as well as the critical-force temperature curve. We demonstrate that this model can be analysed rigorously for all key quantities of interest even when there may not be explicit expressions for these quantities available. We show which of the techniques available can be extended to the full model, where the force has components in the preferred direction and the direction perpendicular to this. Whilst the solution of the generating function is available, its analysis is far more complicated and not all the rigorous techniques are available. However, many results can be extracted including the location of the critical point which gives the general critical-force temperature curve. Lastly, we generalise the model to a three-dimensional analogue and show that several key properties can be analysed if the force is restricted to the plane of preferred directions.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure


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    Economic impacts of using biomass in Southeast United States coal-fired plants are estimated using a county-level biomass database; ORCED, a dynamic electricity distribution model that estimates feedstock value; ORIBAS, a GIS model that estimates feedstock transportation costs; and IMPLAN, an input-output model that determines the impacts of co-firing on economic activity.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Time-crystalline behavior in central-spin models with Heisenberg interactions

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    Time-crystalline behavior has been predicted and observed in quantum central-spin systems with periodic driving and Ising interactions. Here, we theoretically show that it can also arise in central-spin systems with Heisenberg interactions. We present two methods to achieve this: application of a sufficiently large Zeeman splitting on the central spin compared to the satellite spins, or else by applying additional pulses to the central spin every Floquet period. In both cases, we show that the system exhibits a subharmonic response in spin magnetizations in the presence of disorder for both pure Heisenberg and XXZ interactions. Our results pertain to any XXZ central-spin system, including hyperfine-coupled electron-nuclear systems in quantum dots or color centers

    Structure and permeability of the egg capsule of the placental Australian sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon taylori

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    Shark placentae are derived from modifications to the fetal yolk sac and the maternal uterine mucosa. In almost all placental sharks, embryonic development occurs in an egg capsule that remains intact for the entire pregnancy, separating the fetal tissues from the maternal tissues at the placental interface. Here, we investigate the structure and permeability of the egg capsules that surround developing embryos of the placental Australian sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon taylori) during late pregnancy. The egg capsule is an acellular fibrous structure that is 0.42 ± 0.04 μm thick at the placental interface between the yolk sac and uterine tissues, and 0.67 ± 0.08 μm thick in the paraplacental regions. This is the thinnest egg capsule of any placental shark measured so far, which may increase the diffusion rate of respiratory gases, fetal wastes, water and nutrients between maternal and fetal tissues. Molecules smaller than or equal to ~ 1000 Da can diffuse through the egg capsule, but larger proteins (~ 3000–26,000 Da) cannot. Similar permeability characteristics between the egg capsule of R. taylori and other placental sharks suggest that molecular size is an important determinant of the molecules that can be exchanged between the mother and her embryos during pregnancy

    The relationship between the optical Halpha filaments and the X-ray emission in the core of the Perseus cluster

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    NGC 1275 in the centre of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, Abell 426, is surrounded by a spectacular filamentary Halpha nebula. Deep Chandra X-ray imaging has revealed that the brighter outer filaments are also detected in soft X-rays. This can be due to conduction and mixing of the cold gas in the filaments with the hot, dense intracluster medium. We show the correspondence of the filaments in both wavebands and draw attention to the relationship of two prominent curved NW filaments to an outer, buoyant radio bubble seen as a hole in the X-ray image. There is a strong resemblance in the shape of the hole and the disposition of the filaments to the behaviour of a large air bubble rising in water. If this is a correct analogy, then the flow is laminar and the intracluster gas around this radio source is not turbulent. We obtain a limit on the viscosity of this gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A complex ray-tracing tool for high-frequency mean-field flow interaction effects in jets

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    This paper presents a complex ray-tracing tool for the calculation of high-frequency Green’s functions in 3D mean field jet flows. For a generic problem, the ray solution suffers from three main deficiencies: multiplicity of solutions, singularities at caustics, and the determining of complex solutions. The purpose of this paper is to generalize, combine and apply existing stationary media methods to moving media scenarios. Multiplicities are dealt with using an equivalent two-point boundary-value problem, whilst non-uniformities at caustics are corrected using diffraction catastrophes. Complex rays are found using a combination of imaginary perturbations, an assumption of caustic stability, and analytic continuation of the receiver curve. To demonstrate this method, the ray tool is compared against a high-frequency modal solution of Lilley’s equation for an off-axis point source. This solution is representative of high-frequency source positions in real jets and is rich in caustic structures. A full utilization of the ray tool is shown to provide excellent results<br/
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