2,691 research outputs found

    Cluster persistence in one-dimensional diffusion--limited cluster--cluster aggregation

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    The persistence probability, PC(t)P_C(t), of a cluster to remain unaggregated is studied in cluster-cluster aggregation, when the diffusion coefficient of a cluster depends on its size ss as D(s)sγD(s) \sim s^\gamma. In the mean-field the problem maps to the survival of three annihilating random walkers with time-dependent noise correlations. For γ0\gamma \ge 0 the motion of persistent clusters becomes asymptotically irrelevant and the mean-field theory provides a correct description. For γ<0\gamma < 0 the spatial fluctuations remain relevant and the persistence probability is overestimated by the random walk theory. The decay of persistence determines the small size tail of the cluster size distribution. For 0<γ<20 < \gamma < 2 the distribution is flat and, surprisingly, independent of γ\gamma.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, RevTeX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Change Mining in Adaptive Process Management Systems

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    The wide-spread adoption of process-aware information systems has resulted in a bulk of computerized information about real-world processes. This data can be utilized for process performance analysis as well as for process improvement. In this context process mining offers promising perspectives. So far, existing mining techniques have been applied to operational processes, i.e., knowledge is extracted from execution logs (process discovery), or execution logs are compared with some a-priori process model (conformance checking). However, execution logs only constitute one kind of data gathered during process enactment. In particular, adaptive processes provide additional information about process changes (e.g., ad-hoc changes of single process instances) which can be used to enable organizational learning. In this paper we present an approach for mining change logs in adaptive process management systems. The change process discovered through process mining provides an aggregated overview of all changes that happened so far. This, in turn, can serve as basis for all kinds of process improvement actions, e.g., it may trigger process redesign or better control mechanisms

    Charge-density-wave order parameter of the Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions

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    In the large-U limit, the Falicov-Kimball model maps onto an effective Ising model, with an order parameter described by a BCS-like mean-field theory in infinite dimensions. In the small-U limit, van Dongen and Vollhardt showed that the order parameter assumes a strange non-BCS-like shape with a sharp reduction near T approx T_c/2. Here we numerically investigate the crossover between these two regimes and qualitatively determine the order parameter for a variety of different values of U. We find the overall behavior of the order parameter as a function of temperature to be quite anomalous.Comment: (5 pages, 3 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4

    Supporting flexible processes through recommendations based on history

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    In today's fast changing business environment exible information systems are required to allow companies to rapidly adjust their business processes to changes in the environment. However, increasing exibility in large information system usually leads to less guidance for its users and consequently requires more experienced users. In order to allow for exible systems with a high degree of guidance, intelligent user assistance is required. In this paper we propose a recommendation service, which, when used in combination with exible information systems, can guide end users during process execution by giving recommendations on possible next steps. Recommendations are generated based on similar past process executions by considering the specific optimization goals. This paper also describes an implementation of the proposed recommendation service in the context of ProM and the declarative work ow management system DECLARE

    XES tools

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    Process mining has emerged as a new way to analyze business processes based on event logs. These events logs need to be extracted from operational systems and can subsequently be used to discover or check the conformance of processes. ProM is a widely used tool for process mining. In earlier versions of ProM, MXML was used as an input format. In future releases of ProM, a new logging format will be used: The eXtensible Event Stream (XES) format. This format has several advantages over MXML. The paper presents two tools that use this format - XESMa and ProM6 - and highlights the main innovations and the role of XES. XESMa enables domain experts to specify how the event log should be extracted from existing systems and converted to XES. ProM6 is a completely new process mining framework based on XES and enabling innovative process mining functionality.</p

    Skin measurement devices to assess skin quality: A systematic review on reliability and validity

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    Background: Many treatments aim to slow down or reverse the visible signs of skin aging and thereby improve skin quality. Measurement devices are frequently employed to measure the effects of these treatments to improve skin quality, for example, skin elasticity, color, and texture. However, it remains unknown which of these devices is most reliable and valid. Materials and methods: MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched. Instruments were scored on reporting construct validity by means of convergent validity, interobserver, intraobserver, and interinstrument reliability. Results: For the evaluation of skin color, 11 studies were included describing 16 measurement devices, analyzing 3172 subjects. The most reliable device for skin color assessment is the Minolta Chromameter CR-300 due to good interobserver, intraobserver, and interinstrument reliability. For skin elasticity, seven studies assessed nine types of devices analyzing 290 subjects in total. No intra and interobserver reliability was reported. Skin texture was assessed in two studies evaluating 72 subjects using three different types of measurement devices. The PRIMOS device reported excellent intra and interobserver reliability. None of the included reviewed devices could be determined to be valid based on construct validity. Conclusion: The most reliable devices to evaluate skin color and texture in ordinary skin were, respectively, the Minolta Chromameter and PRIMOS. No reliable device is available to measure skin elasticity in ordinary skin and none of the included devices could be determined to be designated as valid

    Nontrivial Polydispersity Exponents in Aggregation Models

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    We consider the scaling solutions of Smoluchowski's equation of irreversible aggregation, for a non gelling collision kernel. The scaling mass distribution f(s) diverges as s^{-tau} when s->0. tau is non trivial and could, until now, only be computed by numerical simulations. We develop here new general methods to obtain exact bounds and good approximations of τ\tau. For the specific kernel KdD(x,y)=(x^{1/D}+y^{1/D})^d, describing a mean-field model of particles moving in d dimensions and aggregating with conservation of ``mass'' s=R^D (R is the particle radius), perturbative and nonperturbative expansions are derived. For a general kernel, we find exact inequalities for tau and develop a variational approximation which is used to carry out the first systematic study of tau(d,D) for KdD. The agreement is excellent both with the expansions we derived and with existing numerical values. Finally, we discuss a possible application to 2d decaying turbulence.Comment: 16 pages (multicol.sty), 6 eps figures (uses epsfig), Minor corrections. Notations improved, as published in Phys. Rev. E 55, 546

    Self‐reported health, healthcare service use and health‐related needs:A comparison of older and younger homeless people

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    The number of older homeless people with a limited life expectancy is increasing. European studies on their health‐related characteristics are lacking. This study compared self‐reported health, healthcare service use and health‐related needs of older and younger homeless people in the Netherlands. It is part of a cohort study that followed 513 homeless people in the four major Dutch cities for a period of 2.5 years, starting from the moment they registered at the social relief system in 2011. Using cross‐sectional data from 378 participants who completed 2.5‐year follow‐up, we analysed differences in self‐reported health, healthcare service use, and health‐related needs between homeless adults aged ≥50 years (N = 97) and &lt;50 years (N = 281) by means of logistic regression. Results show that statistically significantly more older than younger homeless people reported cardiovascular diseases (23.7% versus 10.3%), visual problems (26.8% versus 14.6%), limited social support from family (33.0% versus 19.6%) and friends or acquaintances (27.8% versus 14.6%), and medical hospital care use in the past year (50.5% versus 34.5%). Older homeless people statistically significantly less often reported cannabis (12.4% versus 45.2%) and excessive alcohol (16.5% versus 27.0%) use in the past month and dental (20.6% versus 46.6%) and mental (16.5% versus 25.6%) healthcare use in the past year. In both age groups, few people reported unmet health‐related needs. In conclusion, compared to younger homeless adults, older homeless adults report fewer substance use problems, but a similar number of dental and mental problems, and more physical and social problems. The multiple health problems experienced by both age groups are not always expressed as needs or addressed by healthcare services. Older homeless people seem to use more medical hospital care and less non‐acute, preventive healthcare than younger homeless people. This vulnerable group might benefit from shelter‐based or community outreach programmes that proactively provide multidisciplinary healthcare services

    The impact of loco-regional recurrences on metastatic progression in early-stage breast cancer: a multistate model

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    To study whether the effects of prognostic factors associated with the occurrence of distant metastases (DM) at primary diagnosis change after the incidence of loco-regional recurrences (LRR) among women treated for invasive stage I or II breast cancer. The study population consisted of 3,601 women, enrolled in EORTC trials 10801, 10854, or 10902 treated for early-stage breast cancer. Data were analysed in a multivariate, multistate model by using multivariate Cox regression models, including a state-dependent covariate. The presence of a LRR in itself is a significant prognostic risk factor (HR: 3.64; 95%-CI: 2.02-6.5) for the occurrence of DM. Main prognostic risk factors for a DM are young age at diagnosis (</=40: HR: 1.79; 95%-CI: 1.28-2.51), larger tumour size (HR: 1.58; 95%-CI: 1.35-1.84) and node positivity (HR: 2.00; 95%-CI: 1.74-2.30). Adjuvant chemotherapy is protective for a DM (HR: 0.66; 95%-CI: 0.55-0.80). After the occurrence of a LRR the latter protective effect has disappeared (P = 0.009). The presence of LRR in itself is a significant risk factor for DM. For patients who are at risk of developing LRR, effective local control should be the main target of therapy

    Amniotic fluid deficiency and congenital abnormalities both influence fluctuating asymmetry in developing limbs of human deceased fetuses

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    Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), as an indirect measure of developmental instability (DI), has been intensively studied for associations with stress and fitness. Patterns, however, appear heterogeneous and the underlying causes remain largely unknown. One aspect that has received relatively little attention in the literature is the consequence of direct mechanical effects on asymmetries. The crucial prerequisite for FA to reflect DI is that environmental conditions on both sides should be identical. This condition may be violated during early human development if amniotic fluid volume is deficient, as the resulting mechanical pressures may increase asymmetries. Indeed, we showed that limb bones of deceased human fetuses exhibited increased asymmetry, when there was not sufficient amniotic fluid (and, thus, space) in the uterine cavity. As amniotic fluid deficiency is known to cause substantial asymmetries and abnormal limb development, these subtle asymmetries are probably at least in part caused by the mechanical pressures. On the other hand, deficiencies in amniotic fluid volume are known to be associated with other congenital abnormalities that may disturb DI. More specifically, urogenital abnormalities can directly affect/reduce amniotic fluid volume. We disentangled the direct mechanical effects on FA from the indirect effects of urogenital abnormalities, the latter presumably representing DI. We discovered that both factors contributed significantly to the increase in FA. However, the direct mechanical effect of uterine pressure, albeit statistically significant, appeared less important than the effects of urogenital abnormalities, with an effect size only two-third as large. We, thus, conclude that correcting for the relevant direct factors allowed for a representative test of the association between DI and stress, and confirmed that fetuses form a suitable model system to increase our understanding in patterns of FA and symmetry development.Research Fund of the University of Antwerp, mobility grant from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)