63 research outputs found

    Caesarean section in a semi-rural hospital in Northern Namibia

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing caesarean sections rates (CSR) are a major public health concern and the prevention of the first caesarean section, which often leads to repeat operations, is an important issue. Analyzing caesarean sections can help to identify factors associated with variations in CSR and help to assess the quality of clinical care. METHODS: In a retrospective observational study, during a two year period, indications of 576 caesarean sections were analyzed using intra-operative internal pelvimetry and a record keeping system in a semi-rural hospital in Northern Namibia. RESULTS: Most caesarean sections were done for dystocia (34%) followed by repeat caesarean section (31%). The true conjugate (distance between the promontorium to mid pubic bone) was significantly smaller in these recurrent indication groups when compared to non recurrent indications. CONCLUSION: In this rural hospital the introduction of Delee Pelvimetry and a caesarean section record keeping system was found to be a simple and cheap method to analyse indications for caesarean sections, which may help in reducing unnecessary caesarean sections

    Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Eclampsia and Severe Pre-eclampsia in a Rural Hospital in Western Tanzania: A Retrospective Medical Record Study.

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    Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia are well-recognized causes of maternal and neonatal mortality in low income countries, but are never studied in a district hospital. In order to get reliable data to facilitate the hospital's obstetric audit a retrospective medical record study was performed in Ndala Hospital, Tanzania. All patients diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia between July 2011 and December 2012 were included. Medical records were searched immediately following discharge or death. General patient characteristics, medical history, obstetrical history, possible risk factors, information about the current pregnancy, antenatal clinic attendance and prescribed therapy before admission were recorded. Symptoms and complications were noted. Statistical analysis was done with Epi Info®. Of the 3398 women who gave birth in the hospital 26 cases of severe pre-eclampsia and 55 cases of eclampsia were diagnosed (0.8 and 1.6%). Six women with eclampsia died (case fatality rate 11%). Convulsions in patients with eclampsia were classified as antepartum (44%), intrapartum (42%) and postpartum (15%). Magnesium was given in 100% of patients with eclampsia and was effective in controlling convulsions. Intravenous antihypertensive treatment was only started in 5% of patients. Induction of labour was done in 29 patients (78% of women who were not yet in labour). Delivery was spontaneous in 67%, assisted vaginal (ventouse) in 14% and by Caesarean section in 19% of women. Perinatal deaths occurred in 30% of women with eclampsia and 27% of women with severe pre-eclampsia and were associated with low birth weight and prolonged time between admission and birth. 2.4% of women were diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. The case fatality rate and overall perinatal mortality were comparable to other reports. Better outcomes could be achieved by better treatment of hypertension and starting induction of labour as soon as possible

    Satisfaction with caregivers during labour among low risk women in the Netherlands : the association with planned place of birth and transfer of care during labour

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    Background: The caregiver has an important influence on women's birth experiences. When transfer of care during labour is necessary, care is handed over from one caregiver to the other, and this might influence satisfaction with care. It is speculated that satisfaction with care is affected in particular for women who need to be transferred from home to hospital. We examined the level of satisfaction with the caregiver among women with planned home versus planned hospital birth in midwife-led care. Methods: We used data from the prospective multicentre DELIVER (Data EersteLIjns VERloskunde) cohort-study, conducted in 2009 and 2010 in the Netherlands. Women filled in a postpartum questionnaire which contained elements of the Consumer Quality index. This instrument measures 'general rate of satisfaction with the caregiver' (scale from 1 to 10, with cut-off of below 9) and 'quality of treatment by the caregiver' (containing 7 items on a 4 point Likert scale, with cut-off of mean of 4 or lower). Results: Women who planned a home birth (n = 1372) significantly more often rated 'quality of treatment by caregiver' high than women who planned a hospital birth (n = 829). Primiparous women who planned a home birth significantly more often had a high rate (9 or 10) for 'general satisfaction with caregiver' (adj.OR 1.48; 95% CI 1.1, 2.0). Also, primiparous women who planned a home birth and had care transferred during labour (331/553; 60%) significantly more often had a high rate (9 or 10) for 'general satisfaction' compared to those who planned a hospital birth and who had care transferred (1.44; 1.0-2.1). Furthermore, they significantly more often rated 'quality of treatment by caregiver' high, than 276/414 (67%) primiparous women who planned a hospital birth and who had care transferred (1.65; 1.2-2.3). No differences were observed for multiparous women who had planned home or hospital birth and who had care transferred. Conclusions: Planning home birth is associated to a good experience of quality of care by the caregiver. Transferred planned home birth compared to a transferred planned hospital birth does not lead to a more negative experience of care received from the caregiver


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    At the core of the civil litigation system is the notion of jurisdiction. In a narrow sense it refers to whether a court has the authority to hear a case in relation to specific people and activities (subject matter) but in a broader sense it also encompasses what law should be applied (choice of law), whether the court is a suitable court to hear the case (choice of court) and the enforcement of judgements. The notion of jurisdiction provides a tool for efficiently managing litigation and traditionally has been based upon notions of connection to a particular territory. In the global transnational world of the Internet the concept of jurisdiction has struggled to find a sensible meaning.1 Does jurisdiction lie everywhere that the Internet runs or is it more narrowly defined? In this chapter we examine recent cases concerning jurisdiction and the Internet before the courts of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in matters relating to intellectual property. We also consider decisions in Australia and the United States of America (US) and international developments in the area

    Centralisation of acute obstetric care in the Netherlands : a qualitative study to explore the experiences of stakeholders with adaptations in organisation of care

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    Background: In the past decade, acute obstetric care (AOC) has become centralised in many high-income countries. In this qualitative study, we explored how stakeholders in maternity care perceived and experienced adaptations in the organisation of maternity care in areas in the Netherlands where AOC was centralised. Methods: A heterogenic group of fifteen maternity care stakeholders, including patients, were purposively selected for semi-structured interviews. An inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: Three main themes were identified: (1) lack of involvement. (2) the process of making adaptations in the organisation of maternity care. (3) maintaining quality of care. Stakeholders in this study were highly motivated to maintain a high quality of maternity care and therefore made adaptations at several organisational levels. However, they felt a lack of involvement during the planning of centralisation of AOC and highlighted the importance of a collaborative process when making adaptations after centralisation of AOC. Conclusions: Regions with AOC centralisation plans should invest time and money in change management, encourage early involvement of all maternity care stakeholders and acknowledge centralisation of AOC as a professional life event with associated emotions, including a feeling of unsafety

    Role of male partners in the long-term well-being of women who have experienced severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in rural Tanzania:a qualitative study

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    Men can be essential sources of support in maternal health, even more so in case of severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM), affecting 1-2% of childbearing women in low-resource settings. In a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews, we explored the perspectives of nine male partners of women who suffered from (pre-)eclampsia six to seven years earlier in rural Tanzania. Male partners considered their role to be pivotal regarding finances, decision-making in healthcare-seeking and family planning and provided physical and emotional support. After SAMM, households may be affected in the long run. Some men took over their female partner's household duties until up to two years after birth. Providing men with more information on complication readiness and birth preparedness would enable them to extend their role in maternal morbidity prevention. IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? The essential role of male partners in maternal health in low- and middle-income countries is well-studied in relation to its impact on care-seeking behaviour. After childbirth, the long-term role of male partners has not yet been studied. What do the results of this study add? We demonstrated the important role of men during, but also after SAMM. Households may be affected years after women suffered from SAMM. For women with the most urgent support needs, this study suggest that at least some men feel responsible for their partner and have different pivotal roles. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Because of their motivation to support their female partner, strategies to reduce recurring complications in subsequent pregnancies should include targeting male partners, for example, by increasing birth preparedness and complication readiness. Further studies should confirm the results from our innovative but small-scale study, as well as investigate the long-term role of male partners after uncomplicated births. Other studies could investigate the separation of couples after SAMM, family planning decisions after SAMM and strategies for involving men and increasing complication readiness and birth preparedness

    Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes among Maternity Waiting Home Users and Non-Users in Rural Rwanda

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    Most maternal and perinatal deaths could be prevented through timely access to skilled birth attendants. Women should access appropriate obstetric care during pregnancy, labor, and puerperium. Maternity waiting homes (MWHs) permit access to emergency obstetric care when labor starts. This study compared maternal and perinatal outcomes among MWH users and non-users through a retrospective cohort study. Data were collected through obstetric chart reviews and analyzed using STATA version 15. Of the 8144 deliveries reported between 2015 and 2019, 1305 women had high-risk pregnancies and were included in the study. MWH users had more spontaneous vaginal deliveries compared to non-users (38.6% versus 16.8%) and less cesarean sections (57.7% versus 76.7%). Maternal morbidities such as postpartum hemorrhage occurred less frequently among users than non-users (2.13% versus 5.64%). Four women died among non-users while there was no death among users. Non-users had more stillbirths than users (7.68% versus 0.91%). The MWH may have contributed to the observed differences in outcomes. However, many women with high risk pregnancies did not use the MWH, indicating a probable gap in awareness, usefulness, or their inability to stay due to other responsibilities at home. Use of MWHs at scale could improve maternal and perinatal outcomes in Rwanda

    Continuity of care is an important and distinct aspect of childbirth experience: findings of a survey evaluating experienced continuity of care, experienced quality of care and women’s perception of labor

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    Background: To compare experienced continuity of care among women who received midwife-led versus obstetrician-led care. Secondly, to compare experienced continuity of care with a. experienced quality of care during labor and b. perception of labor. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey in a region in the Netherlands in 2014 among 790 women after they gave birth. To measure experienced continuity of care, the Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire was used. Quality of care during labor was measured with the Pregnancy and Childbirth Questionnaire, and to measure perception of labor we used the Childbirth Perception Scale. Results: Three hundred twenty five women consented to participate (41%). Of these, 187 women completed the relevant questions in the online questionnaire. 136 (73%) women were in midwife-led care at the onset of labor, 15 (8%) were in obstetrician-led care throughout pregnancy and 36 (19%) were referred to obstetrician-led care during pregnancy. Experienced personal and team continuity of care during pregnancy were higher for women in midwife-led care compared to those in obstetrician-led care at the onset of labor. Experienced continuity of care was moderately correlated with experienced quality of care although not significantly so in all subgroups. A weak negative correlation was found between experienced personal continuity of care by the midwife and perception of labor. Conclusion: This study suggests that experienced continuity of care depends on the care context and is significantly higher for women who are in midwife-led compared to obstetrician-led care during labor. It will be a challenge to maintain the high level of experienced continuity of care in an integrated maternity care system. Experienced continuity of care seems to be a distinctive concept that should not be confused with experienced quality of care or perception of labor and should be considered as a complementary aspect of quality of care

    Psychosocial Predictors of Postpartum Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women With a Traumatic Childbirth Experience

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    Objective: To analyze the predictive value of antepartum vulnerability factors, such as social support, coping, history of psychiatric disease, and fear of childbirth, and intrapartum events on the development of symptoms of postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder (PP-PTSD) in women with a traumatic childbirth experience.Materials and methods: Women with at least one self-reported traumatic childbirth experience in or after 2005 were invited to participate through various social media platforms in March 2016. They completed a 35-item questionnaire including validated screening instruments for PTSD (PTSD Symptom Checklist, PCL-5), social support (Oslo social support scale, OSS-3), and coping (Antonovsky's sense of coherence scale, SoC).Results: Of the 1,599 women who completed the questionnaire, 17.4% met the diagnostic criteria for current PTSD according to the DSM-5, and another 26.0% recognized the symptoms from a previous period, related to giving birth. Twenty-six percent of the participating women had received one or more psychiatric diagnoses at some point in their life, and five percent of all women had been diagnosed with PTSD prior to their traumatic childbirth experience. Women with poor (OR = 15.320, CI = 8.001–29.336), or moderate (OR = 3.208, CI = 1.625–6.333) coping skills were more likely to report PP-PTSD symptoms than women with good coping skills. Low social support was significantly predictive for current PP-PTSD symptoms compared to high social support (OR = 5.557, CI = 2.967–7.785). A predictive model which could differentiate between women fulfilling vs. not fulfilling the symptom criteria for PTSD had a sensitivity of 80.8% and specificity of 62.6% with an accuracy of 66.5%.Conclusions: Low social support, poor coping, experiencing “threatened death” and experiencing “actual or threatened injury to the baby” were the four significant factors in the predictive model for women with a traumatic childbirth experience to be at risk of developing PP-PTSD. Further research should investigate the effects of interventions aimed at the prevention of PP-PTSD by strengthening coping skills and increasing social support, especially in women at increased risk of unfavorable obstetrical outcomes
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