2,104 research outputs found

    Combined optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound radio frequency data analysis for plaque characterization. Classification accuracy of human coronary plaques in vitro

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    This study was performed to characterize coronary plaque types by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency (RF) data analysis, and to investigate the possibility of error reduction by combining these techniques. Intracoronary imaging methods have greatly enhanced the diagnostic capabilities for the detection of high-risk atherosclerotic plaques. IVUS RF data analysis and OCT are two techniques focusing on plaque morphology and composition. Regions of interest were selected and imaged with OCT and IVUS in 50 sections, from 14 human coronary arteries, sectioned post-mortem from 14 hearts of patients dying of non-cardiovascular causes. Plaques were classified based on IVUS RF data analysis (VH-IVUSTM), OCT and the combination of those. Histology was the benchmark. Imaging with both modalities and coregistered histology was successful in 36 sections. OCT correctly classified 24; VH-IVUS 25, and VH-IVUS/OCT combined, 27 out of 36 cross-sections. Systematic misclassifications in OCT were intimal thickening classified as fibroatheroma in 8 cross-sections. Misclassifications in VH-IVUS were mainly fibroatheroma as intimal thickening in 5 cross-sections. Typical image artifacts were found to affect the interpretation of OCT data, misclassifying intimal thickening as fibroatheroma or thin-cap fibroatheroma. Adding VH-IVUS to OCT reduced the error rate in this study

    Determinants of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage After Endovascular Stroke Treatment:A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) is a serious complication after endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke. We aimed to identify determinants of its occurrence and location. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from the Dutch MR CLEAN trial (Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands) and MR CLEAN registry. We included adult patients with a large vessel occlusion in the anterior circulation who underwent endovascular treatment within 6.5 hours of stroke onset. We used univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses to identify determinants of overall sICH occurrence, sICH within infarcted brain tissue, and sICH outside infarcted brain tissue. Results: SICH occurred in 203 (6%) of 3313 included patients and was located within infarcted brain tissue in 50 (25%), outside infarcted brain tissue in 23 (11%), and both within and outside infarcted brain tissue in 116 (57%) patients. In 14 patients (7%), data on location were missing. Prior antiplatelet use, baseline systolic blood pressure, baseline plasma glucose levels, post-endovascular treatment modified treatment in cerebral ischemia score, and duration of procedure were associated with all outcome parameters. In addition, determinants of sICH within infarcted brain tissue included history of myocardial infarction (adjusted odds ratio, 1.65 [95% CI, 1.06-2.56]) and poor collateral score (adjusted odds ratio, 1.42 [95% CI, 1.02-1.95]), whereas determinants of sICH outside infarcted brain tissue included level of occlusion on computed tomography angiography (internal carotid artery or internal carotid artery terminus compared with M1: adjusted odds ratio, 1.79 [95% CI, 1.16-2.78]). Conclusions: Several factors, some potentially modifiable, are associated with sICH occurrence. Further studies should investigate whether modification of baseline systolic blood pressure or plasma glucose level could reduce the risk of sICH. In addition, determinants differ per location of sICH, supporting the hypothesis of varying underlying mechanisms. Registration: URL: https://www.isrctn.com/; Unique identifier: ISRCTN10888758

    Public Managers, Media Influence, and Governance: Three Research Traditions Empirically Explored

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    Nowadays, media and media logic have become important and inherent elements in everyday practices of public administration and policy making. However, the logic of the media is often very different from, and conflicting with, the logic of political and administrative life. So the question of how public managers experience and deal with media attention is more relevant than ever. An analytical sketch of the literature on the relationship between public managers and media provides three main categories of literature (public relations, agenda, and mediatization tradition). These three categories are used to develop statements (so-called Q-sort statements) to capture the way public managers experience thei

    Clinically relevant potential drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients:A large retrospective observational multicenter study

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    Purpose: Potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) may harm patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Due to the patient's critical condition and continuous monitoring on the ICU, not all pDDIs are clinically relevant. Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) warning for irrelevant pDDIs could result in alert fatigue and overlooking important signals. Therefore, our aim was to describe the frequency of clinically relevant pDDIs (crpDDIs) to enable tailoring of CDSSs to the ICU setting. Materials & methods: In this multicenter retrospective observational study, we used medication administration data to identify pDDIs in ICU admissions from 13 ICUs. Clinical relevance was based on a Delphi study in which intensivists and hospital pharmacists assessed the clinical relevance of pDDIs for the ICU setting. Results: The mean number of pDDIs per 1000 medication administrations was 70.1, dropping to 31.0 when considering only crpDDIs. Of 103,871 ICU patients, 38% was exposed to a crpDDI. The most frequently occurring crpDDIs involve QT-prolonging agents, digoxin, or NSAIDs. Conclusions: Considering clinical relevance of pDDIs in the ICU setting is important, as only half of the detected pDDIs were crpDDIs. Therefore, tailoring CDSSs to the ICU may reduce alert fatigue and improve medication safety in ICU patients

    Observational pain assessment in older persons with dementia in four countries:observer agreement of items and factor structure of the Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition

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    Background: Recognition of pain in people with dementia is challenging. Observational scales have been developed, but there is a need to harmonize and improve the assessment process. In EU initiative COST-Action TD1005, 36 promising items were selected from existing scales to be tested further. We aimed to study the observer agreement of each item, and to analyse the factor structure of the complete set. Methods: One hundred and ninety older persons with dementia were recruited in four different countries (Italy, Serbia, Spain and The Netherlands) from different types of healthcare facilities. Patients represented a convenience sample, with no pre-selection on presence of (suspected) pain. The Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition (PAIC, research version) item pool includes facial expressions of pain (15 items), body movements (10 items) and vocalizations (11 items). Participants were observed by health professionals in two situations, at rest and during movement. Intrarater and interrater reliability was analysed by percentage agreement. The factor structure was examined with principal component analysis with orthogonal rotation. Results: Health professionals performed observations in 40–57 patients in each country. Intrarater and interrater agreement was generally high (≥70%). However, for some facial expression items, agreement was sometimes below 70%. Factor analyses showed a six-component solution, which were named as follows: Vocal pain expression, Face anatomical descriptors, Protective body movements, Vocal defence, Tension and Lack of affect. Conclusions: Observation of PAIC items can be done reliably in healthcare settings. Observer agreement is quite promising already without extensive training. Significance: In this international project, promising items from existing observational pain scales were identified and evaluated regarding their reliability as an alternative to pain self-report in people with dementia. Analysis on factor structure helped to understand the character of the items. Health professionals from four countries using four different European languages were able to rate items reliably. The results contributed to an informed reduction of items for a clinical observer scale (Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition scale with 15 items: PAIC15)

    Lipid-rich Plaques Detected by Near-infrared Spectroscopy Are More Frequently Exposed to High Shear Stress

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    High wall shear stress (WSS) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) detected lipid-rich plaque (LRP) are both known to be associated with plaque destabilization and future adverse cardiovascular events. However, knowledge of spatial co-localization of LRP and high WSS is lacking. This study investigated the co-localization of LRP based on NIRS and high WSS. Fifty-three patients presenting acute coronary syndrome underwent NIRS-intravascular-ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) imaging of a non-culprit coronary artery. WSS was obtained using WSS profiling in 3D-reconstructions of the coronary arteries based on fusion of IVUS-segmented lumen and CT-derived 3D-centerline. Thirty-eight vessels were available for final analysis and divided into 0.5 mm/45° sectors. LRP sectors, as identified by NIRS, were more often colocalized with high WSS than sectors without LRP. Moreover, there was a dose-dependent relationship between lipid content and high WSS exposure. This study is a first step in understanding the evolution of LRPs to vulnerable plaques. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Perception of Combined Visual and Inertial Low-Frequency Yaw Motion

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    Peaks and Troughs of Three-Dimensional Vestibulo-ocular Reflex in Humans

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    The three-dimensional vestibulo-ocular reflex (3D VOR) ideally generates compensatory ocular rotations not only with a magnitude equal and opposite to the head rotation but also about an axis that is collinear with the head rotation axis. Vestibulo-ocular responses only partially fulfill this ideal behavior. Because animal studies have shown that vestibular stimulation about particular axes may lead to suboptimal compensatory responses, we investigated in healthy subjects the peaks and troughs in 3D VOR stabilization in terms of gain and alignment of the 3D vestibulo-ocular response. Six healthy upright sitting subjects underwent whole body small amplitude sinusoidal and constant acceleration transients delivered by a six-degree-of-freedom motion platform. Subjects were oscillated about the vertical axis and about axes in the horizontal plane varying between roll and pitch at increments of 22.5° in azimuth. Transients were delivered in yaw, roll, and pitch and in the vertical canal planes. Eye movements were recorded in with 3D search coils. Eye coil signals were converted to rotation vectors, from which we calculated gain and misalignment. During horizontal axis stimulation, systematic deviations were found. In the light, misalignment of the 3D VOR had a maximum misalignment at about 45°. These deviations in misalignment can be explained by vector summation of the eye rotation components with a low gain for torsion and high gain for vertical. In the dark and in response to transients, gain of all components had lower values. Misalignment in darkness and for transients had different peaks and troughs than in the light: its minimum was during pitch axis stimulation and its maximum during roll axis stimulation. We show that the relatively large misalignment for roll in darkness is due to a horizontal eye movement component that is only present in darkness. In combination with the relatively low torsion gain, this horizontal component has a relative large effect on the alignment of the eye rotation axis with respect to the head rotation axis