18 research outputs found

    A new hydraulic model of the left ventricle for the assessment of wall deformation

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    In-vitro modelling of the left heart

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    In Vitro Flow Modelling for Mitral Valve Leakage Quantification

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    In this study particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to measure and visualise the blood flow through a leaking mitral heart valve. The results are compared with the results from Doppler echocardiography and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Using CAD, five-axis milling and Rapid Prototyping Machining (RPM) technology, a hydraulic in vitro flow model was developed and constructed which is compatible with flow investigation with 2D normal speed PIV and 2D Doppler echocardiography. The same CAD model was used to conduct the CFD analysis. PIV results compared successfully with Doppler echo and CFD results, both in the upstream converging region and downstream the turbulent regurgitated jet zone. These results are expected to improve the assessment of mitral valve regurgitation severity with Doppler echocardiography in clinical practice

    Modelling the left ventricle using rapid prototyping techniques

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    Biomechanical research of left ventricular function involves the assessment and understanding of both ventricular wall mechanics and deformation and intraventricular flow patterns, as well as how they interact. Experimental research using hydraulic bench models should therefore aim for an as realistic as possible simulation of both. In previous experimental investigations, wall deformation was studied by means of thin-walled passive experimental models, consisting of a silicone membrane in a closed box, which is squeezed passively by an externally connected piston pump. Although the pump function of these models has already been well established, the membrane deformation remains unpredictable and the effect of muscle contraction – and hence natural wall deformation – cannot be simulated. In this study, we propose a new design of an experimental hydraulic left ventricular model in which left ventricular wall deformation can be controlled. We built this model by a combination of rapid prototyping techniques and tested it to demonstrate its wall deformation and pump function. Our experiments show that circumferential and longitudinal contraction can be attained and that this model can generate fairly normal values of pressure and flow

    An innovative design of a blood pump actuator device using an artificial left ventricular muscle

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    Blood pumps assist or take over the pump function of a failing heart. They are essentially activated by a pusher plate, a pneumatic compression of collapsible sacs or they are driven by centrifugal pumps. Blood pumps relying upon one of these actuator mechanisms do not account for realistic wall deformation. In this study, we propose an innovative design of a blood pump actuator device which should be able to mimic fairly well global left ventricular (LV) wall deformation patterns in terms of circumferential and longitudinal contraction, as well as torsion. In order to reproduce these basic wall deformation patterns in our actuator device, we designed a novel kind of artificial LV “muscle” composed of multiple actively contracting cells. Its contraction is based on a mechanism by which pressurized air, inside such a cell, causes contraction in one direction and expansion perpendicular to this direction. The organization and geometry of the contractile cells within one artificial LV muscle, the applied pressure in the cells, and the governing LV loading conditions (preload and afterload) together determine the global deformation of the LV wall. Starting from a simple plastic bag, an experimental model based on the abovementioned principle was built and connected to a lumped hydraulic model of the vascular system (including compliance and resistance). The wall deformation pattern of this device was validated visually and its pump performance was studied in terms of LV volume and pressure and heart rate. Our experimental results revealed (i) a global LV motion resembling a real LV, and (ii) a close correlation between our model and a real LV in terms of end-systolic volume and pressure, end-diastolic volume and pressure, stroke volume, ejection fraction and pressure-volume relationship. Our proposed model appears promising and it can be considered as a step forward when compared to currently applied actuator mechanisms, as it will likely result in more physiological intracavity blood flow patterns

    Mitral valve leakage quantification by means of experimental and numerical flow modeling

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    Accurate quantification of mitral valve regurgitation (MR) is a challenging task in clinical cardiology. In order to develop and refine new algorithms for estimating the severity of MR using real-time 3D Doppler echocardiography (RT3DE), an experimental and numerical flow model have been designed and constructed. Using CAD, Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing (RPM) and five-axis milling technology, a hydraulic in vitro flow model, compatible for flow investigation with 2D normal speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and 2D Doppler Echocardiography. The same CAD model was used to conduct the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. PIV, 2D Doppler Echocardiography and CFD results compare successfully in the upstream converging region and in the downstream turbulent regurgitated jet zone. These results are expected to improve the clinical assessment of mitral valve regurgitation severity by means of Doppler echocardiography