18 research outputs found

    Characterization of Coastal Urban Watershed Bacterial Communities Leads to Alternative Community-Based Indicators

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    BACKGROUND: Microbial communities in aquatic environments are spatially and temporally dynamic due to environmental fluctuations and varied external input sources. A large percentage of the urban watersheds in the United States are affected by fecal pollution, including human pathogens, thus warranting comprehensive monitoring. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a high-density microarray (PhyloChip), we examined water column bacterial community DNA extracted from two connecting urban watersheds, elucidating variable and stable bacterial subpopulations over a 3-day period and community composition profiles that were distinct to fecal and non-fecal sources. Two approaches were used for indication of fecal influence. The first approach utilized similarity of 503 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) common to all fecal samples analyzed in this study with the watershed samples as an index of fecal pollution. A majority of the 503 OTUs were found in the phyla Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria. The second approach incorporated relative richness of 4 bacterial classes (Bacilli, Bacteroidetes, Clostridia and alpha-proteobacteria) found to have the highest variance in fecal and non-fecal samples. The ratio of these 4 classes (BBC:A) from the watershed samples demonstrated a trend where bacterial communities from gut and sewage sources had higher ratios than from sources not impacted by fecal material. This trend was also observed in the 124 bacterial communities from previously published and unpublished sequencing or PhyloChip- analyzed studies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provided a detailed characterization of bacterial community variability during dry weather across a 3-day period in two urban watersheds. The comparative analysis of watershed community composition resulted in alternative community-based indicators that could be useful for assessing ecosystem health

    Genetic sequence data evidence that human faecal‐associated HF183 sequences are on human skin and in urine

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    AimsThe DNA marker HF183 is a partial 16S rRNA gene sequence highly specific to human-associated Bacteroides including Bacteroides dorei. While HF183 is used to assess human faecal contamination in aquatic environments worldwide, little is known about the existence of HF183 and B. dorei in human microbiomes outside of the human gastrointestinal tract and faeces.Methods and resultsPreviously published human skin and urine microbiome data sets from five independent human body skin studies, the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and three independent human urine studies were analysed. The HF183 gene sequence was detected in all skin data sets, with the ratios of positive samples ranging from 0.5% to 36.3%. Popliteal fossa (knee), volar forearm and inguinal (groin) creases were identified as hot spots. HF183 was detected in two of three urine data sets, with ratios of positive samples ranging from 0% to 37.5%. All HF183-containing sequences from these data sets were classified as associated with B. dorei.ConclusionsHF183 is widespread on human skin and present in urine.Significance and impact of studySkin and urine microbiomes could be sources of HF183 to environmental waters. Such non-faecal sources of HF183 might explain low concentrations of HF183 in recreational waters when swimmers are present

    Fecal Sources Investigated ……………………………………………………………………………… … 4

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    Disclosure Statement: Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does mention of trade names o

    Bather Shedding as a Source of Human Fecal Markers to a Recreational Beach.

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    Microbial source tracking (MST) can identify and locate surf zone fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) sources. However, DNA-based fecal marker results may raise new questions, since FIB and DNA marker sources can differ. Here, during 2 years of summertime (dry season) MST for a Goleta, California recreational beach, surf zone FIB were mainly from gulls, yet low level human-associated DNA-based fecal marker (HF183) was detected in 25 and 14% of surf zone water samples, respectively. Watershed sources were hypothesized because dry weather creek waters had elevated FIB, and runoff-generating rain events mobilized human (and dog) fecal markers and Salmonella spp. into creeks, with human marker HF183 detected in 40 and 50% of creek water samples, dog markers detected in 70 and 50% of samples, and Salmonella spp. in 40 and 33.3% of samples, respectively over 2 years. However, the dry weather estuary outlet was bermed in the first study year; simultaneously, creek fecal markers and pathogens were lower or similar to surf zone results. Although the berm breached in the second year, surf zone fecal markers stayed low. Watershed sediments, intertidal beach sands, and nearshore sediments were devoid of HF183 and dog-associated DNA markers. Based on dye tests and groundwater sampling, beach sanitary sewers were not leaking; groundwater was also devoid of HF183. Offshore sources appeared unlikely, since FIB and fecal markers decreased along a spatial gradient from the surf zone toward nearshore and offshore ocean waters. Further, like other regional beaches, surf zone HF183 corresponded significantly to bather counts, especially in the afternoons when there were more swimmers. However, morning detections of surf zone HF183 when there were few swimmers raised the possibility that the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) offshore outfall discharged HF183 overnight which transported to the surf zone. These findings support that there may be lowest achievable limits of surf zone HF183 owing to several chronic and permanent, perhaps diurnal, low concentration sources

    Microbial Source Tracking in a Coastal California Watershed Reveals Canines as Controllable Sources of Fecal Contamination

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    Elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), including Escherichia coli and enterococci, trigger coastal beach advisories and signal public health risks. Solving FIB pollution in suburban coastal watersheds is challenging, as there are many potential sources. The Arroyo Burro watershed in Santa Barbara, CA is an example, with its popular, but chronically FIB-contaminated beach. To address, a microbial source tracking study was performed. Surface waters were sampled over 2 years, FIB were quantified, and DNA was analyzed for host-associated fecal markers. Surf zone FIB were only elevated when the coastal lagoon was discharging. Among the fecal sources into the lagoon, including upstream human sources and coastal birds, canines were the most important. Canine sources included input via upstream creek water, which decreased after creek-side residences were educated about proper pet waste disposal, and direct inputs to the lagoon and surf zone, where dog waste could have been tidally exchanged with the lagoon. Based on this study, canine waste can be an influential, yet controllable, fecal source to suburban coastal beaches

    Potential Mechanisms and Environmental Controls of TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoparticle Effects on Soil Bacterial Communities

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    It has been reported that engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) alter soil bacterial communities, but the underlying mechanisms and environmental controls of such effects remain unknown. Besides direct toxicity, ENPs may indirectly affect soil bacteria by changing soil water availability or other properties. Alternatively, soil water or other environmental factors may mediate ENP effects on soil bacterial communities. To test, we incubated nano-TiO<sub>2</sub>-amended soils across a range of water potentials for 288 days. Following incubation, the soil water characteristics, organic matter, total carbon, total nitrogen, and respiration upon rewetting (an indicator of bioavailable organic carbon) were measured. Bacterial community shifts were characterized by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). The endpoint soil water holding had been reported previously as not changing with this nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> amendment; herein, we also found that some selected soil properties were unaffected by the treatments. However, we found that nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> altered the bacterial community composition and reduced diversity. Nano-TiO<sub>2</sub>-induced community dissimilarities increased but tended to approach a plateau when soils became drier. Taken together, nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> effects on soil bacteria appear to be a result of direct toxicity rather than indirectly through nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> affecting soil water and organic matter pools. However, such directs effects of nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> on soil bacterial communities are mediated by soil water

    Diversity, Composition, and Geographical Distribution of Microbial Communities in California Salt Marsh Sediments

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    The Pacific Estuarine Ecosystem Indicators Research Consortium seeks to develop bioindicators of toxicant-induced stress and bioavailability for wetland biota. Within this framework, the effects of environmental and pollutant variables on microbial communities were studied at different spatial scales over a 2-year period. Six salt marshes along the California coastline were characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. Additionally, 27 metals, six currently used pesticides, total polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlordanes, nonachlors, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene were analyzed. Sampling was performed over large (between salt marshes), medium (stations within a marsh), and small (different channel depths) spatial scales. Regression and ordination analysis suggested that the spatial variation in microbial communities exceeded the variation attributable to pollutants. PLFA analysis and TRFLP canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) explained 74 and 43% of the variation, respectively, and both methods attributed 34% of the variation to tidal cycles, marsh, year, and latitude. After accounting for spatial variation using partial CCA, we found that metals had a greater effect on microbial community composition than organic pollutants had. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were positively correlated with PLFA biomass, whereas total metal concentrations were positively correlated with biomass and diversity. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were negatively correlated with branched PLFAs and positively correlated with methyl- and cyclo-substituted PLFAs. The strong relationships observed between pollutant concentrations and some of the microbial indicators indicated the potential for using microbial community analyses in assessments of the ecosystem health of salt marshes