60 research outputs found

    Journalists in Denmark

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    Journalists in Denmark

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    Når algoritmer styrer nyhedsstrømmen. YouTube-anbefalinger under folketingsvalget i 2019

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    Hvad folk ser og læser i medierne, bestemmes ikke længere kun af journalister, men i stigende grad af algoritmer. Disse algoritmer vælger, sorterer og prioriterer vores information. Automatiserede processer, som fx YouTubes anbefalingsalgoritme, påvirker den måde, vi ser verden på. Et vigtigt demokratisk spørgsmål er derfor, om YouTubes anbefalingsalgoritme eksponerer publikum incidentalt for politisk information, efter at man har set underholdningsindhold, og om algoritmen skaber en filterboble ved primært at anbefale indhold med et lignende politisk perspektiv. Under det danske folketingsvalg i 2019 var anbefalingsalgoritmen mere tilbøjelig til at føre seere væk fra end hen imod nyheder med politisk indhold. Når folk havde set en video, der var uploadet af de politiske partier Venstre eller Stram Kurs, blev de af algoritmen primært anbefalet videoer fra de samme partier, hvilket kan medføre, at de bliver bekræftede i forudindtagne holdninger (bekræftelsesbias). For andre partier var dette mindre tilfældet. Kun i begrænset omfang fører anbefalingsalgoritmen seere fra mainstream til ekstremt højreorienteret indhold

    Caught in the Nexus: A Comparative and Longitudinal Analysis of Public Trust in the Press

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    Despite signs of declining press trust in many western countries, we know little about trends in press trust across the world. Based on comparative survey data from the World Values Survey (WVS) and European Values Study (EVS), this study looks into national levels of trust in the press and identifies factors that drive differences across societies and individuals as well as over time. Findings indicate that the widely noted decline in media trust is not a universal trend;it is true for only about half of the studied countries, with the United States experiencing the largest and most dramatic drop in trust in the press. Political trust has emerged as key factor for our understanding of trust in the press. We found robust evidence for what we called the trust nexusthe idea that trust in the news media is strongly linked to the way publics look at political institutions. The link between press trust and political trust was considerably stronger in politically polarized societies. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the relation between press trust and political trust is becoming stronger over time. We reason that the strong connection between media and political trust may be driven by a growing public sentiment against elite groups

    Er en politisk skandale en politisk skandale? – danske medierede politiske skandaler i et komparativt perspektiv

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    Although media researchers, journalists and politicians across media systems agree that the mass media have the power to make or break politicians, types of scandals that are covered vary widely across countries. This article analyses the particularities of Danish mediated scandals by comparing them to scandal coverage in the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. Based on a survey among political journalists in the four countries, the article presents differences in journalistic culture between the four countries by describing the dominant role conceptions. We argue that different role conceptions (watchdog, entertainment and political partisan) can all lead to scandal coverage, but that types of scandals vary across journalistic cultures along the dimensions breach of rules vs. breach of norms and public life vs. private life. Danish scandals coverage is most similar to German scandal coverage, with an emphasis on the watchdog role, little openly partisan scandal coverage (as in Spain), disapproval of the use ethically questionable reporting methods like wiretapping or opening garbage and reluctance to cover politicians’ sex life (as in the United Kingdom). The private life of Danish politicians is not completely off limits, but when the private life of politicians is broadly covered by Danish media, this is normally because politicians did not live up to the norms they set in public.

    Er en politisk skandale en politisk skandale? – danske medierede politiske skandaler i et komparativt perspektiv

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    Although media researchers, journalists and politicians across media systems agree that the mass media have the power to make or break politicians, types of scandals that are covered vary widely across countries. This article analyses the particularities of Danish mediated scandals by comparing them to scandal coverage in the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. Based on a survey among political journalists in the four countries, the article presents differences in journalistic culture between the four countries by describing the dominant role conceptions. We argue that different role conceptions (watchdog, entertainment and political partisan) can all lead to scandal coverage, but that types of scandals vary across journalistic cultures along the dimensions breach of rules vs. breach of norms and public life vs. private life. Danish scandals coverage is most similar to German scandal coverage, with an emphasis on the watchdog role, little openly partisan scandal coverage (as in Spain), disapproval of the use ethically questionable reporting methods like wiretapping or opening garbage and reluctance to cover politicians’ sex life (as in the United Kingdom). The private life of Danish politicians is not completely off limits, but when the private life of politicians is broadly covered by Danish media, this is normally because politicians did not live up to the norms they set in public.

    Korrespondent bag 'Borgens' beskyttende mure: Den danske politiske journalist og kommercialiseringen

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    Et ædelt fag under stigende pres? Udviklingen i journalisternes professionelle idealer og deres opfattelser af det daglige arbejde som journalist 2009-2015

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    Mediebranchen er under pres, journalistikkens mangler bliver taget under behandling i mange indlæg i debatten, og mange journalister mener selv, at den journalistiske kvalitet er blevet ringere over de senere år. Man får indtryk af en profession i forfald. Ofte er pessimismen dog baseret på retrospektive vurderinger, som kan være problematiske.Via to spørgeskemaundersøgelser blandt et repræsentativt udsnit af de danske journalister – en fra 2009 og en fra 2015 – viser vi, at journalisterne i 2015 ikke oplever mere indflydelse fra konkurrence eller læser-/seer-/lytter-/brugertal end i 2009. Og selvom journalisterne oplever mere indflydelse fra deadlines og mediets redaktionelle linje, er de professionelle idealer stabile. Resultaterne er ikke i sig selv en afvisning af en profession under pres, men de peger på, at den journalistiske profession er mere modstandsdygtig, end det ofte bliver fremstillet i den offentlige debat

    Tilliden til de danske journalister og nyhedsmedier: i forfald eller ej?

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    I denne artikel undersøger vi, 1) hvordan tilliden til danske journalister og nyhedsmedier har udviklet sig over tid, 2) om der er forskel i tilliden til forskellige typer af nyhedsmedier, og 3) hvordan folks politiske partipræference påvirker deres tillid til journalister og nyhedsmedier. Vores analyser baserer sig på omfattende data fra Europa-Kommissionen, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Radius Kommunikation samt DR Medieforskning og viser, 1) at tilliden til journalister og nyhedsmedier er stabil over tid, 2) at folk stoler mere på public service-nyheder og kvalitetsaviser og mindre på tabloide nyhedsmedier, og 3) at partipræference kan forklare nogle variationer i tilliden
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