14 research outputs found

    African Land Mammal Ages

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    We define 17 African land mammal ages, or AFLMAs, covering the Cenozoic record of the Afro-arabian continent, the planet’s second largest land mass. While fossiliferous deposits are absent on the eroded plateau of the continent’s interior, almost 800 fossil genera from over 350 locations have now been identified in coastal deposits, karst caves, and in the Neogene rift valleys. Given a well-developed geochronologic framework, together with continuing revision to the fossil record—both stimulated by the story of human evolution in Africa—and also to compensate for the variation in fossil ecosystems across such great distances, the AFLMAs are biochronological units defined by type localities, and not biozones to be recognized by the occurrence of certain genera. Disparities are notable: Africa is the highest of all continents, but almost every Paleogene locality was formed at sea level; the fossil record of its great rainforest ecosystem remains virtually unknown; and the Paleogene fauna is relatively isolated, whereas the Neogene begins with open exchange with Laurasia following the Tauride collision, with a simultaneous opening of the East African rift valleys in which the newly revolutionized fauna is abundantly preserved. Notably, the continent-wide and comprehensive documentation of the African mammalian record reveals an unparalleled rate of transformation in the hominin lineage, unmatched by any other group, in response to the Neogene expansion of the open-country ecosystem

    The Neogene and Quaternary : chronostratigraphic compromise or non-overlapping magisteria?

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    Author Posting. © Micropaleontology Press, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of Micropaleontology Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Stratigraphy 6 (2009): 1-16.The International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) together with its subcommissions on Neogene Stratigraphy (SNS) and Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) are facing a persistent conundrum regarding the status of the Quaternary, and the implications for the Neogene System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch. The SQS, in seeking a formal role for the Quaternary in the standard time scale, has put forward reasons not only to truncate and redefine the Neogene in order to accommodate this unit as a third System/Period in the Cenozoic, but furthermore to shift the base of the Pleistocene to c. 2.6 Ma to conform to a new appreciation of when “Quaternary climates” began. The present authors, as members of SNS, support the well-established concept of a Neogene extending to the Recent, as well as the integrity of the Pleistocene according to its classical meaning, and have published arguments for workable options that avoid this conflict. In this paper, we return to the basic principles involved in the conversion of the essentially marine biostratigraphic/ biochronologic units of Lyell and other 19th-century stratigraphers into the modern hierarchical arrangement of chronostratigraphic units, embodied in the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) formulation for boundary definitions. Seen in this light, an immediate problem arises from the fact that the Quaternary, either in its original sense as a state of consolidation or in the more common sense as a paleoclimatic entity, is conceptually different from a Lyellian unit, and that a Neogene/Quaternary boundary may therefore be a non sequitur. Secondly, as to retaining the base of the Pleistocene at 1.8 Ma, the basic hierarchical principles dictate that changing the boundary of any non-fundamental or “higher” chronostratigraphic unit is not possible without moving the boundary of its constituent fundamental unit. Therefore, to move the base of the Pleistocene, which is presently defined by the Calabrian GSSP at 1.8 Ma, to be identified with the Gelasian GSSP at 2.6 Ma, requires action to formally redefine the Gelasian as part of the Pleistocene. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the subject under discussion is chronostratigraphy, not biostratigraphy. Both systems are based on the fossil record, but biostratigraphic units are created to subdivide and correlate stratigraphic sequences. The higher-level units of chronostratigraphy, however, were initially selected to reflect the history of life through geological time. The persistence of a characteristic biota in the face of environmental pressures during the last 23 my argues strongly for the concept of an undivided Neogene that extends to the present. Several ways to accommodate the Quaternary in the standard time scale can be envisaged that preserve the original concepts of the Neogene and Pleistocene. The option presently recommended by SNS, and most compatible with the SQS position, is to denominate the Quaternary as a subperiod/subsystem of the Neogene, decoupled from the Pleistocene so that its base can be identified with the Gelasian GSSP at c. 2.6 Ma. A second option is to retain strict hierarchy by restricting a Quaternary subperiod to the limits of the Pleistocene at 1.8 Ma. As a third option, the Quaternary could be a subera/suberathem or a supersystem/ superperiod, decoupled from the Neogene and thus with its base free to coincide with a convenient marker such as the base of the Pleistocene at 1.8 Ma, or to the Gelasian at 2.6 Ma, as opinions about paleoclimatology dictate. If no compromise can be reached within hierarchical chronostratigraphy, however, an alternative might be to consider Quaternary and Neogene as mutually exclusive categories (climatostratigraphic vs. chronostratigraphic) in historical geology. In this case, we would recommend the application of the principle of NOMA, or Non-Overlapping Magisteria, in the sense of the elegant essay by the late Stephen J. Gould (1999) on the mutually exclusive categories of Religion and Science. In this case the Quaternary would have its own independent status as a climatostratigraphic unit with its own subdivisions based on climatic criteria

    Comparable Ages for the Independent Origins of Electrogenesis in African and South American Weakly Electric Fishes

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    One of the most remarkable examples of convergent evolution among vertebrates is illustrated by the independent origins of an active electric sense in South American and African weakly electric fishes, the Gymnotiformes and Mormyroidea, respectively. These groups independently evolved similar complex systems for object localization and communication via the generation and reception of weak electric fields. While good estimates of divergence times are critical to understanding the temporal context for the evolution and diversification of these two groups, their respective ages have been difficult to estimate due to the absence of an informative fossil record, use of strict molecular clock models in previous studies, and/or incomplete taxonomic sampling. Here, we examine the timing of the origins of the Gymnotiformes and the Mormyroidea using complete mitogenome sequences and a parametric Bayesian method for divergence time reconstruction. Under two different fossil-based calibration methods, we estimated similar ages for the independent origins of the Mormyroidea and Gymnotiformes. Our absolute estimates for the origins of these groups either slightly postdate, or just predate, the final separation of Africa and South America by continental drift. The most recent common ancestor of the Mormyroidea and Gymnotiformes was found to be a non-electrogenic basal teleost living more than 85 millions years earlier. For both electric fish lineages, we also estimated similar intervals (16–19 or 22–26 million years, depending on calibration method) between the appearance of electroreception and the origin of myogenic electric organs, providing rough upper estimates for the time periods during which these complex electric organs evolved de novo from skeletal muscle precursors. The fact that the Gymnotiformes and Mormyroidea are of similar age enhances the comparative value of the weakly electric fish system for investigating pathways to evolutionary novelty, as well as the influences of key innovations in communication on the process of species radiation

    Chronostratigraphic terminology at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary.

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    Integrated research over the past decade has led to the recognition of a short (150-200 k.y.) interval of Paleogene time within Chron C24r at ~55.5 Ma, formerly termed the late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM) but more recently the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), that was crucial in the climatic, paleoceanographic, and biotic evolution of our planet. Stable isotope analysis of marine carbonates indicates that there were transient changes in surface and deep-water temperatures. These climatic changes coincided with a negative 3%-4% carbon isotope excursion (CIE), which is recorded in both marine and terrestrial deposits. It was soon realized that the CIE not only constitutes a powerful tool for long distance ("global") isochronous correlation, but even more importantly that it is coeval with notable biotic events in both marine and continental fossil records that have long been taken as criteria for the beginning of the Eocene in North America and more recently in deep sea cores. On the other hand, the conventional Paleocene/Eocene boundary level at the Thanetian/Ypresian boundary in Belgium and the London Basin has been found to be ~1 m.y. younger than the CIE, based on the association of the First Appearance Datum (FAD) of the (calcareous nannoplankton) Tribrachiatus digitalis (at ~54.4 Ma) with the base of the Ypresian in the London Basin. Although the Ypresian definition would take priority under normal circumstances, a consensus has been reached to redefine the Eocene in recognition of the worldwide significance and correlatibility of stratigraphic features associated with the PETM. Redefinition of the Eocene, however desirable, nevertheless cannot proceed in a stratigraphic vacuum, and this paper is concerned with resolving the consequences of this action. To be made coincident with the CIE at ~55.5 Ma, the Ypresian/Thanetian boundary would have to be lowered by ~1 m.y., resulting in the inflation of the span of the Ypresian by 20% and a reduction of the span of the Thanetian by 30%. At the same time, the terminology of the strata in the leapfrogged interval would be thrown into total conflict with the literature, with the substitution of one widely used stage name for the other in the conflicted interval. On the other hand, to relocate the Paleocene/Eocene boundary without moving the stage boundaries would result in the upper third of the Thanetian falling within the Eocene, demolishing a century-old consensus. We propose that the destabilizing effect of the new boundary in the classic chronostratigraphy of western Europe can best be minimized with the introduction of a pre-Ypresian Stage, to encompass the orphaned upper Thanetian interval as the basal unit of the Eocene under a separate name. To this end, we suggest the reintroduction of the Sparnacian Stage, now that its original concept has been shown to correlate essentially with the interval between the CIE and the FAD of T. digitalis