12 research outputs found

    The Weathering Hypothesis: Sociocultural and Biological Factors of Postpartum Depression Among Black Women

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    Black women experience higher rates of PPD than their White counterparts. To date, no one has linked experiences of racism and discrimination, the impacts racism and discrimination have on allostatic load, and the subsequent process of weathering to the elevated levels of PPD in Black women. However, the Weathering Hypothesis can be utilized to explain the higher rates of PPD seen in Black women via the interactions between sociocultural factors and biological factors

    Predicting the Electron Requirement for Carbon Fixation in Seas and Oceans

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    Marine phytoplankton account for about 50% of all global net primary productivity (NPP). Active fluorometry, mainly Fast Repetition Rate fluorometry (FRRf), has been advocated as means of providing high resolution estimates of NPP. However, not measuring CO2-fixation directly, FRRf instead provides photosynthetic quantum efficiency estimates from which electron transfer rates (ETR) and ultimately CO2-fixation rates can be derived. Consequently, conversions of ETRs to CO2-fixation requires knowledge of the electron requirement for carbon fixation (Φe,C, ETR/CO2 uptake rate) and its dependence on environmental gradients. Such knowledge is critical for large scale implementation of active fluorescence to better characterise CO2-uptake. Here we examine the variability of experimentally determined Φe,C values in relation to key environmental variables with the aim of developing new working algorithms for the calculation of Φe,C from environmental variables. Coincident FRRf and 14C-uptake and environmental data from 14 studies covering 12 marine regions were analysed via a meta-analytical, non-parametric, multivariate approach. Combining all studies, Φe,C varied between 1.15 and 54.2 mol e- (mol C)-1 with a mean of 10.9±6.91 mol e- mol C)-1. Although variability of Φe,C was related to environmental gradients at global scales, region-specific analyses provided far improved predictive capability. However, use of regional Φe,C algorithms requires objective means of defining regions of interest, which remains challenging. Considering individual studies and specific small-scale regions, temperature, nutrient and light availability were correlated with Φe,C albeit to varying degrees and depending on the study/region and the composition of the extant phytoplankton community. At the level of large biogeographic regions and distinct water masses, Φe,C was related to nutrient availability, chlorophyll, as well as temperature and/or salinity in most regions, while light availability was also important in Baltic Sea and shelf waters. The novel Φe,C algorithms provide a major step forward for widespread fluorometry-based NPP estimates and highlight the need for further studying the natural variability of Φe,C to verify and develop algorithms with improved accuracy. © 2013 Lawrenz et al

    De Europese Crowdfundingverordening: MiFID II-light voor zakelijke crowdlending?

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    Het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse crowdlendingmarkt, en daarmee ook het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse crowdfundingmarkt, wordt vanaf 10 november 2021 gereguleerd door de Europese Crowdfundingverordening (hierna: 'ECSPR'). In dit artikel gaat de auteur niet alleen in op de vraag of de ECSPR een MiFID II-light regime voor zakelijke crowdlending inhoudt, dus een zwaarder regime dan het huidige regime op grond van de Wft, maar ook op de vraag of verzwaring van de regulering van zakelijke crowdlending wenselijk is

    Zivilrechtliche Aspekte von KMU-Finanzierung durch Utility Token Offerings

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    The issuance of a token through an initial coin offering is an innovative funding opportunity, currently attracting a lot of attention. It is a form of digital crowdfunding on the blockchain, forming an interesting funding opportunity for SMEs. However, risks for investors are involved. This contribution investigates German private law issues of utility token offerings. The first part discusses ICOs and utility tokens. Subsequently the legal relations, contracts and obligations between the investors, the issuer and the listing platform will be discussed. This is followed by a discussion of the liability of the listing platform towards the investor for the project rating published

    De Europese Crowdfundingverordening: MiFID II-light voor zakelijke crowdlending?

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    Het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse crowdlendingmarkt, en daarmee ook het grootste gedeelte van de Nederlandse crowdfundingmarkt, wordt vanaf 10 november 2021 gereguleerd door de Europese Crowdfundingverordening (hierna: 'ECSPR'). In dit artikel gaat de auteur niet alleen in op de vraag of de ECSPR een MiFID II-light regime voor zakelijke crowdlending inhoudt, dus een zwaarder regime dan het huidige regime op grond van de Wft, maar ook op de vraag of verzwaring van de regulering van zakelijke crowdlending wenselijk is

    Zivilrechtliche Aspekte von KMU-Finanzierung durch Utility Token Offerings

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    The issuance of a token through an initial coin offering is an innovative funding opportunity, currently attracting a lot of attention. It is a form of digital crowdfunding on the blockchain, forming an interesting funding opportunity for SMEs. However, risks for investors are involved. This contribution investigates German private law issues of utility token offerings. The first part discusses ICOs and utility tokens. Subsequently the legal relations, contracts and obligations between the investors, the issuer and the listing platform will be discussed. This is followed by a discussion of the liability of the listing platform towards the investor for the project rating published

    Bijzondere bepalingen huurrecht buiten het BW

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    Behalve in de algemene art. 7:201 e.v. en de meer specifieke art. 7:230a en 7:290 e.v. BW vinden we in de wet meer bepalingen die betrekking hebben op de verhuur van met name gebouwde onroerende zaken. Daarbij moet worden gedacht aan de Wet tot veiling van bepaalde verkooppunten motorbrandstoffen; de Faillissementswet; de Woningwet; de Wet natuurbescherming; de Visserijwet 1963; de Wet op het voortgezet onderwijs (hierna: WVO); de Wet op het primair onderwijs (hierna: WPO) en de Onteigeningswet. Het betreft echter niet een uitputtende opsomming. Deze bijdrage beoogt de lezer er attent op te maken dat er wetsbepalingen bestaan die de ‘normale’ huurwetgeving kunnen doorkruisen2 en beoogt daarnaast enig inzicht in de betreffende wettelijke regeling te verschaffen

    Bijzondere bepalingen huurrecht buiten het BW

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    Behalve in de algemene art. 7:201 e.v. en de meer specifieke art. 7:230a en 7:290 e.v. BW vinden we in de wet meer bepalingen die betrekking hebben op de verhuur van met name gebouwde onroerende zaken. Daarbij moet worden gedacht aan de Wet tot veiling van bepaalde verkooppunten motorbrandstoffen; de Faillissementswet; de Woningwet; de Wet natuurbescherming; de Visserijwet 1963; de Wet op het voortgezet onderwijs (hierna: WVO); de Wet op het primair onderwijs (hierna: WPO) en de Onteigeningswet. Het betreft echter niet een uitputtende opsomming. Deze bijdrage beoogt de lezer er attent op te maken dat er wetsbepalingen bestaan die de ‘normale’ huurwetgeving kunnen doorkruisen2 en beoogt daarnaast enig inzicht in de betreffende wettelijke regeling te verschaffen

    Novel IRF6 Mutations Detected in Orofacial Cleft Patients by Targeted Massively Parallel Sequencing

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    Common variants in interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) have been associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) as well as with tooth agenesis (TA). These variants contribute a small risk towards the 2 congenital conditions and explain only a small percentage of heritability. On the other hand, many IRF6 mutations are known to be a monogenic cause of disease for syndromic orofacial clefting (OFC). We hypothesize that IRF6 mutations in some rare instances could also cause nonsyndromic OFC. To find novel rare variants in IRF6 responsible for nonsyndromic OFC and TA, we performed targeted multiplex sequencing using molecular inversion probes (MIPs) in 1,072 OFC patients, 67 TA patients, and 706 controls. We identified 3 potentially pathogenic de novo mutations in OFC patients. In addition, 3 rare missense variants were identified, for which pathogenicity could not unequivocally be shown, as all variants were either inherited from an unaffected parent or the parental DNA was not available. Retrospective investigation of the patients with these variants revealed the presence of lip pits in one of the patients with a de novo mutation suggesting a Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) phenotype, whereas, in other patients, no lip pits were identified.status: publishe