102 research outputs found

    Directly Determined Linear Radii and Effective Temperatures of Exoplanet Host Stars

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    We present interferometric angular sizes for 12 stars with known planetary companions, for comparison with 28 additional main-sequence stars not known to host planets. For all objects we estimate bolometric fluxes and reddenings through spectral energy distribution fits, and in conjunction with the angular sizes, measurements of effective temperature. The angular sizes of these stars are sufficiently small that the fundamental resolution limits of our primary instrument, the Palomar Testbed Interferometer, are investigated at the sub-milliarcsecond level and empirically established based upon known performance limits. We demonstrate that the effective temperature scale as a function of dereddened (V−K)0(V-K)_0 color is statistically identical for stars with and without planets. A useful byproduct of this investigation is a direct calibration of the TEFFT_{\rm EFF} scale for solar-like stars, as a function of both spectral type and (V−K)0(V-K)_0 color, with an precision of ΔTˉ(V−K)0=138\bar{\Delta T}_{\rm {(V-K)}_0} = 138K over the range (V−K)0=0.0−4.0(V-K)_0=0.0-4.0 and ΔTˉSpType=105\bar{\Delta T}_{\rm {SpType}} = 105K for the range F6V -- G5V. Additionally, we provide in an appendix spectral energy distribution fits for the 166 stars with known planets which have sufficient photometry available in the literature for such fits; this derived "{\tt XO-Rad}" database includes homogenous estimates of bolometric flux, reddening, and angular size.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The PTI Carbon Star Angular Size Survey: Effective Temperatures and Non-Sphericity

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    We report new interferometric angular diameter observations of 41 carbon stars observed with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer (PTI). Two of these stars are CH carbon stars and represent the first such measurements for this subtype. Of these, 39 have Yamashita (1972,1975) spectral classes and are of sufficiently high quality that we may determine the dependence of effective temperature on spectral type. We find that there is a tendency for the effective temperature to increase with increasing temperature index by ~120K per step, starting at T_EFF ~= 2500K for C3,y, although there is a large amount of scatter about this relationship. Overall, the median effective temperature for the carbon star sample is found to be 2800 +- 270K, and the median linear radius is 360 +- 100 R_SUN. We also find agreement on average within 15K with the T_EFF determinations of Bergeat (2001,2002a,b), and a refinement of carbon star angular size prediction based on V & K magnitudes is presented that is good to an rms of 12%. A subsample of our stars have sufficient {u,v} coverage to permit non-spherical modeling of their photospheres, and a general tendency for detection of statistically significant departures from sphericity with increasing signal-to-noise of the interferometric data is seen. The implications of most - and potentially all - carbon stars being non-spherical is considered in the context of surface inhomogeneities and a rotation-mass loss connection.Comment: 59 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Spitzer 24μm Photometric Light Curve of the Eclipsing M-dwarf Binary GU Boötis

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    We present a carefully controlled set of Spitzer 24 μm MIPS time series observations of the low mass eclipsing binary star GU Boötis (GU Boo). Our data cover three secondary eclipses of the system: two consecutive events and an additional eclipse six weeks later. The study’s main purpose is the long wavelength characterization of GU Boo’s light curve, independent of limb darkening and less sensitive to surface features such as spots. Its analysis allows for independent verification of the results of optical studies of GU Boo. Our mid-infrared results show good agreement with previously obtained system parameters. In addition, the analysis of light curves of other objects in the field of view serves to characterize the photometric stability and repeatability of Spitzer’s MIPS-24 at flux densities between approximately 300–2,000μJy. We find that the light curve root mean square about the median level falls into the 1–4% range for flux densities higher than 1 mJy

    Establishing Visible Interferometer System Responses: Resolved and Unresolved Calibrators

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    The propagation of errors through the uniform disk visibility function is examined. Implications of those errors upon measures of absolute visibility through optical and near-infrared interferometers are considered within the context of using calibration stars to establish system visibilities for these instruments. We suggest a simple ratio test to establish empirically whether or not the measured visibilities produced by such an instrument are relative (errors dominated by calibrator angular size prediction error) or absolute (errors dominated by measurement error).Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, to be published in the PAS

    Direct imaging of planet transit events

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    Exoplanet transit events are attractive targets for the ultrahigh-resolution capabilities afforded by optical interferometers. The intersection of two developments in astronomy enable direct imaging of exoplanet transits: first, improvements in sensitivity and precision of interferometric instrumentation; and second, identification of ever-brighter host stars. Efforts are underway for the first direct high-precision detection of closure phase signatures with the CHARA Array and Navy Precision Optical Interferometer. When successful, these measurements will enable recovery of the transit position angle on the sky, along with characterization of other system parameters, such as stellar radius, planet radius, and other parameters of the transit event. This technique can directly determine the planet\u27s radius independent of any outside observations, and appears able to improve substantially upon other determinations of that radius; it will be possible to extract wavelength dependence of that radius determination, for connection to characterization of planetary atmospheric composition & structure. Additional directly observed parameters - also not dependent on transit photometry or spectroscopy - include impact parameter, transit ingress time, and transit velocity. Copyright © International Astronomical Union 2014

    Kepler Observations of the Three Pre-Launch Exoplanet Candidates: Discover of Two Eclipsing Binaries and a New Exoplanet

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    Three transiting exoplanet candidate stars were discovered in a ground-based photometric survey prior to the launch of NASA's Kepler mission. Kepler observations of them were obtained during Quarter 1 of the Kepler mission. All three stars are faint by radial velocity follow-up standards, so we have examined these candidates with regard to eliminating false positives and providing high confidence exoplanet selection. We present a first attempt to exclude false positives for this set of faint stars without high-resolution radial velocity analysis. This method of exoplanet confirmation will form a large part of the Kepler mission follow-up for Jupiter-sized exoplanet candidates orbiting faint stars. Using the Kepler light curves and pixel data, as well as medium-resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy and speckle imaging, we find that two of our candidates are binary stars. One consists of a late-F star with an early M companion, while the other is a K0 star plus a late M-dwarf/brown dwarf in a 19 day elliptical orbit. The third candidate (BOKS-1) is an r = 15 G8V star hosting a newly discovered exoplanet with a radius of 1.12 R_(Jupiter) in a 3.9 day orbit
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