51 research outputs found
Devonian and Lower Carboniferous Conodonts of the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) and their stratigraphic application
A short review of the literature on the stratigraphy of the Devonian and the Lower Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Mountains precedes the report of the author's stratigraphic and palaeontologic observations in León: the RÃo Esla area (Gedinnian to Viséan), the central Cantabrian area (Famennian to Viséan), and the Gildar-Montó area (Eifelian to Viséan); in Asturias: the coastal area (Frasnian to Viséan); in Palencia: the Arauz-Polentinos area (Gedinnian to Givetian), the Carda\u0148o-Triollo area (Eifelian to Viséan), and the San MartÃn-Valsurvio area (Givetian and Famennian to Viséan); and in Santander: the Liébana area (Eifelian to Viséan).
Most of the conodont faunas, which were extracted from calcareous formations, could be arranged in the zonal succession established in Germany, and thus supplied new data about several formations in the Cantabrian Mountains.
The presence of the transgressive Ermita Formation in Asturias and Palencia is demonstrated. The age of this unit ranges maximally from uppermost Famennian to lowermost Tournaisian. The Carda\u0148o Formation ranges from middle or upper Givetian to upper Frasnian. The Vidrieros Formation ranges from the upper part of the lower Famennian to the lowermost Tournaisian.
A synthesis of the stratigraphic data delimits the Palentine facies area, which is clearly separated from the Asturo-Leonese facies area by positive areas. The following palaeogeographic units are distinguished: the Asturo-Leonese Basin, the Palentine Basin, and the Asturian Geanticline. The development of these units from the Middle Devonian to the Lower Carboniferous is demonstrated by eight facies-pattern maps. The sedimentation on the Asturian Geanticline was limited and probably incomplete. An epeirogenetic uplift of this geanticline took place in late Frasnian to early Famennian times. This uplift is correlated with the deposition of the quartzitic Murcia Formation in the sheltered Palentine Basin. The uplifted area was covered by the Ermita transgression in the late Famennian to early Tournaisian.
After a break in the sedimentation, a local transgression resulted in the Vegamian Formation in the upper Tournaisian. In most of the area the Alba transgression began in the uppermost Tournaisian or lower Viséan. In the Palentine Basin the deposition of the Alba Formation started in the upper Viséan.
The chapter on systematics deals mainly with the most important zonal guide forms of the conodonts. Three new elements are described: Icriodus eslaensis n.sp. from the middle to upper Givetian, Siphonodella? n.sp. a, probably from the upper Tournaisian, and n.gen. A n.sp. a, a simple compound conodont from the upper Gedinnian or lower Siegenian
Het celgetal in de melk en de uiergezondheid bij geiten = The cell count in milk and the udder health of goats
Vanuit het IVO werden in 1979 van drie bedrijven, met in totaal 185 geiten, 368 melkmonsters verzameld en door het Centraal Diergeneeskundig Instituut onderzocht. De verkregen resultaten werden vergeleken met die van de voor runderen uitgevoerde Landelijke Steekproef Mastitis 1974. Naast bakteriologisch onderzoek werden de volgende bepalingen uitgevoerd: celtelling via de Coulter Counter-telling (telling van alle deeltjes in de melk); Californische Mastitistest (een reaktie van een aan de melk toe te voegen reagens met het DNA uit de celkernen); celtelling met de Fossomatic (elektronische telling van deeltjes, waarvan het kern-DNA na kleuring fluorescerend oplicht); elektrische geleidbaarheid en het laktosegehalte. Tevens werd nagegaan of er tussen geitemelk en koemelk een verschil bestaat tussen resultaten van de Coulter Counter-telling en de Californische Mastitistes
Het celgetal in de melk en de uiergezondheid bij geiten = The cell count in milk and the udder health of goats
Vanuit het IVO werden in 1979 van drie bedrijven, met in totaal 185 geiten, 368 melkmonsters verzameld en door het Centraal Diergeneeskundig Instituut onderzocht. De verkregen resultaten werden vergeleken met die van de voor runderen uitgevoerde Landelijke Steekproef Mastitis 1974. Naast bakteriologisch onderzoek werden de volgende bepalingen uitgevoerd: celtelling via de Coulter Counter-telling (telling van alle deeltjes in de melk); Californische Mastitistest (een reaktie van een aan de melk toe te voegen reagens met het DNA uit de celkernen); celtelling met de Fossomatic (elektronische telling van deeltjes, waarvan het kern-DNA na kleuring fluorescerend oplicht); elektrische geleidbaarheid en het laktosegehalte. Tevens werd nagegaan of er tussen geitemelk en koemelk een verschil bestaat tussen resultaten van de Coulter Counter-telling en de Californische Mastitistes
Warwickshire Group (Pennsylvanian) red-beds of the Canonbie Coalfield, England-Scotland border, and their regional palaeogeographical implications
Late Carboniferous red-beds, < 700 m thick, at outcrop and in the subsurface of the Canonbie Coalfield can be assigned to the Warwickshire Group. They are preserved within the axial part of the Solway Syncline and are divisible into the Eskbank Wood, Canonbie Bridge Sandstone and Becklees Sandstone formations. Sedimentation largely took place on a well-drained alluvial plain, characterized mainly by early, primary oxidation of the strata. Large, northerly-flowing braided river systems were common, with overbank and floodplain fines deposited lateral to the channels; soils formed during intervals of low sediment aggradation. The Canonbie succession includes some of the youngest Carboniferous rocks preserved in the UK. Correlation of the Eskbank Wood Formation is equivocal, but using petrographical, heavy mineral, zircon age dating and palaeocurrent data, the Canonbie Bridge Sandstone Formation can be unambiguously correlated with the Halesowen Formation of Warwickshire, the Pennant Sandstone Formation of South Wales and the offshore Boulton Formation. This suggests that southerly-derived detritus travelled considerable distances from the Variscan highlands of Brittany and/or central Germany across the southern North Sea and UK areas, to a position some hundreds of kilometres north of that previously recognized. The Becklees Sandstone Formation has much in common with the Salop Formation of the English Midlands. It appears to have no preserved equivalent elsewhere in the UK or in the UK sector of the southern North Sea but resembles stratigraphically higher parts of the southern North Sea succession seen in the Dutch sector
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