15 research outputs found

    OX40 triggering blocks suppression by regulatory T cells and facilitates tumor rejection

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    Regulatory T (T reg) cells are the major obstacle to cancer immunotherapy, and their depletion promptly induces conversion of peripheral precursors into T reg cells. We show that T reg cells can be functionally inactivated by OX40 triggering. In tumors, the vast majority of CD4+ T cells are Foxp3+ and OX40bright. However, intratumor injection of the agonist anti-OX40 monoclonal antibody (mAb) OX86, but not anti-CD25 mAb, induces tumor rejection in 80% of mice, an effect that is abrogated by CD8 depletion. Upon intratumor OX40 triggering, increased numbers of infiltrating dendritic cells (DCs) migrate to draining lymph nodes and generate a new wave of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes, as detected by tetramer and CD44 staining of node CD8+ T lymphocytes. Tumor-bearing Rag1-knockout (KO) mice reconstituted with OX40-deficient T reg cells and wild-type (WT) effector T cells, or the reciprocal combination, showed that both T reg and effector T cells must be triggered via OX40 for the tumor to be rejected. Accordingly, WT but not OX40-KO mice receiving intratumor coinjection of OX86 and ovalbumin protein were able to revert tumor-induced tolerization of adoptively transferred OX40-competent OTII T lymphocytes. In conclusion, OX40-mediated inactivation of T reg cell function unleashes nearby DCs, allowing them to induce an adaptive immune response. In addition, the known OX40-dependent delivery of fitness signals to activated T cells is boosted by concurrent T reg cell inhibition. OX40 triggering thus has multiple effects that converge to mediate tumor rejection

    Fas engagement induces the maturation of dendritic cells (DCs), the release of interleukin (IL)-1beta, and the production of interferon gamma in the absence of IL-12 during DC-T cell cognate interaction: a new role for Fas ligand in inflammatory responses

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    Ligation of the Fas (CD95) receptor leads to an apoptotic death signal in T cells, B cells, and macrophages. However, human CD34(+)-derived dendritic cells (DCs) and mouse DCs, regardless of their maturation state, are not susceptible to Fas-induced cell death. This resistance correlates with the constitutive expression of the Fas-associated death domain-like IL-1beta-converting enzyme (FLICE)-inhibitory protein (FLIP) ligand. We demonstrate a new role of Fas in DC physiology. Engagement of Fas on immature DCs by Fas ligand (FasL) or by anti-Fas antibodies induces the phenotypical and functional maturation of primary DCs. Fas-activated DCs upregulate the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class II, B7, and DC-lysosome-associated membrane protein (DC-LAMP) molecules and secrete proinflammatory cytokines, in particular interleukin (IL)-1beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Mature DCs, if exposed to FasL, produce even higher amounts of IL-1beta. Importantly, it is possible to reduce the production of IL-1beta and interferon (IFN)-gamma during DC-T cell interaction by blocking the coupling of Fas-FasL with a Fas competitor. Finally, during cognate DC-T cell recognition, IL-12 (p70) could not be detected at early or late time points, indicating that Fas-induced, IFN-gamma secretion is independent of IL-12