55 research outputs found

    The enthesopathy of vitamin D-resistant osteomalacia in adults

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    A case of an adult patient with vitamin D-resistant osteomalacia or X-linked hypophosphatemic osteomalacia (XLH) with diffuse calcification of entheses was reported. XLH is the most frequent cause of rickets in developed countries. It is characterized by an impaired renal transport of the phosphate and mutation of PFEX (phosphate regulating gene, with homologies to endopeptidase on the X-chromosome). In childhood, the classic clinical presentation includes short stature and bow leg. While at this age the main radiographic features are characterised by rickets, in adult life they are dominated by a generalised calcific enthesopathy. Concerning the pathogenesis of the enthesopathic lesions of XLH, no convincing hypothesis has yet been made. As in our patient, the extension and the severity of enthesopathy seems not related to the severity of the biochemical changes nor to the treatment with calcitriol. The calcified enthesopathy is an integral part of XLH and it is possible that it is found in adult because many years are necessary to produce it

    The Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-blocking Agent Infliximab Inhibits Interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and IL-6 Gene Expression in Human Osteoblastic Cells

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    Objective.Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is a proinflammatory cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of several rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), associated with systemic bone loss and subchondral bone erosions. TNF-α-blocking agents such as infliximab have been successful in treatment of disease-modifying antirheumatic drug-resistant rheumatic diseases. Infliximab therapy in RA also had beneficial effects on local bone destruction and bone mineral density. We assessed effects of infliximab treatment on the bone tissue compartment and cytokine profile expression in vitro.Methods.Osteoblast-like cells were exposed for 24 h to sera of RA patients collected at baseline and after 1 month (T1) and 3 years (T2) of infliximab treatment. Total RNA was extracted, and expression of interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß), IL-6, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) was measured by RT-PCR.Results.IL-1ß gene expression was significantly reduced by the T1 serum, and the same decrease was elicited by the T2 serum. IL-6 downregulation was evident with the T2 serum. OPG was unaffected.Conclusion.The finding of downregulation of inflammatory cytokines was interesting, particularly IL-6, which plays a crucial role in arthritis-related bone loss due to its involvement in osteoclast recruitment and activation. These results may represent a biological explanation and a link for the clinical observation of the beneficial effects of anti-TNF-α agents on the progression of rheumatic diseases at the bone level

    frequency of the bleeding risk in patients receiving warfarin submitted to arthrocentesis of the knee

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    Objective: To evaluate the potential bleeding risks of arthrocentesis in patients with different arthropathies and taking oral anticoagulants. Materials and methods: Fifteen consecutive patients, 8 males and 7 females, treated with anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrillation (9 pts), deep venous thrombosis (4 pts) and replacement of cardiac valves (3 pts) were submitted to arthrocentesis for synovial fluid effusion due to different arthropathies. In all patients INR was ≤ 5. Nine of them were assuming AINS for the joint pain. Results: Two of fifteen patients have hemarthrosis, the first only lightly, the second more frankly. Both the patients were in therapy with AINS and INR was 3,8 and 5, respectively. Conclusions: The hemarthrosis or bleeding frequency associated with intraarticular injections in patients taking anticoagulant therapy seems not very high. Therefore the therapy with oral anticoagulans would not be an absolute controindication to the arthrocentesis execution


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    reservedCon questo elaborato si vuole analizzare l'importanza della voce nella relazione educatrice - bambino, in particolare nel contesto educativo dei nidi in famiglia. "La voce è frutto della storia di ognuno di noi, delle persone e delle voci che abbiamo incontrato, del modo in cui abbiamo vissuto, delle emozioni che abbiamo condiviso o soffocato, della cultura e dei valori che abbiamo respirato." (Tosto, 2009) Partendo da questo concetto si è cercato di mettere in atto una ricerca che ha visto la partecipazione e il coinvolgimento attivo di cinque educatrici dei nidi in famiglia, alle quali è stata offerta una formazione sull'educazione vocale tenuta da un educatore professionale. La formazione prevedeva una parte teorica e una parte esperienziale. Ad ogni educatrice sono state forniti sia contenuti teorici sia tecniche e strumenti da applicare nell’ambito lavorativo e/o nella vita quotidiana: da tecniche di consapevolezza e ascolto di sé, a tecniche di respiro, alla lettura ad alta voce, fino a tecniche di riscaldamento corporeo per sciogliere le tensioni muscolari. Lo scopo è stato quello di rendere la voce, uno strumento dell’educatrice. Inoltre, uno degli obiettivi della ricerca è stato quello di analizzare e comprendere il tono di voce più indicato da utilizzare nella relazione educativa, e non solo, che potesse donare ai bambini molti benefici nella relazione, e che potenziasse la reciprocità tra l’educatrice di riferimento e il suo gruppo di bambini

    Donne architetto nel Movimento Moderno

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    Review of the book Author: Carmen EspegelItalian translation by: Bruno MelottoTitle: Donne architetto nel Movimento ModernoLanguage: ItalianPublisher: Christian MarinottiSerie: Il pensiero dell’architettura (edited by Orsina Simona Pierini)Characteristics: 15x21 cm, 224 pag, paperback, black and white.ISBN: 978-88-8273-183-0Year: 2021Recensione al libro Autore: Carmen EspegelTraduzione italiana di: Bruno MelottoTitolo: Donne architetto nel Movimento ModernoLingua del testo: ItalianaEditore: Christian MarinottiCollana: Il pensiero dell’architettura (a cura di orsina Simona Pierini)Caratteristiche: formato 15x21 cm, 224 pagine, brossura, bianco e neroISBN: 978-88-8273-183-0Anno: 202

    Cimitero di Muda Maé a Longarone Ricostruzione: tra memoria, sofferenza, invenzione

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    Hollowed out of the belly of the mountain, the Muda Maé Cemetery at Longarone resembles a rediscovered ancient necropolis, a symbol of memory and rebirth following the dramatic events of the Vajont disaster in October 1963.Questioning the meaning of this work, beyond what it stands for, means investigating the context which generated it and the problem of reconstruction in general, a theme constantly present throughout history in which certain fundamental questions of the architectural debate – still in progress – become explicit through real and binding situations.The work exhibited here represents a possible direct manifestation of a design approach based on a dialectical relationship and continuity with respect to a specific story and context. The theme of memory linked to reconstruction assumes a key role in the understanding and development of the contemporary project.Scavato nel ventre della montagna il Cimitero di Muda Maé a Longarone si configura come un’antica necropoli ritrovata, simbolo di memoria e di rinascita in seguito ai drammatici eventi provocati dal disastro del Vajont dell’ottobre 1963.Interrogarsi sul significato di quest’opera, al di là di ciò che essa rappresenta, significa indagare sul contesto che l’ha generata e sul problema della ricostruzione, tema costantemente presente nel corso della storia nel quale si rendono esplicite, attraverso situazioni reali e cogenti, alcune questioni fondanti del dibattito architettonico, tutt’ora in atto.Il lavoro qui esposto rappresenta una possibile manifestazione diretta di un approccio progettuale basato su un rapporto dialettico e di continuità rispetto alla storia e al contesto. Il tema della memoria legato alla ricostruzione assume quindi un ruolo chiave per la comprensione e lo sviluppo del progetto contemporaneo
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