61 research outputs found

    Значение персистенции цитомегаловирусной инфекции в формировании группы часто болеющих детей

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    So far not defined the value of CMV persistence in frequently and chronically ill children, the impact of active CMV-infection on the severity of the condition and the incidence of viral-bacterial complications. 149 surveyed frequently and long ill children with lymphadenopathy (58), obstructive bronchitis (40), the defeat of theENT organs (18), meningoencephalitis (13), pleuropneumonia (12), thrombocytopenia (8), were in the offices MDKB. The age of the children ranged from 1 month. up to 14 years. Structural identification of CMV pp65 antigen is recommended in severe patients and in children with frequent and prolonged acute respiratory infections, complications of purulent-inflammatory diseases. To confirm active CMV replication method should be used in real time PCR in saliva and urine (positive at 48.6%).До настоящего времени не определено значение персистенции CMV у часто и длительно болеющих детей, влияние активной CMV-инфекции на тяжесть состояния и частоту развития вирусно-бактериальных осложнений. Обследовано 149 часто и длительно болеющих детей с лимфаденопатией (58), обструктивным бронхитом (40), поражением ЛОР-органов (18), менингоэнцефалитом (13), плевропневмонией (12), тромбоцитопенией (8), находившихся в отделениях МДГКБ. Возраст детей составил от 1 мес. до 14 лет. Идентификацию структурного антигена CMV рр65 рекомендуется проводить у тяжелых больных, а также у детей с частыми и длительными ОРЗ, осложненными различными гнойно-воспалительными заболеваниями. Для подтверждения активной репликации ЦМВ следует использовать методом Real-time ПЦР в слюне и моче (положительна в 48,6%)

    Checkpoints in a Yeast Differentiation Pathway Coordinate Signaling during Hyperosmotic Stress

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    All eukaryotes have the ability to detect and respond to environmental and hormonal signals. In many cases these signals evoke cellular changes that are incompatible and must therefore be orchestrated by the responding cell. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, hyperosmotic stress and mating pheromones initiate signaling cascades that each terminate with a MAP kinase, Hog1 and Fus3, respectively. Despite sharing components, these pathways are initiated by distinct inputs and produce distinct cellular behaviors. To understand how these responses are coordinated, we monitored the pheromone response during hyperosmotic conditions. We show that hyperosmotic stress limits pheromone signaling in at least three ways. First, stress delays the expression of pheromone-induced genes. Second, stress promotes the phosphorylation of a protein kinase, Rck2, and thereby inhibits pheromone-induced protein translation. Third, stress promotes the phosphorylation of a shared pathway component, Ste50, and thereby dampens pheromone-induced MAPK activation. Whereas all three mechanisms are dependent on an increase in osmolarity, only the phosphorylation events require Hog1. These findings reveal how an environmental stress signal is able to postpone responsiveness to a competing differentiation signal, by acting on multiple pathway components, in a coordinated manner

    Comparative Live-Cell Imaging Analyses of SPA-2, BUD-6 and BNI-1 in Neurospora crassa Reveal Novel Features of the Filamentous Fungal Polarisome

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    A key multiprotein complex involved in regulating the actin cytoskeleton and secretory machinery required for polarized growth in fungi, is the polarisome. Recognized core constituents in budding yeast are the proteins Spa2, Pea2, Aip3/Bud6, and the key effector Bni1. Multicellular fungi display a more complex polarized morphogenesis than yeasts, suggesting that the filamentous fungal polarisome might fulfill additional functions. In this study, we compared the subcellular organization and dynamics of the putative polarisome components BUD-6 and BNI-1 with those of the bona fide polarisome marker SPA-2 at various developmental stages of Neurospora crassa. All three proteins exhibited a yeast-like polarisome configuration during polarized germ tube growth, cell fusion, septal pore plugging and tip repolarization. However, the localization patterns of all three proteins showed spatiotemporally distinct characteristics during the establishment of new polar axes, septum formation and cytokinesis, and maintained hyphal tip growth. Most notably, in vegetative hyphal tips BUD-6 accumulated as a subapical cloud excluded from the Spitzenkörper (Spk), whereas BNI-1 and SPA-2 partially colocalized with the Spk and the tip apex. Novel roles during septal plugging and cytokinesis, connected to the reinitiation of tip growth upon physical injury and conidial maturation, were identified for BUD-6 and BNI-1, respectively. Phenotypic analyses of gene deletion mutants revealed additional functions for BUD-6 and BNI-1 in cell fusion regulation, and the maintenance of Spk integrity. Considered together, our findings reveal novel polarisome-independent functions of BUD-6 and BNI-1 in Neurospora, but also suggest that all three proteins cooperate at plugged septal pores, and their complex arrangement within the apical dome of mature hypha might represent a novel aspect of filamentous fungal polarisome architecture

    Experimental and Molecular Modeling Study of the Three-Phase Behavior of ( n

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    Functional analysis of FAR1 in yeast.

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    The Value of Persistent Cytomegalovirus Infection in the Formation of Groups of Children with Recurrent Acute Respiratory Diseases

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    So far not defined the value of CMV persistence in frequently and chronically ill children, the impact of active CMV-infection on the severity of the condition and the incidence of viral-bacterial complications. 149 surveyed frequently and long ill children with lymphadenopathy (58), obstructive bronchitis (40), the defeat of theENT organs (18), meningoencephalitis (13), pleuropneumonia (12), thrombocytopenia (8), were in the offices MDKB. The age of the children ranged from 1 month. up to 14 years. Structural identification of CMV pp65 antigen is recommended in severe patients and in children with frequent and prolonged acute respiratory infections, complications of purulent-inflammatory diseases. To confirm active CMV replication method should be used in real time PCR in saliva and urine (positive at 48.6%)