9 research outputs found

    Nutrition challenges ahead

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    The breakout session ‘Nutrition challenges ahead’ was held at the EFSA 2nd Scientific Conference ‘Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together’ (Milan, Italy, 14–16 October 2015) to address the main problems in the area of nutrition to be faced in the 21st Century, both at a global and individual level. The nutrition challenges ahead are diverse and depend on agricultural, socioeconomic and individual factors. At a global level, food security, food sustainability and decreasing the impact of food production on climate change are of paramount importance. Decreasing the prevalence of obesity and related disorders, which may coexist with selected micronutrient deficiencies, is a major challenge for wealthy countries; for developing countries and rural food systems, fighting protein–energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies is a priority. Diets based on a wide variety of nutrient-rich local plant foods (e.g. fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, vegetable oils, nuts) that contain moderate amounts of animal protein (preferably in the form of fish) and are low in saturated and trans-fatty acids, added sugars and sodium, are healthy, nutritious, sustainable and climate friendly. Creating an environment where such diets are also economically advantageous and convenient may be a part of a global solution to these nutritional challenges. Individuals, however, are unique regarding their genetic background, gut microbiota and health status. In addition, nutrition may already play a role in the development (and prevention) of disease very early in life. Thus, additional health benefits could be achieved by tailoring nutritional strategies to particular population subgroups or even individuals on the basis of current and future knowledge about the relationship between nutrients, genes, the microbiome and health. New technologies and food innovation may help in finding novel foods fit for purpose

    Re-evaluation of behenic acid from mustard seeds to be used in the manufacturing of certain emulsifiers pursuant to Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 – for permanent exemption from labelling

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to review a scientific assessment related to a notification from DuPont Nutrition Biosciences Aps on behenic acid from mustard seeds to be used in the manufacturing of certain emulsifiers pursuant to Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 – for permanent exemption from labelling. The EC requested EFSA to consider comments raised by the German authorities in relation to: (a) the maximum amount of mustard protein that could be consumed from the emulsifiers manufactured from behenic acid (E470a, E471 and E477) on a single occasion and (b) the minimal observed eliciting dose (MOED) triggering allergic reactions in mustard-allergic individuals. The maximum amount of mustard protein content in behenic acid was re-assessed in view of new analytical data provided by the applicant. Intake estimates by the EFSA ANS Panel for E471 (adults) were used as a proxy for the combined intake (E470a, E471 and E477). Food challenge data and systematic reviews thereof deriving population minimal observed eliciting dose distributions for mustard protein were used to calculate the MOED and estimate the risk. The margin of exposure between the MOED (0.26 mg mustard protein) and the maximum amount of mustard protein that could be consumed from the emulsifiers on a single occasion (0.00895475 mg) is 29. It is predicted that between 0.1% and 1% of the mustard allergic population would react with mild objective symptoms to that dose. Overall, the assessment is conservative, particularly in relation to the exposure. Based on the information and data available, the NDA Panel concludes that it is extremely unlikely (≤ 1% probability) that oral consumption of emulsifiers to be manufactured using behenic acid from mustard seeds (i.e. E470a, E471 and E477) will trigger an allergic reaction in mustard-allergic individuals under the proposed conditions of use

    Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for preformed vitamin A and β-carotene

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    Following two requests from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the revision of the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for preformed vitamin A and β-carotene. Systematic reviews of the literature were conducted for priority adverse health effects of excess vitamin A intake, namely teratogenicity, hepatotoxicity and endpoints related to bone health. Available data did not allow to address whether β-carotene could potentiate preformed vitamin A toxicity. Teratogenicity was selected as the critical effect on which to base the UL for preformed vitamin A. The Panel proposes to retain the UL for preformed vitamin A of 3000 μg RE/day for adults. This UL applies to men and women, including women of child-bearing age, pregnant and lactating women and post-menopausal women. This value was scaled down to other population groups using allometric scaling (body weight0.75), leading to ULs between 600 μg RE/day (infants 4–11 months) and 2600 μg RE/day (adolescents 15–17 years). Based on available intake data, European populations are unlikely to exceed the UL for preformed vitamin A if consumption of liver, offal and products thereof is limited to once per month or less. Women who are planning to become pregnant or who are pregnant are advised not to consume liver products. Lung cancer risk was selected as the critical effect of excess supplemental β-carotene. The available data were not sufficient and suitable to characterise a dose–response relationship and identify a reference point; therefore, no UL could be established. There is no indication that β-carotene intake from the background diet is associated with adverse health effects. Smokers should avoid consuming food supplements containing β-carotene. The use of supplemental β-carotene by the general population should be limited to the purpose of meeting vitamin A requirements

    Tolerable upper intake level for dietary sugars

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    Following a request from five European Nordic countries, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was tasked to provide scientific advice on a tolerable upper intake level (UL) or a safe level of intake for dietary (total/added/free) sugars based on available data on chronic metabolic diseases, pregnancy-related endpoints and dental caries. Specific sugar types (fructose) and sources of sugars were also addressed. The intake of dietary sugars is a well-established hazard in relation to dental caries in humans. Based on a systematic review of the literature, prospective cohort studies do not support a positive relationship between the intake of dietary sugars, in isocaloric exchange with other macronutrients, and any of the chronic metabolic diseases or pregnancy-related endpoints assessed. Based on randomised control trials on surrogate disease endpoints, there is evidence for a positive and causal relationship between the intake of added/free sugars and risk of some chronic metabolic diseases: The level of certainty is moderate for obesity and dyslipidaemia (> 50–75% probability), low for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes (> 15–50% probability) and very low for hypertension (0–15% probability). Health effects of added vs. free sugars could not be compared. A level of sugars intake at which the risk of dental caries/chronic metabolic diseases is not increased could not be identified over the range of observed intakes, and thus, a UL or a safe level of intake could not be set. Based on available data and related uncertainties, the intake of added and free sugars should be as low as possible in the context of a nutritionally adequate diet. Decreasing the intake of added and free sugars would decrease the intake of total sugars to a similar extent. This opinion can assist EU Member States in setting national goals/recommendations

    Correction: Comment on “Relation of fruit juice with adiposity and diabetes depends on how fruit juice is defined: a re-analysis of the EFSA draft scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for dietary sugars” by Chen et al. 2023 (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (2023), 77, 12, (1176-1177), 10.1038/s41430-023-01337-0)

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    Correction to: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , published online 15 September 2023 The following disclaimer was added in the article backmatter: “The authors Silvia VALTUEÑA MARTINEZ and Ionut CRACIUN are employed with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in NIF Unit that provides scientific and administrative support to the EFSA NDA Panel in the area of nutrition. However, the present article is published under the sole responsibility of the authors and may not be considered as an EFSA scientific output. The positions and opinions presented in this article are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent any official position of EFSA. To know about the views or scientific outputs of EFSA, please consult its website under.” The original article has been corrected