27 research outputs found

    Impact of dissipation on the energy spectrum of experimental turbulence of gravity surface waves

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    We discuss the impact of dissipation on the development of the energy spectrum in wave turbulence of gravity surface waves with emphasis on the effect of surface contamination. We performed experiments in the Coriolis facility which is a 13-m diameter wave tank. We took care of cleaning surface contamination as well as possible considering that the surface of water exceeds 100~m2^2. We observe that for the cleanest condition the frequency energy spectrum shows a power law decay extending up to the gravity capillary crossover (14 Hz) with a spectral exponent that is increasing with the forcing strength and decaying with surface contamination. Although slightly higher than reported previously in the literature, the exponent for the cleanest water remains significantly below the prediction from the Weak Turbulence Theory. By discussing length and time scales, we show that weak turbulence cannot be expected at frequencies above 3 Hz. We observe with a stereoscopic reconstruction technique that the increase with the forcing strength of energy spectrum beyond 3~Hz is mostly due to the formation and strenghtening of bound waves.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluid

    From internal waves to turbulence in a stably stratified fluid

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    We report on the statistical analysis of stratified turbulence forced by large-scale waves. The setup mimics some features of the tidal forcing of turbulence in the ocean interior at submesoscales. Our experiments are performed in the large-scale Coriolis facility in Grenoble which is 13 m in diameter and 1 m deep. Four wavemakers excite large scale waves of moderate amplitude. In addition to weak internal wave turbulence at large scales, we observe strongly nonlinear waves, the breaking of which triggers intermittently strong turbulence at small scales. A transition to strongly nonlinear turbulence is observed at smaller scales. Our measurements are reminiscent of oceanic observations. Despite similarities with the empirical Garrett & Munk spectrum that assumes weak wave turbulence, our observed energy spectra are rather be attributed to strongly nonlinear internal waves.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Generation of weakly nonlinear turbulence of internal gravity waves in the Coriolis facility

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    We investigate experimentally stratified turbulence forced by waves. Stratified turbulence is present in oceans and it is expected to be dominated by nonlinear interaction of internal gravity waves as described by the Garrett & Munk spectrum. In order to reach turbulent regimes dominated by stratification we use the Coriolis facility in Grenoble (France) which large size enables us to reach regimes with both low Froude number and large Reynolds number. Stratification is obtained by using vertically linearly varying salt concentration and we force large scale waves in a 6×6×16\times6\times 1 m3^3 domain. We perform time-resolved PIV to probe the space-time structure of the velocity field. We observe a wide band spectrum which is made of waves. Discrete modes are observed due to the square shape of the flow container as well as a continuum part which appears consistent with an axisymmetric superposition of random weakly nonlinear waves. Our observations support the interpretation of turbulence of a strongly stratified fluid as wave turbulence of internal waves although our spectrum is quite different from the Garrett & Munk spectrum. Weak turbulence proceeds down to a small cutoff length scale (the buoyancy wavelength) at which a transition to more strongly nonlinear turbulence is expected.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluid

    The dynamics of bi-directional exchange flows::implication for morphodynamic change within estuaries and sea straits

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    Environmental and geophysical flows, including dense bottom gravity currents in the ocean and buoyancy-driven exchange flows in marginal seas, are strongly controlled by topographic features. These are known to exert significant influence on both internal mixing and secondary circulations generated by these flows. In such cases, uni-directional or bi-directional exchange flows develop when horizontal density differences and/or pressure gradients are present between adjacent water bodies connected by a submerged channel. The flow dynamics of the dense lower layer depend primarily on the volumetric flux and channel cross-sectional shape, while the stratified interfacial flow mixing characteristics, leading to fluid entrainment/detrainment, are also dependent on the buoyancy flux and motion within the upper (lower density) water mass. For submerged channels that are relatively wide compared to the internal Rossby radius of deformation, Earth rotation effects introduce geostrophic adjustment of these internal fluid motions, which can suppress turbulent mixing generated at the interface and result in the development of Ekman layers that induce secondary, cross-channel circulations, even within straight channels. Moreover, recent studies of dense, gravity currents generated in rotating and non-rotating systems, respectively, indicated that the V-shaped channel topography had a strong influence on both flow distribution and associated interfacial mixing characteristics along the channel. However, such topographic controls on the interfacial mixing and secondary circulations generated by bi-directional exchange flows are not yet fully understood and remain to be investigated thoroughly in the laboratory. Also the effect of mobile bed for bi-directional exchange flows generated in deformable channels along with the physical interactions between the lower dense water flow and the erodible bed sediments will have a strong influence in (re-)shaping the overall channel bed topography (i.e. bed morphodynamics). Consequently, the resulting temporal changes in cross-sectional channel bathymetry (i.e. through erosion and deposition processes) would also be expected to have associated feedbacks on transverse asymmetries in the bi-directional exchange flow structure, as well as on the internal flow stability

    Influence of Coriolis Force Upon Bottom Boundary Layers in a Large‐Scale Gravity Current Experiment: Implications for Evolution of Sinuous Deep‐Water Channel Systems

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    Oceanic density currents in many deep‐water channels are strongly influenced by the Coriolis force. The dynamics of the bottom boundary layer in large geostrophic flows and low Rossby number turbidity currents are very important for determining the erosion and deposition of sediment in channelized contourite currents and many large‐scale turbidity currents. However, these bottom boundary layers are notoriously difficult to resolve with oceanic field measurements or in previous small‐scale rotating laboratory experiments. We present results from a large, 13‐m diameter, rotating laboratory platform that is able to achieve both stratified and highly turbulent flows in regimes where the rotation is sufficiently rapid that the Coriolis force can potentially dominate. By resolving the dynamics of the turbulent bottom boundary in straight and sinuous channel sections, we find that the Coriolis force can overcome centrifugal force to switch the direction of near‐bed flows in channel bends. This occurs for positive Rossby numbers less than +0.8, defined as RoR = /Rf, where is the depth and time‐averaged velocity, R is the radius of channel curvature, and f is the Coriolis parameter. Density and velocity fields decoupled in channel bends, with the densest fluid of the gravity current being deflected to the outer bend of the channel by the centrifugal force, while the location of velocity maximum shifted with the Coriolis force, leading to asymmetries between left‐ and right‐turning bends. These observations of Coriolis effects on gravity currents are synthesized into a model of how sedimentary structures might evolve in sinuous turbidity current channels at various latitudes

    Laboratory experiments reveal intrinsic self-sustained oscillations in ocean relevant rotating fluid flows

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    Several ocean Western Boundary Currents (WBCs) encounter a lateral gap along their path. Examples are the Kuroshio Current penetrating into the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait and the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current leaping from the Yucatan peninsula to Florida as part of the Gulf Stream system. Here, we present results on WBC relevant flows, generated in the world’s largest rotating platform, where the Earth’s sphericity necessary to support WBCs is realized by an equivalent topographic effect. The fluid is put in motion by a pump system, which produces a current that is stationary far from the gap. When the jet reaches the gap entrance, time-dependent patterns with complex spatial structures appear, with the jet leaking, leaping or looping through the gap. The occurrence of these intrinsic self-sustained periodic or aperiodic oscillations depending on current intensity is well known in nonlinear dynamical systems theory and occurs in many real systems. It has been observed here for the first time in real rotating fluid flows and is thought to be highly relevant to explain low-frequency variability in ocean WBCs