3 research outputs found

    Temporal and spectral fingerprint of ultrafast all-coherent spin switching

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    Future information technology demands ultimately fast, low-loss quantum control. Intense light fields have facilitated important milestones, such as inducing novel states of matter, accelerating electrons ballistically, or coherently flipping the valley pseudospin. These dynamics leave unique signatures, such as characteristic bandgaps or high-order harmonic radiation. The fastest and least dissipative way of switching the technologically most important quantum attribute – the spin – between two states separated by a potential barrier is to trigger an all-coherent precession. Pioneering experiments and theory with picosecond electric and magnetic fields have suggested this possibility, yet observing the actual dynamics has remained out of reach. Here, we show that terahertz (1 THz = 1012 Hz) electromagnetic pulses allow coherent navigation of spins over a potential barrier and we reveal the corresponding temporal and spectral fingerprints. This goal is achieved by coupling spins in antiferromagnetic TmFeO3 with the locally enhanced THz electric field of custom-tailored antennas. Within their duration of 1 ps, the intense THz pulses abruptly change the magnetic anisotropy and trigger a large-amplitude ballistic spin motion. A characteristic phase flip, an asymmetric splitting of the magnon resonance, and a long-lived offset of the Faraday signal are hallmarks of coherent spin switching into adjacent potential minima, in agreement with a numerical simulation. The switchable spin states can be selected by an external magnetic bias. The low dissipation and the antenna’s sub-wavelength spatial definition could facilitate scalable spin devices opera¬ting at THz rates

    Sistemas sinóticos associados às precipitações intensas no estado de Alagoas Synoptic systems associated to heavy precipitation in the state of Alagoas

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    Neste trabalho analisou-se a estrutura dos sistemas meteorológicos associados às precipitações intensas em Alagoas entre 2003 e 2006. Foi feita a análise das imagens de satélite no canal infravermelho, de produtos de reanálise do National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) e dados de precipitação de dezessete postos pluviométricos, espalhados em diferentes regiões do Estado. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as causas da formação das precipitações intensas e determinar os sistemas meteorológicos associados. Os casos de precipitação intensa foram registrados no Outono/Inverno. Além disso, metade dos eventos ocorridos entre a primavera e o verão aconteceu em janeiro. As Perturbações Ondulatórias nos Ventos Alísios, a Corrente de Jato do Nordeste Brasileiro e as extremidades das frentes frias foram os sistemas que estiveram mais relacionados às precipitações intensas. Complexos Convectivos de Mesoescala provocaram boa parte dos temporais no oeste do Estado, o que não foi verificado no leste. Exemplificando o método de análise utilizado, um caso foi discutido.<br>Structures of meteorological systems, associated with heavy precipitation in the Alagoas State, for the 2003-2006 period were studied. Infrared satellite images, reanalysis data products of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and data from seventeen Alagoas pluviometric stations were used. The goal of this study is the analysis of the heavy precipitation causes and determination of the associated weather systems. Heavy precipitations were usually registered during autumn/winter seasons. Also, half of all spring/summer heavy precipitations events occurred in January. Wave Disturbances in the Trade Winds, Brazilian Northeast Jet Streams and Cold Front Extremities were associated with heavy precipitations. Almost all heavy precipitations events were connected with Mesoscale Convective Complexes in the west region of the State and usually did not occur in the east region. To exemplify the used analysis method a case study is discussed