3 research outputs found

    La plaqueta pintada del yacimiento epipaleolítico de Picamoixons (Alt Camp, Tarragona) : aproximación al estudio de la cadena operativa

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    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio realizado sobre una plaqueta pintada localizada en el yacimiento de Picamoixons, cuya cronología oscila entre 9.l70±80 y 11.050±90 B.P. A su vez se desarrolla una metodología referida al medio de aplicación de la pintura mediante las técnicas digital, pincel y "a crayon", en base a un programa experimental. Se describen los primeros resultados y su aplicación a la plaqueta de Picamoixons.In this work we present the study concerning a painted tablet on limestone located at the Picamoixons site, whose dating stands between 9.170±80 and 11.050±90 B.P. At the same time, a methodology is currently being developed regarding the means of application of (he painting through the digital, paintbrush and "a crayon" techniques, based on an experimental programo The frrst results and their application on the Picamoixons tablet are described

    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja (Tarragonès) revisitat en la intervenció arqueològica preventiva de l'any 2007

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    El barranc de la Boella de la Canonja és un jaciment descobert en el primer terç del segle XX. Cinquanta anys després de la seva descoberta, la publicació d'aquest jaciment pels senyors R. Capdevila i S. Vilaseca va permetre actualitzar l'escàs coneixement de la bioestratigrafia del quaternari del Camp de Tarragona (Vilaseca, 1973). Tal com assenyala el mateix S. Vilaseca, la presència de fòssils de mamífers en el barranc va ser donada a conèixer per J. R. Bataller en la memòria explicativa del segon mapa geològic del full 473 de l'IGME corresponent a Tarragona (Bataller, 1935). El mateix S. Vilaseca apunta altres descobertes de mamífers ressenyades en el Camp de Tarragona, com la nota de Faura i Sans sobre un fragment de molar de proboscidi que Harlé determinaria com Elephas meridionalis el mateix any (Faura i Sans, 1920; Harlé, 1920). Aquesta resta va ser enviada per A. Romaní, aleshores director del Museu Balaguer de Vilanova i la Geltrú, a qui li van fer arribar des d'unes pedreres del Port de Tarragona. Els treballs geològics de M. Faura i Sans, J.R. Bataller i S. Vilaseca durant el primer quart del segle XX protagonitzaren el desenvolupament de la geologia, la paleontologia i la prehistòria en el marc del Servei del Mapa de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya

    Extended-range luminescence chronologies for the Middle Pleistocene units at the Sima del Elefante archaeological site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)

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    The Sima del Elefante site is located within the Sierra de Atapuerca karst system (Burgos, northern Spain), and forms part of a series of important Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene archaeological complexes that have been dated previously with luminescence techniques (Gran Dolina, Galería Complex, Sima de los Huesos, Galería de las Estatuas). This study focuses on the upper Middle Pleistocene units (TE18 and TE19) at Sima del Elefante, which contain Acheulean and transitional lithic assemblages (Mode 2/3), as well as large and small mammal fossils. Importantly, these uppermost units are associated with a sediment plug located in the cave's interior at Galería Baja, which marks the closure of a significant palaeoentrance to the Atapuerca karst system. Establishing the accumulation history of these related deposits is important for understanding both Lower Palaeolithic technological dynamics via comparisons with similar levels at other Atapuerca sites (i.e., Gran Dolina and Galería Complex), as well as past human occupation patterns and carnivore use of (and accessibility to) the caves. We present single-grain TT-OSL and multi-grain pIR-IR chronologies for the Sima del Elefante upper sequence and the Galería Baja sediment cone, as well as U-series dating results for a stalagmitic crust capping the combined clastic infill sequence. The paired luminescence ages for the upper occupation levels are in agreement with each other and reveal that the host deposits accumulated 576–481 ka for the TE18 stratified scree layers, 266–237 ka for TE19 and 206–250 ka for the Galería Baja upper cone section (weighted mean 2σ age ranges). A concordant U-series age of 202 ± 65 ka is obtained for the overlying stalagmitic crust at Galería Baja. The Sima del Elefante ages are consistent with those previously obtained using U-series and biochronology, confirming that there is an erosional unconformity and complex carbonate deposition phase associated with the upper layers of unit TE18 and that the original cave entrance likely closed by ∼200 ka. Chronological correlation with other Atapuerca sites reveals potential equivalence between TE18 and unit TD8 (at Gran Dolina), and between TE19 and units GIIb–GIIIb (at Galería Complex) and, possibly, TD10.1 and TD10.2 (at Gran Dolina), though more refined dating is required to confirm the latter