63 research outputs found

    Two-particle bosonic-fermionic quantum walk via 3D integrated photonics

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    Quantum walk represents one of the most promising resources for the simulation of physical quantum systems, and has also emerged as an alternative to the standard circuit model for quantum computing. Up to now the experimental implementations have been restricted to single particle quantum walk, while very recently the quantum walks of two identical photons have been reported. Here, for the first time, we investigate how the particle statistics, either bosonic or fermionic, influences a two-particle discrete quantum walk. Such experiment has been realized by adopting two-photon entangled states and integrated photonic circuits. The polarization entanglement was exploited to simulate the bunching-antibunching feature of non interacting bosons and fermions. To this scope a novel three-dimensional geometry for the waveguide circuit is introduced, which allows accurate polarization independent behaviour, maintaining a remarkable control on both phase and balancement.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures + supplementary informatio

    Severe Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in a Woman With Breast Cancer Under Letrozole Triggered With GnRH Agonist: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We report a rare case of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in a 28-year-old woman with breast cancer and with a history of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) despite treatment with letrozole and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) triggering in a GnRH antagonist (GnRH-ant) protocol without the administration of any human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for luteal-phase support. The patient, who underwent controlled ovarian syndrome (COS)-oocyte cryopreservation before chemotherapy, required hospitalization. Complete recovery was achieved after treatment with volume expanders, human albumin, and cabergoline. Based on our case and literature review, it is possible to establish that estradiol (E2) modulation with letrozole and GnRH-a triggering does not eliminate the risk of OHSS. Furthermore, it is advisable to postpone GnRH-a depot to minimize the risk of OHSS after the suspension of letrozole, following menstruation or at least 7–8 days after triggering. It would be desirable to identify high-risk patients, also on a genetic basis, in order to avoid delays in oncologic treatments that could strongly impact life expectancy

    Radiomic and Artificial Intelligence Analysis with Textural Metrics, Morphological and Dynamic Perfusion Features Extracted by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Classification of Breast Lesions

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    The aim of the study was to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of textural, morpho- logical and dynamic features, extracted by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) images, by carrying out univariate and multivariate statistical analyses including artificial intelligence approaches. Methods: In total, 85 patients with known breast lesion were enrolled in this retrospective study according to regulations issued by the local Institutional Review Board. All patients underwent DCE-MRI examination. The reference standard was pathology from a surgical specimen for malignant lesions and pathology from a surgical specimen or fine needle aspiration cytology, core or Tru-Cut needle biopsy for benign lesions. In total, 91 samples of 85 patients were ana- lyzed. Furthermore, 48 textural metrics, 15 morphological and 81 dynamic parameters were extracted by manually segmenting regions of interest. Statistical analyses including univariate and multivari- ate approaches were performed: non-parametric Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test; receiver operating characteristic (ROC), linear classifier (LDA), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), and support vector machine (SVM) were utilized. A balancing approach and feature selection methods were used. Results: The univariate analysis showed low accuracy and area under the curve (AUC) for all considered features. Instead, in the multivariate textural analysis, the best performance (accuracy (ACC) = 0.78; AUC = 0.78) was reached with all 48 metrics and an LDA trained with balanced data. The best performance (ACC = 0.75; AUC = 0.80) using morphological features was reached with an SVM trained with 10-fold cross-variation (CV) and balanced data (with adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) function) and a subset of five robust morphological features (circularity, rectangularity, sphericity, gleaning and surface). The best performance (ACC = 0.82; AUC = 0.83) using dynamic features was reached with a trained SVM and balanced data (with ADASYN function). Conclusion: Multivariate analyses using pattern recognition approaches, including all morphological, textural and dynamic features, optimized by adaptive synthetic sampling and feature selection operations obtained the best results and showed the best performance in the discrimination of benign and malignant lesions

    Understanding Ovarian Hypo-Response to Exogenous Gonadotropin in Ovarian Stimulation and Its New Proposed Marker—The Follicle-To-Oocyte (FOI) Index

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    Hypo-responsiveness to controlled ovarian stimulation is an undervalued topic in reproductive medicine. This phenomenon manifests as a low follicles output rate (FORT) with a discrepancy between the relatively low number of pre-ovulatory follicles which develop following ovarian stimulation as compared to the number of antral follicles available at the start of stimulation. The pathophysiology mechanisms explaining the ovarian resistance to gonadotropin stimulation are not fully understood, but the fact that both hypo-responders and normal responders share similar phenotypic characteristics suggests a genotype-based mechanism. Indeed, existing evidence supports the association between specific gonadotropin and their receptor polymorphisms and ovarian hypo-response. Apart from genotypic trait, environmental contaminants and oxidative stress might also be involved in the hypo-response pathogenesis. The ratio between the number of oocytes collected at the ovum pick up and the number of antral follicles at the beginning of OS [Follicle to oocyte index (FOI)] is proposed as a novel parameter to assess the hypo-response. Compared with traditional ovarian reserve markers, FOI might reflect most optimally the dynamic nature of follicular growth in response to exogenous gonadotropin. In this review, we contextualize the role of FOI as a parameter to identify this condition, discuss the underlying mechanisms potentially implicated in the pathogenesis of hypo-response, and appraise possible the treatment strategies to overcome hyper-responsiveness to gonadotropin stimulation

    Digital breast tomosynthesis and contrast-enhanced dual-energy digital mammography alone and in combination compared to 2D digital synthetized mammography and MR imaging in breast cancer detection and classification.

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    To compare diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced dual-energy digital mammography (CEDM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) alone and in combination compared to 2D digital mammography (MX) and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) in women with breast lesions. We enrolled 100 consecutive patients with breast lesions (BIRADS 3-5 at imaging or clinically suspicious). CEDM, DBT, and DCE-MRI 2D were acquired. Synthetized MX was obtained by DBT. A total of 134 lesions were investigated on 111 breasts of 100 enrolled patients: 53 were histopathologically proven as benign and 81 as malignant. Nonparametric statistics and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve were performed. Two-dimensional synthetized MX showed an area under ROC curve (AUC) of 0.764 (sensitivity 65%, specificity 80%), while AUC was of 0.845 (sensitivity 80%, specificity 82%) for DBT, of 0.879 (sensitivity 82%, specificity 80%) for CEDM, and of 0.892 (sensitivity 91%, specificity 84%) for CE-MRI. DCE-MRI determined an AUC of 0.934 (sensitivity 96%, specificity 88%). Combined CEDM with DBT findings, we obtained an AUC of 0.890 (sensitivity 89%, specificity 74%). A difference statistically significant was observed only between DCE-MRI and CEDM (P = .03). DBT, CEDM, CEDM combined to tomosynthesis, and DCE-MRI had a high ability to identify multifocal and bilateral lesions with a detection rate of 77%, 85%, 91%, and 95% respectively, while 2D synthetized MX had a detection rate for multifocal lesions of 56%. DBT and CEDM have superior diagnostic accuracy of 2D synthetized MX to identify and classify breast lesions, and CEDM combined with DBT has better diagnostic performance compared with DBT alone. The best results in terms of diagnostic performance were obtained by DCE-MRI. Dynamic information obtained by time-intensity curve including entire phase of contrast agent uptake allows a better detection and classification of breast lesions

    Occurrence of Aflatoxin M1 in Dairy Products in Southern Italy

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    A screening survey of the presence of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) was carried out on 265 samples of cheese made from cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, sheep-goat milk collected in the Apulia region (Southern Italy). Selected samples included unripened, medium and long-term ripened cheeses. AFM1 was found in 16.6% of the analyzed samples. The highest positive incidence was for medium and long-term ripened cheeses, especially those made from sheep-goat milk, while buffalo cheeses tested consistently negative. Our results show that the level of contamination by AFM1 in dairy products from Apulia Region are lower than in other Italian and European regions. Moreover, it is important to underline that a common European norm concerning the AFM1 threshold limits for dairy products is still lacking

    Clinical Features, Cardiovascular Risk Profile, and Therapeutic Trajectories of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Candidate for Oral Semaglutide Therapy in the Italian Specialist Care

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    Introduction: This study aimed to address therapeutic inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by investigating the potential of early treatment with oral semaglutide. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 among specialists treating individuals with T2D. A scientific committee designed a data collection form covering demographics, cardiovascular risk, glucose control metrics, ongoing therapies, and physician judgments on treatment appropriateness. Participants completed anonymous patient questionnaires reflecting routine clinical encounters. The preferred therapeutic regimen for each patient was also identified. Results: The analysis was conducted on 4449 patients initiating oral semaglutide. The population had a relatively short disease duration (42%  60% of patients, and more often than sitagliptin or empagliflozin. Conclusion: The study supports the potential of early implementation of oral semaglutide as a strategy to overcome therapeutic inertia and enhance T2D management

    Ruolo degli Agonisti del GnRH in pazienti affette da carcinoma mammario

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    Nel corso di questo lavoro di tesi, è stato utilizzato il modello delle pazienti oncologiche affette da carcinoma mammario per analizzare il ruolo degli agonisti del Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) nella modulazione dell’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-ovaio nelle diverse situazioni cliniche. Infatti, la stessa molecola, come formulazione "depot", può essere sfruttata per il potente effetto di desensibilizzazione ipofisaria con gli indubbi vantaggi nel trattamento adiuvante del carcinoma mammario con recettori ormonali positivi (estradiolo – E e Progesterone – Pg). Tale effetto è tra i possibili meccanismi d’azione invocati anche per le strategie di preservazione della fertilità basate su protezione gonadica. Al contrario, in particolare nella formulazione giornaliera, tale molecola è utilizzata per l’induzione della maturità ovocitaria sfruttando l’effetto di stimolazione iniziale e rilascio di gonadotropine insito nel meccanismo farmacodinamico. Pertanto, partendo da un’attenta analisi della letteratura vigente, in questo lavoro, nella sezione sperimentale saranno presentati i dati relativi al nostro Centro con interessanti spunti di ricerca in merito all’interazione degli Agonisti del GnRH e gli inibitori di aromatasi sia in setting di preservazione della fertilità che in corso di terapie adiuvanti nei “cancer survivors”. Saranno descritte in breve le caratteristiche dell’ormonoterapia adiuvante nel tumore della mammella. In particolar modo, verrà attenzionato l’impiego in premenopausa dell’exemestane, inibitore steroideo dell’aromatasi di terza generazione. Oggetto di studio saranno gli effetti ormonali e l’inattesa attività ovarica (sulla base dei dati riportati in letteratura) osservata nelle pazienti in trattamento con questo farmaco presso il nostro Dipartimento. Per quanto concerne le pazienti afferenti al nostro Centro candidate alle strategie di preservazione della fertilità, saranno analizzati i profili ormonali e riproduttivi in corso di stimolazione ovarica controllata con protocollo adattato con gonadotropine esogene e letrozolo (inibitore dell’aromatasi non steroideo) e il tipo di strategia di induzione dell’ovulazione con i diversi farmaci ad oggi disponibili in commercio (Gonadotropina corionica umana- HCG e Agonisti del GnRH)

    Femtosecond laser waveguide writing for integrated quantum optics

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    Photonics is a powerful framework for testing in experiments quantum information ideas, which promise significant advantages in computation, cryptography, measurement and simulation tasks. Linear optics is in principle sufficient to achieve universal quantum computation, but stability requirements become severe when experiments have to be implemented with bulk components. Integrated photonic circuits, on the contrary, due to their compact monolithic structure, easily overcome stability and size limitations of bench-top setups. Anyway, for quantum information applications, they have been operated so far only with fixed polarization states of the photons. On the other hand, many important quantum information processes and sources of entangled photon states are based on the polarization degree of freedom. In our work we demonstrate femtosecond laser fabrication of novel integrated components which are able to support and manipulate polarization entangled photons. The low birefringence and the unique possibility of engineering three-dimensional circuit layouts, allow femtosecond laser written waveguides to be eminently suited for quantum optics applications. In fact, this technology enables to realize polarization insensitive circuits which have been employed for entangled Bell state filtration and implementation of discrete quantum walk of entangled photons. Polarization sensitive devices can also be fabricated, such as partially polarizing directional couplers, which have enabled on-chip integration of quantum logic gates reaching high fidelity operation
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