18 research outputs found

    On the Edge of Space and Time: Evangelical Missionaries in the Post-Soviet Arctic

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    Evangelical missionaries have missionised pretty much throughout Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Among their favourite targets are the small-numbered indigenous groups in the Russian Arctic, where the numbers of converts are steadily growing. One particular denomination, known as the Unregistered Baptists, are among the leading agents of religious change in the North today. They are driven by the promise of the return of Christ after the gospel is preached “at the ends of the earth”. I suggest that the Baptists’ agenda is shaped, on the one hand, by the literal reading of the Bible, which allows them to be the divine instruments at the end times and, on the other hand, by the idea of Russia’s special role in God’s salvation plan. I shall analyse the Baptists’ ideas and practices, using among others Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope in order to demonstrate how powerful narratives are created and lived

    What Does Matter?: Idols and Icons in the Nenets Tundra

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    This paper examines a mission encounter in the Nenets reindeer herders’ tundra. In post-Soviet Arctic Russia, Pentecostal and Baptist missionaries of Russian and Ukrainian origin have been fighting against idolatry and trying to persuade the Nenets to burn their sacred images or khekhe’’. They claim that among the indigenous Siberians idolatry exists in its quintessential or prototypical form, as it is described in the Bible. I shall suggest that this encounter takes place in a gap, in which the Nenets and Protestant have different understandings of language and materiality. Missionaries rely simultaneously on the ‘modern’ ideology of signification and the ‘non-modern’ magic of the material. They argue that idols, which are ‘nothing’ according to the scriptures, dangerously bind the ‘pagans’’ minds. For reindeer herders, for whom sacred items occupy an important place in the family wellbeing, the main issue is how to sever the link with the spirits without doing any damage

    “We Cannot Pray without Kumyshka”: Alcohol in Udmurt Ritual Life

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    We trace the history of the uses of the alcoholic drink known as kumyshka among the Udmurt. Our focus is on kumyshka’s ritual uses both in public and domestic contexts in the second half of the 19th century, the early 20th century as well as the early 21st century. We suggest that kumyshka not only represents a site of resistance to the dominant religious regime, i.e. Russian Orthodoxy, but is also a tool for self-enhancement and identity making for this indigenous people in the Volga River basin in Central Russia. The consumption of kumyshka has been a frequent object of criticism in the accounts of Orthodox clergy, scholars, doctors, travellers and administrators. Most accounts reflect a moralising stance, which only occasionally reflects the local understandings behind its uses. As anthropologists working in the region, we compare these historical sources with the current practices. We discuss changes in the religious sphere as well as in gender roles related to the uses of kumyshka

    Les rennes maintiennent la langue nénetse en vie

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    Cet article analyse le lien particulier entre le mode de vie et la langue dans une pĂ©riode de mutations culturelles rapides. Les NĂ©netses sont la communautĂ© nomade la plus rĂ©sistante dans l’Arctique russe, ce qui se reflĂšte dans son usage plus large qu’ailleurs de la langue nĂ©netse. Pourtant, ces derniers temps, la langue se perd Ă  un rythme accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© – diffĂ©rent suivant les communautĂ©s. La thĂšse centrale est que la vie avec les rennes permet aux NĂ©netses de garder leur langue. L’idĂ©ologie linguistique des NĂ©netses est fondĂ©e sur le pragmatisme et la situativitĂ©, comme le montrent les changements de langue consĂ©cutifs au changement d’environnement physique et social. Je me concentrerai sur deux communautĂ©s non soviĂ©tisĂ©es et partiellement christianisĂ©es, qui permettront d’illustrer diffĂ©rentes dimensions de l’usage linguistique et plus largement des Ă©volutions culturelles dans la rĂ©gion.Artikkel analĂŒĂŒsib spetsiifilist seost eluviisi ja keele vahel kiirete kultuuriliste muutuste ajal. Neenetsite nĂ€ol on tegemist elujĂ”ulisima nomaadikogukonnaga Vene PĂ”hja-aladel ja sellest tulenevalt on ka oma keele kasutamine laialdasem kui mujal. Siiski on 21. sajandi algul keele kadu osutunud kiirenevaks – erinevates piirkondades kĂŒll erinevalt. Artikli keskne tees on, et pĂ”hjapĂ”tradega elamine vĂ”imaldab neenetsitel sĂ€ilitada oma keelt ja et neenetsite keeleideoloogia soosib pragmaatilisust ja situatiivsust, mida tĂ”endavad sagedased keelevahetused fĂŒĂŒsilise ja sotsiaalse elukeskkonna muutudes. Vaatluse all on kaks sovietiseerimata ja hiljuti osaliselt ristiusustatud rĂ€ndkogukonda, mis nĂ€itlikustavad neenetsite keelekasutuse suurt paindlikkust ja seonduvaid kultuurilisi protsesse regioonis laiemalt.This paper analyses a specific link between the way of life and the use of language during rapid cultural transformations. The Nenets have the largest nomadic community in Arctic Russia. As a result, they have retained their language better than most other indigenous peoples in the region. Nevertheless, at the early 21st century, there has been a quick language loss, although at a different pace in different areas. The main thesis here is that those Nenets who live with reindeer are motivated to use Nenets. Their language ideology favours pragmatic and situative approach to language, as it is proved by language shifts when the physical and social environment alters. The ethnographic focus is on two non-Sovietised and partly Christianised Nenets communities that show a significant flexibility of language use

    Des Finno‑ougriens convertissent des Finno‑ougriens : foi, parentĂ© et langue dans la rencontre missionnaire

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    Dans cet article j’examine l’action missionnaire venue d’Estonie (et dans une moindre mesure de Finlande) auprĂšs des peuples de Russie parlant des langues finno‑ougriennes (ouraliennes). Alors que l’écroulement de l’Union SoviĂ©tique s’accompagne d’une intense activitĂ© missionnaire en Russie, des protestants venus d’Estonie et de Finlande (surtout luthĂ©riens, mĂ©thodistes, baptistes, pentecĂŽtistes) se joignent au mouvement et entreprennent de propager activement leur foi parmi les peuples finno‑ougriens de Russie. Comme les Estoniens et les Finnois sont souvent accueillis comme des « parents », les missionnaires voient lĂ  un « crĂ©neau donnĂ© par Dieu » Ă  exploiter. Leur objectif est de crĂ©er une parentĂ© chrĂ©tienne, oĂč les parents ethniques deviennent frĂšres et sƓurs unis par la foi. En dĂ©pit d’accusations prĂ©tendant le contraire, ils voient dans leur intervention une initiative destinĂ©e Ă  sauver les cultures et les langues finno‑ougriennes, et s’appuient sur leurs efforts pour rapprocher les « peuples parents » des univers protestants des Estoniens et des Finnois, et pour ainsi les conduire au salut. Je me concentre ici sur la langue de cette rencontre missionnaire en tant que source et vecteur d’une idĂ©ologie dans des actions crĂ©atrices d’identitĂ© et j’observe les traits particuliers que cette activitĂ© assume dans un pays oĂč le pouvoir et l’église orthodoxe russe voient les protestants d’un mauvais Ɠil.In this paper, I focus on the missionary activity, which originates from Estonia (and to a lesser extent from Finland) and takes place among Finno‑Ugric (Uralic) speaking peoples in Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many missionaries arrived to Russia, among them Estonian and Finnish Protestants (mainly Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists and Pentecostals) who began to proselytise particularly among the Finno‑Ugric peoples of Russia. As the Estonians and Finns are welcomed as “kin”, the missionaries see in this “a God‑given niche” that must be filled in. The aim of the missionaries is to create Christian kinship in which brothers and sisters by kinship become also brothers and sisters in faith. Despite accusations to the contrary, the missionaries argue that they save the Finno‑Ugric cultures and languages as they bring “kindred peoples” closer to the Estonian and Finnish Protestant worlds as well as to salvation. In this analysis of mission encounter, I concentrate on language as the source and the carrier of ideology that contributes to the creation of Finno‑Ugric identity. I also analyse the particular socio‑political context in which the state authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church entertain a hostile attitude towards the Protestants.KĂ€esolevas artiklis vaatlen Eestist (ja vĂ€hemal mÀÀral Soomest) lĂ€htuvat misjonitegevust soome‑ugri (uurali) keeli kĂ”nelevate rahvaste seas Venemaal. Kui NĂ”ukogude Liidu lagunemine toob kaasa ulatusliku misjonitegevus Venemaal, ĂŒhinevad sellega ka Eestist ja Soomest pĂ€rit protestandid (peamiselt luterlased, metodistid, baptistid, nelipĂŒhilased), kes asuvad aktiivselt usku kuulutama Venemaa soome‑ugri rahvaste seas. KuivĂ”rd eestlasi ja soomlasi vĂ”etakse sageli vastu „sugulastena“, siis misjonĂ€rid nĂ€evad selles „Jumalast antud niĆĄĆĄi“, mida Ă€ra kasutada. MisjonĂ€ride eesmĂ€rgiks on luua kristlik sugulus, kus hĂ”imuvennad ja ‑Ôed saavad usuvendadeks ja ‑Ôdedeks. Hoolimata vastupidistest sĂŒĂŒdistustest, peavad nad oma ettevĂ”tmist soome‑ugri kultuure ja keeli pÀÀstvaks, lĂ€htudes pĂŒĂŒdest tuua idapoolseid „hĂ”imurahvaid“ lĂ€hemale eestlaste ja soomlaste protestantlikele maailmadele ja lunastusele. Keskendun selles misjonikohtumise analĂŒĂŒsis keelele kui ideoloogia allikale ja kandjale soome‑ugri identiteeti loovates tegevustes ja vaatlen, millised erijooni see tegevus vĂ”tab riigis, kus vĂ”im ja Vene Õigeusu Kirik suhtub protestantidesse vaenulikult

    Des Finno‑ougriens convertissent des Finno‑ougriens : foi, parentĂ© et langue dans la rencontre missionnaire

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    Dans cet article j’examine l’action missionnaire venue d’Estonie (et dans une moindre mesure de Finlande) auprĂšs des peuples de Russie parlant des langues finno‑ougriennes (ouraliennes). Alors que l’écroulement de l’Union SoviĂ©tique s’accompagne d’une intense activitĂ© missionnaire en Russie, des protestants venus d’Estonie et de Finlande (surtout luthĂ©riens, mĂ©thodistes, baptistes, pentecĂŽtistes) se joignent au mouvement et entreprennent de propager activement leur foi parmi les peuples finno‑ougriens de Russie. Comme les Estoniens et les Finnois sont souvent accueillis comme des « parents », les missionnaires voient lĂ  un « crĂ©neau donnĂ© par Dieu » Ă  exploiter. Leur objectif est de crĂ©er une parentĂ© chrĂ©tienne, oĂč les parents ethniques deviennent frĂšres et sƓurs unis par la foi. En dĂ©pit d’accusations prĂ©tendant le contraire, ils voient dans leur intervention une initiative destinĂ©e Ă  sauver les cultures et les langues finno‑ougriennes, et s’appuient sur leurs efforts pour rapprocher les « peuples parents » des univers protestants des Estoniens et des Finnois, et pour ainsi les conduire au salut. Je me concentre ici sur la langue de cette rencontre missionnaire en tant que source et vecteur d’une idĂ©ologie dans des actions crĂ©atrices d’identitĂ© et j’observe les traits particuliers que cette activitĂ© assume dans un pays oĂč le pouvoir et l’église orthodoxe russe voient les protestants d’un mauvais Ɠil.In this paper, I focus on the missionary activity, which originates from Estonia (and to a lesser extent from Finland) and takes place among Finno‑Ugric (Uralic) speaking peoples in Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many missionaries arrived to Russia, among them Estonian and Finnish Protestants (mainly Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists and Pentecostals) who began to proselytise particularly among the Finno‑Ugric peoples of Russia. As the Estonians and Finns are welcomed as “kin”, the missionaries see in this “a God‑given niche” that must be filled in. The aim of the missionaries is to create Christian kinship in which brothers and sisters by kinship become also brothers and sisters in faith. Despite accusations to the contrary, the missionaries argue that they save the Finno‑Ugric cultures and languages as they bring “kindred peoples” closer to the Estonian and Finnish Protestant worlds as well as to salvation. In this analysis of mission encounter, I concentrate on language as the source and the carrier of ideology that contributes to the creation of Finno‑Ugric identity. I also analyse the particular socio‑political context in which the state authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church entertain a hostile attitude towards the Protestants.KĂ€esolevas artiklis vaatlen Eestist (ja vĂ€hemal mÀÀral Soomest) lĂ€htuvat misjonitegevust soome‑ugri (uurali) keeli kĂ”nelevate rahvaste seas Venemaal. Kui NĂ”ukogude Liidu lagunemine toob kaasa ulatusliku misjonitegevus Venemaal, ĂŒhinevad sellega ka Eestist ja Soomest pĂ€rit protestandid (peamiselt luterlased, metodistid, baptistid, nelipĂŒhilased), kes asuvad aktiivselt usku kuulutama Venemaa soome‑ugri rahvaste seas. KuivĂ”rd eestlasi ja soomlasi vĂ”etakse sageli vastu „sugulastena“, siis misjonĂ€rid nĂ€evad selles „Jumalast antud niĆĄĆĄi“, mida Ă€ra kasutada. MisjonĂ€ride eesmĂ€rgiks on luua kristlik sugulus, kus hĂ”imuvennad ja ‑Ôed saavad usuvendadeks ja ‑Ôdedeks. Hoolimata vastupidistest sĂŒĂŒdistustest, peavad nad oma ettevĂ”tmist soome‑ugri kultuure ja keeli pÀÀstvaks, lĂ€htudes pĂŒĂŒdest tuua idapoolseid „hĂ”imurahvaid“ lĂ€hemale eestlaste ja soomlaste protestantlikele maailmadele ja lunastusele. Keskendun selles misjonikohtumise analĂŒĂŒsis keelele kui ideoloogia allikale ja kandjale soome‑ugri identiteeti loovates tegevustes ja vaatlen, millised erijooni see tegevus vĂ”tab riigis, kus vĂ”im ja Vene Õigeusu Kirik suhtub protestantidesse vaenulikult

    Buying a God in Paris: Cultural Hybridity in the Thinking of Yuri Vella, Forest Nenets Intellectual

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    This paper analyses highly creative and hybrid practices which tie the Indigenous Siberian, European Christian and Soviet worlds in unexpected ways. Reflecting on the Forest Nenets reindeer herder, poet and intellectual Yuri Vella's understanding of the religious, the authors discuss an episode of turning an icon-like painting of Madonna with Child into a Nenets 'god'. This took place in Paris half a year before Yuri's death. First, we present his short biography, emphasising the key moments that shaped his cosmological and religious sensibilities. Then we depict a ritual of ‘god-making’ by using the ethnographic technique of thick description and then comment on it from various angles and discuss what they reveal about Yuri’s understanding of personhood and agency, relations with deities and other humans. Finally, we explain how animist notions and Christian elements become entangled in his religious thinking

    Les langues dans un miroir déformant

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    Cet article traite de l’évaluation de la vitalitĂ© des langues sur la base des recensements. Il se concentre sur la situation des langues finno–ougriennes Ă  la lumiĂšre du dernier recensement russe, que les auteurs comparent avec leur expĂ©rience de terrain dans des communautĂ©s oudmourtes et nĂ©netses. La comparaison des deux derniers recensements (2002 et 2010) rĂ©vĂšle sans exceptions une chute impressionnante en valeur absolue de toutes les langues finno–ougriennes : en huit ans, le nombre de leurs locuteurs a baissĂ© entre 30 et 50 %, voire davantage. Nous nous interrogeons sur cette chute statistique extrĂȘmement rapide : est–il question des processus d’assimilation qui sont de notoriĂ©tĂ© publique, ou bien de spĂ©cificitĂ©s mĂ©thodologiques des recensements, de leurs changements d’une fois sur l’autre ou encore de la qualitĂ© variable de leur organisation ? Il est vrai que toutes les informations qualitatives rĂ©vĂšlent parmi les Finno–ougriens de Russie un changement de langue rapide. En mĂȘme temps, en matiĂšre de langue, les chiffres des recensements provoquent un effet de miroir dĂ©formant, de sorte que sans Ă©tudes sociolinguistiques locales il est impossible de savoir de quel ordre est la dĂ©formation. Les chiffres des micro–bases de donnĂ©es du recensement et les informations de terrain permettent de montrer que les grandes gĂ©nĂ©ralisations en matiĂšre de connaissance et d’usage rĂ©els des langues les recensements sont d’une fiabilitĂ© discutable.The article focuses on the issue of how to evaluate the vitality of languages based on national censuses. The authors analyse the situation of Finno–Ugric languages in Russia by comparing the latest All–Russian census data with their own impressions from repeated fieldwork in particular Udmurt and Nenets communities. As the data from the two last censuses (2002 and 2010) show, the numbers of Finno–Ugric speakers have severely plummeted: during these eight years the loss has been on average from a third to half, and sometimes even more. We enquire whether this statistical decline is due to well–known assimilation processes or rather due to methodological factors as well as an unsystematic way of executing the census. It is true that all the quantitative sociological data show the accelerating language shift to Russian among Finno–Ugrians in Russia. However, the census data does not clarify the picture much as it functions as a distorting mirror. Without special sociolinguistic research it is impossible to know where distortion is greater. Based on the micro database of the census as well as the gathered field material, it is argued that drawing larger conclusions on the knowledge and usage of Finno–Ugric languages in Russia based on census data is not justified.Artiklis kĂ€sitletakse keelte elujĂ”ulisuse hindamise kĂŒsimust rahvaloenduste pĂ”hjal. Vaatluse all on soome–ugri keelte olukord viimaste Venemaa rahvaloenduse andmete valguses, mida autorid kĂ”rvutavad vĂ€litöödel kogetuga teatud udmurdi ja neenetsi kogukondades. Kahe viimase rahvaloenduse (2002 ja 2010) vĂ”rdluses on eranditult kĂ”ikide Venemaa soome–ugri keelte absoluutarvud drastiliselt langenud: oskajate arv on kaheksa aasta jooksul vĂ€henenud keskelt lĂ€bi kolmandiku kuni poole vĂ”rra ja vahel enamgi. KĂŒsime, kas erakordselt kiire statistilise languse taga on ĂŒldteada assimilatsiooniprotsessid vĂ”i on see pigem seotud rahvaloenduste metodoloogiliste iseĂ€rasuste, nende muutuste aga ka korralduse kĂ”ikuva kvaliteediga. On tĂ”si, et kĂ”ik kvalitatiivsed andmed viitavad kiirenevale keelevahetusele Venemaa soomeugrilaste seas. Samas toimivad rahvaloenduse andmed keelte osas ilmselelgelt kĂ”verpeeglina, mille puhul ilma lokaalsete sotsiolingvistiliste uuringuteta ei ole vĂ”imalik teada, kus on moonutus suurem, kus vĂ€iksem. Tuginedes rahvaloenduse mikroandmebaasidele ja vĂ€litööandmetele tĂ”detakse, et rahvaloendused keelte tegeliku oskuse ja kasutuse osas on suuremate ĂŒldistuste tegemiseks pigem ebausaldusvÀÀrsed

    Le XIIe CongrĂšs international des finno‑ougristes (Oulu, 17‑21 aoĂ»t 2015)

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    Le CIFU, le CongrĂšs International des finno‑ougristes, a lieu tous les cinq ans ; il s’est tenu en 2015, pour sa douziĂšme Ă©dition, Ă  la mi‑aoĂ»t sur le campus universitaire de la belle ville d’Oulu qui, pendant toute la semaine du congrĂšs, a Ă©tĂ© ensoleillĂ©e. Il a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ© par une taille plus mesurĂ©e que certains congrĂšs l’ayant prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©, puisqu’on nous a annoncĂ©, dans la session plĂ©niĂšre, la participation de 380 chercheurs venus de 25 pays. Cela a sans doute contribuĂ© Ă  rendre l’atmosphĂš..

    Preface to the Special Issue: Living Animisms and Monotheisms in the Finno-Ugric World

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    Preface to the Special Issu