34 research outputs found
How to increase the visibility of scientific articles
The research goes through different stages, once published the scientific article can not be considered closed. From this moment a new phase is opened to try to reach the maximum possible impact. This session presents different aspects and resources that can help increase the visibility, and perhaps citations, of scientific articles.La recerca passa per diferents etapes, un cop publicat l'article científic no es pot donar per tancada aquesta. A partir d'aquest moment s'obre una nova fase per a intentar assolir el màxim impacte possible. En aquesta sessió es presenten diferents aspectes i recursos que poden ajudar a augmentar la visibilitat, i potser les citacions, dels articles científics.La investigación pasa por diferentes etapas, una vez publicado el artículo científico no se puede dar por cerrada ésta. A partir de este momento se abre una nueva fase para intentar alcanzar el máximo impacto posible. En esta sesión se presentan diferentes aspectos y recursos que pueden ayudar a aumentar la visibilidad, y quizás las citas, de los artículos científicos
La Web semántica y las tecnologías del lenguaje humano
The implementation of semantic web address the current represents a paradigm shift, as it has to be passed from a web-based and natural language created in a structured and organized web, where content will be semantically labeled the main element. This will represent a new philosophy and way of working, as the development and creation of content for this website require a great deal of effort. This is the point where they can speak human language technologies to provide mechanisms and tools to assist the implementation and expansion of this new paradigm
Com incrementar la visibilitat dels articles científics
La recerca passa per diferents etapes, un cop publicat l'article científic no es pot donar per tancada aquesta. A partir d'aquest moment s'obre una nova fase per a intentar assolir el màxim impacte possible. En aquesta sessió es presenten diferents aspectes i recursos que poden ajudar a augmentar la visibilitat, i potser les citacions, dels articles científics.La investigación pasa por diferentes etapas, una vez publicado el artículo científico no se puede dar por cerrada ésta. A partir de este momento se abre una nueva fase para intentar alcanzar el máximo impacto posible. En esta sesión se presentan diferentes aspectos y recursos que pueden ayudar a aumentar la visibilidad, y quizás las citas, de los artículos científicos.The research goes through different stages, once published the scientific article can not be considered closed. From this moment a new phase is opened to try to reach the maximum possible impact. This session presents different aspects and resources that can help increase the visibility, and perhaps citations, of scientific articles
Formación interactiva en entornos virtuales : una experiencia en screencasting
L'objectiu de la comunicació és donar a conèixer un estudi sobre els requisits que han de tenir els materials formatius en línia de les biblioteques, i difondre l'experiència pilot que s'ha dut a terme per a elaborar uns materials de formació en format vídeo a la Biblioteca Virtual de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
El punt de partida de l'estudi ha estat la necessitat de crear uns materials de formació nous, adaptats a les necessitats dels usuaris en un entorn virtual i en el marc de l'EEES, en el qual els estudiants cada vegada han de ser més autònoms i en què les competències informacionals són bàsiques. Tots aquests aspectes ens han portat a repensar els nostres materials formatius.El objetivo de la comunicación es dar a conocer un estudio sobre los requisitos que deben tener los materiales formativos en línea de bibliotecas, y difundir la experiencia piloto llevada a cabo para elaborar unos materiales de formación en formato vídeo en la Biblioteca Virtual de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
El punto de partida del estudio es la necesidad de crear unos materiales de formación nuevos, adaptados a las necesidades de los usuarios en un entorno virtual y en el marco del EEES, donde cada vez el alumno tiene que ser más autónomo y donde las competencias informacionales son básicas. Todo esto, nos llevó a repensar nuestros materiales formativos.The aim of the paper is to describe a study into the necessary requirements for libraries' online training materials and to relate the pilot test undertaken to create a series of teaching materials in video format at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC).
The starting point for the study is the need to create new teaching materials which are adapted to the needs of users in a virtual environment and to the EHEA, where there is an increasing need for the student to be autonomous and where informational skills are fundamental. All this has led us to rethink our teaching materials
La Web semántica y las tecnologías del lenguaje humano
The implementation of semantic web address the current represents a paradigm shift, as it has to be passed from a web-based and natural language created in a structured and organized web, where content will be semantically labeled the main element. This will represent a new philosophy and way of working, as the development and creation of content for this website require a great deal of effort. This is the point where they can speak human language technologies to provide mechanisms and tools to assist the implementation and expansion of this new paradigm
El Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural en la Recuperación de Información Textual y áreas afines
This article is a review of the main characteristics of natural language processing techniques, focusing on its application to information retrieval and related areas
Informar sobre inteligencia artificial: el papel de los medios digitales de la Unión Europea, británicos y estadounidenses en la visibilidad de la IA generativa
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the central topics of 2023 with extensive media coverage of the most relevant technologies and issues associated with this subject. In a highly competitive digital media landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) has become cybermedia’s primary strategy to increase visibility and attract more readers. The objective of this paper is to analyze the visibility of content published by the media relating to artificial intelligence, focusing on a selection of related keywords. The research also aims to investigate how this visibility has impacted both the technologies themselves and the analyzed media outlets. A total of 69 media outlets from 12 European Union countries, the United States, and the United Kingdom were examined. The results reveal a pronounced dominance of U.S. media, closely followed by Spanish media. There is an uneven distribution of media outlets across most of the countries analyzed, with two or three most of the of visibility. The search queries that contribute the most visibility to the analyzed media align with an informational intent, are of the long-tail type, and are associated with OpenAI technologies, particularly ChatGPT. Moreover, these queries are primarily found in news sections dedicated to science and technology. The findings underscore both the increasing interest in the subject and the effective SEO practices of certain media outlets
Las bibliotecas en un entorno Web 2.0 / Libraries in a Web 2.0 environment
In this last decade, libraries, learning resource centres and information services in general have made a great stride in being able to play a leading role in society. These, along with organisations that manage information, have had to integrate the necessary technological changes to adapt to the new challenges. For this, they have made important investments in technology, to update their infrastructure, and in training their personnel. The current online presence of information services is important and in continuous evolution, just like the Web itself
Natural Language Processing in Textual Information Retrieval and Related Topics
This article is a review of the main characteristics of natural language processing techniques, focusing on its application to information retrieval and related areas
Keyword Research: métodos y herramientas para identificar palabras clave
Aims. To present the tools known as Keyword Research Tools, which are frequently used in SEO and SEM to identify keywords that can help a website to improve its position on search engines.
Methodology. The main tools in Keyword Research are analyzed – some of them integrated into sophisticated marketing platforms, while others are freely available. The work focuses on the description of their main functions related to keywords.
Results. The importance of knowing how users search to optimize webpages is emphasized. Tools that can support optimization by identifying the relevant keywords are also evaluated