7 research outputs found

    Punctuated duplication seeding events during the evolution of human chromosome 2p11

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    Primate genomic sequence comparisons are becoming increasingly useful for elucidating the evolutionary history and organization of our own genome. Such studies are particularly informative within human pericentromeric regions—areas of particularly rapid change in genomic structure. Here, we present a systematic analysis of the evolutionary history of one ∼700-kb region of 2p11, including the first autosomal transition from pericentromeric sequence to higher-order α-satellite DNA. We show that this region is composed of segmental duplications corresponding to 14 ancestral segments ranging in size from 4 kb to ∼115 kb. These duplicons show 94%–98.5% sequence identity to their ancestral loci. Comparative FISH and phylogenetic analysis indicate that these duplicons are differentially distributed in human, chimpanzee, and gorilla genomes, whereas baboon has a single putative ancestral locus for all but one of the duplications. Our analysis supports a model where duplicative transposition events occurred during a narrow window of evolution after the separation of the human/ape lineage from the Old World monkeys (10–20 million years ago). Although dramatic secondary dispersal events occurred during the radiation of the human, chimpanzee, and gorilla lineages, duplicative transposition seeding events of new material to this particular pericentromeric region abruptly ceased after this time period. The multiplicity of initial duplicative transpositions prior to the separation of humans and great-apes suggests a punctuated model for the formation of highly duplicated pericentromeric regions within the human genome. The data further indicate that factors other than sequence are important determinants for such bursts of duplicative transposition from the euchromatin to pericentromeric regions

    Meiotic recombination in human oocytes

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    Studies of human trisomies indicate a remarkable relationship between abnormal meiotic recombination and subsequent nondisjunction at maternal meiosis I or II. Specifically, failure to recombine or recombination events located either too near to or too far from the centromere have been linked to the origin of human trisomies. It should be possible to identify these abnormal crossover configurations by using immunofluorescence methodology to directly examine the meiotic recombination process in the human female. Accordingly, we initiated studies of crossover-associated proteins (e.g., MLH1) in human fetal oocytes to analyze their number and distribution on nondisjunction-prone human chromosomes and, more generally, to characterize genome-wide levels of recombination in the human female. Our analyses indicate that the number of MLH1 foci is lower than predicted from genetic linkage analysis, but its localization pattern conforms to that expected for a crossover-associated protein. In studies of individual chromosomes, our observations provide evidence for the presence of "vulnerable" crossover configurations in the fetal oocyte, consistent with the idea that these are subsequently translated into nondisjunctional events in the adult oocyte