6 research outputs found

    Pelvimetry in owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus KUHL, 1820)

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    Analisou-se pelves de 72 primatas neotropicais, adultos, 42 machos e 30 fêmeas não prenhes, da espécie Aotus azarai infulatus, para obtenção dos diâmetros pélvicos, in vivo, e compará-los com o dimorfismo sexual, correlacionando-os com a biometria corpórea e a origem dos animais. Mensurou-se nas radiografias em projeção ventro-dorsal, digitalizadas, os diâmetros biilíaco superior, biilíaco inferior, biilíaco médio, diagonal direito, diagonal esquerdo, sacro púbico e área da entrada da pelve. As médias verificadas foram: para o comprimento do corpo 30,94 cm; comprimento da cauda 35,63 cm; perímetro do tórax 18,97 cm; perímetro da pelve 17,11 cm e o peso 0,96 g. As médias verificadas para o DDD da pelve foram 2,61 cm; DDE 2,66 cm; DBIM 1,97 cm; DBIS 1,41 cm; DBII 1,58 cm; DSP 2,48 cm e a AEP 3,85 cm. Concluiu-se com o estudo que tendo sido verificados os diâmetros biilíaco médio menores do que os diâmetros sacro-púbico tanto nos machos quanto nas fêmeas, pode-se dizer a pelve de Aotus azarai infulatus é classificada como dolicopélvica e existe dimorfismo sexual em relação às pelves Aotus azarai infulatus adultos.Related data to the diameters of the pelvis from 72 Neotropical primates, owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus), 42 adult males and 30 adult non-pregnant females, were obtained in vivo by ventrodorsal projection radiographic exams, compared between sex and correlated with the measures of the body and their origin. The mean values of the body length (30.94 cm), tail length (35.63 cm), thoracic perimeter (18.97 cm), hip perimeter (17.11) and the weight (0.96 g) were verified. The radiographic images were digitalized and the superior biiliac (DBIS), inferior biiliac (DBII), medium biiliac (DBIM), right diagonal (DDD), left diagonal (DDE), sacrum-pubic diameters (DSP) and the inlet pelvic area (AEP) were measured. The mean values were DBIS 1.41 cm; DBII 1.58 cm; DBIM 1.97 cm; DDD 2.61 cm; DDE 2.66 cm; DSP 2.48 cm; AEP 3.85 cm. In conclusion, once medium biiliac diameters were minor than sacrum-pubic diameters in males and females, the pelvis from Aotus azarai infulatus can be classified as dolicopelvic and we also conclude there is pelvic sexual dimorphism in adult owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus)

    Morphofunctional study in kidneys of captive Callithrix jacchus primates

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    Analisou-se rins de 51 Callithrix jacchus, 38 animais provenientes do DPZ (Centro de Primatas da Alemanha) e 13 animais provenientes do CENP (Centro Nacional de Primatas - Brasil), para a caracterização morfológica e biométrica dos rins desta espécie, utilizando-se de exames ultra-sonográficos e radiográficos, comparando-se os dados de cada colônia para verificação de possíveis diferenças decorrentes de manejos distintos. Foram realizados exames de urina e sangue para verificar a condição de sanidade dos animais. Foi realizada também a histologia do rim em 19 animais do DPZ. Com os resultados pudemos concluir que nos animais do DPZ, os parâmetros mensurados não são influenciados pelo sexo. Os Callithrix jacchus da colônia do DPZ apresentaram a biometria corpórea maior do que os Callithrix jacchus da colônia do CENP e os animais com alterações renais apresentaram peso maior do que os animais sadios. No exame ultra-sonográfico, o rim desta espécie apresenta aspecto ovalado, é unipiramidal, e a relação de ecogenicidade é igual à descrita para outras espécies de primatas. Houve a isoecogenicidade do fígado e do baço em relação ao rim. Nos animais do CENP, a região cortical e medular e a junção cortico-medular foram mais definidas do que nos animais do DPZ. Os aspectos radiográficos para os rins de Callithrix jacchus foram semelhantes ao descrito para outras espécies. Os rins de animais com alterações apresentaram um volume maior do que os rins de animais sadios. Foram observadas alterações histológicas nos rins dos animais necropsiados, mesmo no grupo dos animais sem alterações laboratoriais.The kidneys of fifty one Callithrix jacchus, being thirty eight animals from the DPZ (Germany Primate Center) and thirteen animals from the CENP (National Primate Center - Brazil), were used in the present experiment. Kidneys morphological and biometrical characterizations were evaluated using ultrasonographic and radiographic exams. Comparisons were performed between each colony in order to evaluate the effect of different management. Soundness evaluation was performed in all animals using blood and urine analysis. The kidneys of nineteen animals from the DPZ were used for histological evaluations. Results indicate that variables were not influenced by gender on DPZ animals. Animals from the DPZ colony showed higher values of body biometry than those from the CENP colony. Furthermore, animals showing renal alterations presented higher weight when compared to healthy animals. At the ultra-sonographic exam, the kidney of this specie showed an elliptical and unipyramidal aspect, with an echogenicity similar to other primates species previously described. Kidney echogenicity was also similar to the liver and spleen. At the CENP, animals showed better definition at the cortical and the medullar region, as well as the cortico-medular junction, when compared to the DPZ. The radiographic aspects of the Callithrix jacchus kidneys were similar to species previously described. Kidneys from animals with alterations showed a higher volume when compared to the healthy animals. Histological kidney abnormalities were found at necropsy also on animals with no laboratorial alterations

    Semen characteristics of captive common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus): a comparison of a German with a Brazilian colony

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    Background The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is of interest for reproductive studies because of their high and variable fertility in captivity. However, to understand this variability, much basic information still needs to be gathered. This study is the first to characterize marmoset semen comparing a German and a Brazilian colony.Methods All animals were weighted, and semen samples were collected by penile vibratory stimulation and analyzed according to standard criteria.Results and Conclusions The German animals had a higher mean and maximum weight than the Brazilian. Further, sperm concentration tended to be higher with heavier animals in the German population, but not in the Brazilian. Additionally, major defects tended to be more frequent with higher weight but also only in German sample. In spite of these differences, the total range and variability in sperm concentration were similar in both populations, suggesting that this is characteristic for the species.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Pelvimetria em macacos-da-noite (Aotus azarai infulatus - KUHL, 1820)

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    Related data to the diameters of the pelvis from 72 Aotus azarai infulatus, owl monkeys, 42 adult males and 30 adult non-pregnant females, were obtained in vivo by ventrodorsal projection radiographic exams, correlated with sex, the measures of the body and their origin. The mean values of the body length (30.94 cm), tail length (35.63 cm), thoracic perimeter (18.97 cm), hip perimeter (17.11 cm) and the weight (0.96 Kg) were verified. The radiographic images were digitalized and measured, and the mean values were 1.41 cm for the superior biiliac diameter; 1.58 cm for the inferior biiliac diameter; 1.97 cm for the medium biiliac diameter; 2.64 cm for the right diagonal diameter; 2.66 cm for the left diagonal diameter; 2.48 cm for the sacrum-pubic diameter; 3.85 cm 2 for the inlet pelvic area. In conclusion, the pelvis from males and females Aotus azarai infulatus can be classified as dolicopelvic and there is pelvic sexual dimorphism in adult owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus)

    First record of Sooty Tern, Onychoprion fuscatus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Laridae, Charadriiformes), from São Paulo state, Brazil

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    Sooty Tern, Onychoprion fuscatus (Linnaeus 1766), is a rare species along the Brazilian coast due to oceanic habits. We report the first documented record of this species from São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. The specimen was found beached in Mongaguá municipality. Morphological assessment, necropsy, and histological analysis allowed us to identify species, reproductive state (non-breeding), and sex (male) of this specimen