223 research outputs found

    Impact of human bladder cancer cell architecture on autologous T-lymphocyte activation

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    To investigate the influence of tumor cell architecture on T-cell activation, we used an autologous human model based on 2 bladder tumor cell lines as targets for cytotoxic tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). These tumor cell lines were grown in vitro as either standard 2-dimensional (2D) monolayers or 3-dimensional (3D) spheroids. T-cell activation was determined by measuring the production of three major cytokines (tumor necrosis factor, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interferon-gamma), known to be secreted by most activated TILs. Changes in the architecture of target cells from 2D to 3D induced a dramatic decrease in their capacity for stimulating TILs. Interestingly, neither TIL infiltration nor MHC class I, B7.1 costimulatory or lymphocyte function-associated factor-3 adhesion molecule downregulation played a major role in this decrease. These findings demonstrate that tumor architecture has a major impact on T-cell activation and might be implicated in the escape of tumor cells from the immune system

    Incidental findings found in "healthy" volunteers during imaging performed for research: current legal and ethical implications

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    Incidental findings found in “healthy” volunteers during research imaging are common and have important implications for study design and performance, particularly in the areas of informed consent, subjects' rights, clinical image analysis and disclosure. In this study, we aimed to determine current practice and regulations concerning information that should be given to research subjects when obtaining consent, reporting of research images, who should be informed about any incidental findings and the method of disclosure. We reviewed all UK, European and international humanitarian, legal and ethical agencies' guidance. We found that the guidance on what constitutes incidental pathology, how to recognise it and what to do about it is inconsistent between agencies, difficult to find and less complete in the UK than elsewhere. Where given, guidance states that volunteers should be informed during the consent process about how research images will be managed, whether a mechanism exists for identifying incidental findings, arrangements for their disclosure, the potential benefit or harm and therapeutic options. The effects of incidentally discovered pathology on the individual can be complex and far-reaching. Radiologist involvement in analysis of research images varies widely; many incidental findings might therefore go unrecognised. In conclusion, guidance on the management of research imaging is inconsistent, limited and does not address the interests of volunteers. Improved standards to guide management of research images and incidental findings are urgently required

    Gene expression profiles of bladder cancers: evidence for a striking effect of in vitro cell models on gene patterns.

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    In order to assess the effect of in vitro models on the expression of key genes known to be implicated in the development or progression of cancer, we quantified by real-time quantitative PCR the expression of 28 key genes in three bladder cancer tissue specimens and in their derived cell lines, studied either as one-dimensional single cell suspensions, two-dimensional monolayers or three-dimensional spheroids. Global analysis of gene expression profiles showed that in vitro models had a dramatic impact upon gene expression. Remarkably, quantitative differences in gene expression of 2-63-fold were observed in 24 out of 28 genes among the cell models. In addition, we observed that the in vitro model which most closely mimicked in vivo mRNA phenotype varied with both the gene and the patient. These results provide evidence that mRNA expression databases based on cancer cell lines, which are studied to provide a rationale for selection of therapy on the basis of molecular characteristics of a patient\u27s tumour, must be carefully interpreted

    High-intensity-focused ultrasound in the treatment of primary prostate cancer: the first UK series

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    BACKGROUND: The use of minimally invasive ablative therapies in localised prostate cancer offer potential for a middle ground between active surveillance and radical therapy. METHODS: An analysis of men with organ-confined prostate cancer treated with transrectal whole-gland HIFU (Sonablate 500) between 1 February 2005 and 15 May 2007 was carried out in two centres. Outcome data (side-effects using validated patient questionnaires, biochemical, histology) were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 172 men were treated under general anaesthetic as day-case procedures with 78% discharged a mean 5 h after treatment. Mean follow-up was 346 days (range 135-759 days). Urethral stricture was significantly lower in those with suprapubic catheter compared with urethral catheters (19.4 vs 40.4%, P = 0.005). Antibiotics were given to 23.8% of patients for presumed urinary tract infection and the rate of epididymitis was 7.6%. Potency was maintained in 70% by 12 months, whereas mild stress urinary incontinence (no pads) was reported in 7.0% (12 out of 172) with a further 0.6% (1 out of 172) requiring pads. There was no rectal toxicity and no recto-urethral fistulae. In all, 78.3% achieved a PSA nadir <= 0.5 mu g ml(-1) at 12 months, with 57.8% achieving <= 0.2 mu g ml(-1). Then, 8 out of 13 were retreated with HIFU, one had salvage external beam radiotherapy and four chose active surveillance for small-volume low-risk disease. Overall, there was no evidence of disease (PSA <0.5 mu g ml(-1) or negative biopsy if nadir not achieved) after one HIFU session in 92.4% ( 159 out of 172) of patients. CONCLUSION: HIFU is a minimally invasive, day-case ablative technique that can achieve good biochemical outcomes in the short term with minimal urinary incontinence and acceptable levels of erectile dysfunction. Long-term outcome needs further evaluation and the inception of an international registry for cases treated using HIFU will significantly aid this health technology assessment. British Journal of Cancer (2009) 101, 19-26. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605116 www.bjcancer.com Published online 9 June 2009 (C) 2009 Cancer Research U

    Prostate-specific antigen testing accuracy in community practice

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    BACKGROUND: Most data on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing come from urologic cohorts comprised of volunteers for screening programs. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of PSA testing for detecting prostate cancer in community practice. METHODS: PSA testing results were compared with a reference standard of prostate biopsy. Subjects were 2,620 men 40 years and older undergoing (PSA) testing and biopsy from 1/1/95 through 12/31/98 in the Albuquerque, New Mexico metropolitan area. Diagnostic measures included the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios. RESULTS: Cancer was detected in 930 subjects (35%). The area under the ROC curve was 0.67 and the PSA cutpoint of 4 ng/ml had a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 33%. The likelihood ratio for a positive test (LR+) was 1.28 and 0.42 for a negative test (LR-). PSA testing was most sensitive (90%) but least specific (27%) in older men. Age-specific reference ranges improved specificity in older men (49%) but decreased sensitivity (70%), with an LR+ of 1.38. Lowering the PSA cutpoint to 2 ng/ml resulted in a sensitivity of 95%, a specificity of 20%, and an LR+ of 1.19. CONCLUSIONS: PSA testing had fair discriminating power for detecting prostate cancer in community practice. The PSA cutpoint of 4 ng/ml was sensitive but relatively non-specific and associated likelihood ratios only moderately revised probabilities for cancer. Using age-specific reference ranges and a PSA cutpoint below 4 ng/ml improved test specificity and sensitivity, respectively, but did not improve the overall accuracy of PSA testing