405 research outputs found

    Requirements for gain/oscillation in Yb3+/Er3+-codoped microring resonators

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    A detailed model of the performance of a highly Yb3+/Er3+-codoped phosphate glass add-drop filter, which combines the propagation at resonance of both pump and signal powers inside the microring resonator with their interaction with the dopant ions, is used to analyze the requirements for gain/oscillation in these structures. Special attention is paid to the influence of additional coupling losses and asymmetry between the input/output couplers. It is concluded that, due to small signal gain saturation and the limited range of pump amplitude coupling coefficients, asymmetry does not greatly influence gain/oscillation requirements through the pump intensity build-up inside the ring. Asymmetry effect on small signal intensity transfer rate and threshold gain instead allows a significant lightening of the demanding doping ions concentrations requirements to achieve oscillation

    Optimized Design of Yb3+/Er3+-Codoped Phosphate Microring Resonator Amplifiers

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    A precise model to numerically analyse the performance of a highly Yb3+/Er3+-codoped phosphate glass microringresonator (MRR) is presented. This model assumes resonant behaviour inside the ring for both pump and signal powers and considers the coupled evolution of the rare earth (RE) ions population densities and the optical powers that propagate inside the MRR. Energy-transfer inter-atomic processes that become enhanced by required high-dopant concentrations have to be carefully considered in the numerical design. The model is used to calculate the performance of an active add-dropfilter and the more significant parameters are analysed in order to achieve an optimized design. Finally, the model is used to determine the practical requirements for amplification and oscillation in a highly Yb3+/Er3+-codoped phosphate glass MRR side-coupled to two straight waveguides for pump and signal input/output. In particular, the influence of dopant concentration, additional coupling losses and the structure symmetry are fully discussed

    Coherent delocalization: Views of entanglement in different scenarios

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    The concept of entanglement was originally introduced to explain correlations existing between two spatially separated systems, that cannot be described using classical ideas. Interestingly, in recent years, it has been shown that similar correlations can be observed when considering different degrees of freedom of a single system, even a classical one. Surprisingly, it has also been suggested that entanglement might be playing a relevant role in certain biological processes, such as the functioning of pigment-proteins that constitute light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria. The aim of this work is to show that the presence of entanglement in all of these different scenarios should not be unexpected, once it is realized that the very same mathematical structure can describe all of them. We show this by considering three different, realistic cases in which the only condition for entanglement to exist is that a single excitation is coherently delocalized between the different subsystems that compose the system of interest

    A methodology to introduce sustainability into the Final Year Project to foster sustainable engineering projects

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    The introduction of sustainability skills into higher education curricula is a natural effect of the increasing importance of sustainability in our daily lives. Topics like green computing, sustainable design or environmental engineering have become part of the knowledge required by today’s engineers. Furthermore, we strongly believe that the introduction of this skill will eventually enable future engineers to develop sustainable products, services and projects. The Final Year Project is the last academic stage facing students and a step towards their future professional engineering projects. As such, it constitutes a rehearsal for their professional future and an ideal opportunity for reflecting on whether their Final Year Project is sustainable or not, and to what extent. It also provides a good tool for reviewing the lessons learned about sustainability during the degree course and for applying them in a holistic and integrated way. In this paper, we present a guide that allows both students and advisors to think carefully about the sustainability of engineering projects, in particular the Final Year Project.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Knowledge sharing in the health scenario

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    The understanding of certain data often requires the collection of similar data from different places to be analysed and interpreted. Interoperability standards and ontologies, are facilitating data interchange around the world. However, beyond the existing networks and advances for data transfer, data sharing protocols to support multilateral agreements are useful to exploit the knowledge of distributed Data Warehouses. The access to a certain data set in a federated Data Warehouse may be constrained by the requirement to deliver another specific data set. When bilateral agreements between two nodes of a network are not enough to solve the constraints for accessing to a certain data set, multilateral agreements for data exchange are needed. We present the implementation of a Multi-Agent System for multilateral exchange agreements of clinical data, and evaluate how those multilateral agreements increase the percentage of data collected by a single node from the total amount of data available in the network. Different strategies to reduce the number of messages needed to achieve an agreement are also considered. The results show that with this collaborative sharing scenario the percentage of data collected dramaticaly improve from bilateral agreements to multilateral ones, up to reach almost all data available in the network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    QUALITEL: qualitat docent als estudis de telecomunicació

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    El projecte consisteix en una sèrie d'actuacions de caràcter metodològic i organitzatiu portades a terme a primer curs (fase selectiva) dels estudis d'enginyeria de telecomunicació de l'ETSETB per millorar el rendiment d'aquest cicle educatiu.Peer Reviewe

    Groundwater arsenic content in Raigón aquifer system (San José, Uruguay)

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    As a Medical Geology research issue, an environmental arsenic risk assessment study in the most important sedimentary aquifer in southern Uruguay is presented. The Raigón Aquifer System is the most exploited in Uruguay. It has a surface extent of about 1,800 square kilometres and 10,000 inhabitants in San Jose Department, where it was studied. Agriculture and cattle breeding are the main economic activities and this aquifer is the basic support. The groundwater sampling was done on 37 water samples of PRENADER (Natural Resources Management and Irrigation Development Program) wells. Outcropping sediments of Raigón Formation and the overlying Libertad Formation were also sampled in the Kiyú region. The analyses were performed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed 80% samples with arsenic levels exceeding the 10 μg/l of WHO as limit for waters, and 11% exceeds the 20 μg/l limit of uruguayan regulation. The median, maximum and minimum water arsenic concentrations determined have been 14.24, 24.19 and 1.44 μg/l, respectively. On the other hand, nine sediment samples of Raigón and Libertad Formations in Kiyú region were analysed and yielded median, maximum and minimum arsenic concentrations of 5.03, 9.82 and 1.18 ppm, respectively. This issue leads to the supposition that the population, as well as industrial and agricultural activities, are consuming water with arsenic concentrations over the national and international maximum recommended limit.Como una aproximación a la Geología Médica en Uruguay se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre el estado del Sistema Acuífero Raigón en relación a la presencia de arsénico, en el entendido que es el acuífero más explotado en el país. En particular, el área cubierta por este trabajo es de unos 1800 km2 en un territorio con una población de unos 10,000 habitantes en el departamento de San José. La colecta de aguas del acuífero se realizó en perforaciones de la base de datos de PRENADER (Proyecto de Manejo de Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo del Riego) obteniéndose 37 muestras, y sobre 9 muestras de sedimentos tanto de la Formación Raigón como la suprayacente Libertad en afloramientos de la región de Kiyú. Los análisis fueron realizados mediante ICP-MS. Un 80% de las muestras de aguas analizadas mostraron contenidos mayores a los límites de la OMS (10 μg/l) y un 11% de las muestras superaron el límite de la OSE (20 μg/l). El valor medio, máximo y mínimo determinado en el caso del agua subterránea fue de 14.24, 24.19 and 1.44 μg/l, respectivamente. Por otro lado, las nueve muestras de sedimentos analizados mostraron concentraciones media, máxima y mínima de arsénico de 5.03, 9.82 and 1.18 ppm, respectivamente, descartándose en principio un origen geogénico.Cooperation between the University of the Republic (Uruguay) and CSIC from Spain (Ref. 2005UY0001). DINACYT-Uruguay, Project of the Technological Development Program PDT # 45/14 which included the doctoral thesis work of MSc. Rosario Guerequiz. CYTED Iberoarsen Network and the International Medical Geology Association contributed with scientific and technical support to improve the knowledge on environmental arsenic and health impacts, with a multidisciplinary approach in Uruguay. This work was performed under the Research Consolidated Groups SGR-2005-795 PEGEFA (Petrology and Geochemistry Basic and Applied) and SGR-2005-00589 (Mineral Resources), funded by AGAUR-DURSI, Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer reviewe

    Driven Diffusive Systems: How Steady States Depend on Dynamics

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    In contrast to equilibrium systems, non-equilibrium steady states depend explicitly on the underlying dynamics. Using Monte Carlo simulations with Metropolis, Glauber and heat bath rates, we illustrate this expectation for an Ising lattice gas, driven far from equilibrium by an `electric' field. While heat bath and Glauber rates generate essentially identical data for structure factors and two-point correlations, Metropolis rates give noticeably weaker correlations, as if the `effective' temperature were higher in the latter case. We also measure energy histograms and define a simple ratio which is exactly known and closely related to the Boltzmann factor for the equilibrium case. For the driven system, the ratio probes a thermodynamic derivative which is found to be dependent on dynamics