10 research outputs found

    The role of polyamine-dependent facilitation of calcium permeable ampars in short-term synaptic enhancement

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    © 2018 Rozov, Zakharova, Vazetdinova and Valiullina-Rakhmatullina. Depending on subunit composition AMPA receptor channels can be subdivided into two groups: GluA2-containing calcium impermeable AMPARs, and GluA2-lacking calcium permeable, AMPARs. These two groups differ in a number of biophysical properties and, most likely, in their functional role at glutamatergic synapses. GluA2-lacking channels have received a lot of attention over the last two decades mainly due to high calcium permeability, which was suggested to play a significant role in the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity in healthy tissue and neuronal death under neuropathological conditions. However, calcium permeable AMPARs possess another property that can contribute substantially to frequency dependent dynamics of synaptic efficacy. In the closed state calcium permeable AMPARs are blocked by endogenous polyamines, however, repetitive activation leads to progressive relief from the block and to the facilitation of ion flux through these channels. Polyamine-dependent facilitation of AMPARs can contribute to short-term plasticity at synapses that have high initial release probability and express calcium permeable AMPARs. During synaptic transmission activity-dependent relief from polyamine block of postsynaptic calcium-permeable AMPARs either counteracts presynaptic short-term depression in a frequency-dependent manner or, under specific stimulation conditions, induces facilitation of a synaptic response. Taking into account the fact that expression of calcium permeable AMPARs is developmentally regulated, depends on network activity and increases in diseased brain states, polyamine-dependent facilitation of calcium permeable AMPARs is an important, entirely postsynaptic mechanism of synaptic gain regulation

    The ever-growing puzzle of asynchronous release

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    © 2019 Rozov, Bolshakov and Valiullina-Rakhmatullina. Invasion of an action potential (AP) to presynaptic terminals triggers calcium dependent vesicle fusion in a relatively short time window, about a millisecond, after the onset of the AP. This allows fast and precise information transfer from neuron to neuron by means of synaptic transmission and phasic mediator release. However, at some synapses a single AP or a short burst of APs can generate delayed or asynchronous synaptic release lasting for tens or hundreds of milliseconds. Understanding the mechanisms underlying asynchronous release (AR) is important, since AR can better recruit extrasynaptic metabotropic receptors and maintain a high level of neurotransmitter in the extracellular space for a substantially longer period of time after presynaptic activity. Over the last decade substantial work has been done to identify the presynaptic calcium sensor that may be involved in AR. Several models have been suggested which may explain the long lasting presynaptic calcium elevation a prerequisite for prolonged delayed release. However, the presynaptic mechanisms underlying asynchronous vesicle release are still not well understood. In this review article, we provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on the molecular components involved in delayed vesicle fusion and in the maintenance of sufficient calcium concentration to trigger AR. In addition, we discuss possible alternative models that may explain intraterminal calcium dynamics underlying AR

    Three modalities of synaptic release of neuromediators: Fast synchronous, multivesicular, and asynchronous. similarities and differences in mechanisms

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    © 2019 Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing. All rights reserved. Synapses in the central nervous system have several modalities of neuromediator release: Phasic (synchronous), asynchronous, and multivesicular. Here, we summarized results of recent studies that demonstrate involvement of different calcium sensors in triggering of synchronous and asynchronous release of neuromediator. In addition, we reviewed possible sources of presynaptic Ca2+ that trigger asynchronous release as well as possible mechanisms of multivesicular release

    Three modalities of synaptic release of neuromediators: Fast synchronous, multivesicular, and asynchronous. similarities and differences in mechanisms

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    © 2019 Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing. All rights reserved. Synapses in the central nervous system have several modalities of neuromediator release: Phasic (synchronous), asynchronous, and multivesicular. Here, we summarized results of recent studies that demonstrate involvement of different calcium sensors in triggering of synchronous and asynchronous release of neuromediator. In addition, we reviewed possible sources of presynaptic Ca2+ that trigger asynchronous release as well as possible mechanisms of multivesicular release

    Three Modalities of Synaptic Neurotransmitter Release: Rapid Synchronized, Multivesicular, and Asynchronous. Similarities and Differences in Mechanisms

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The central nervous system contains several modalities for neurotransmitter release: phasic (synchronous), asynchronous, and multivesicular. This review summarizes results from studies in recent years demonstrating the involvement of different calcium sensors in triggering synchronous and asynchronous neurotransmitter release. In addition, the possible sources of presynaptic Ca2+ triggering asynchronous neurotransmitter release are considered, along with the possible mechanisms of multivesicular neurotransmitter release

    The ever-growing puzzle of asynchronous release

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    © 2019 Rozov, Bolshakov and Valiullina-Rakhmatullina. Invasion of an action potential (AP) to presynaptic terminals triggers calcium dependent vesicle fusion in a relatively short time window, about a millisecond, after the onset of the AP. This allows fast and precise information transfer from neuron to neuron by means of synaptic transmission and phasic mediator release. However, at some synapses a single AP or a short burst of APs can generate delayed or asynchronous synaptic release lasting for tens or hundreds of milliseconds. Understanding the mechanisms underlying asynchronous release (AR) is important, since AR can better recruit extrasynaptic metabotropic receptors and maintain a high level of neurotransmitter in the extracellular space for a substantially longer period of time after presynaptic activity. Over the last decade substantial work has been done to identify the presynaptic calcium sensor that may be involved in AR. Several models have been suggested which may explain the long lasting presynaptic calcium elevation a prerequisite for prolonged delayed release. However, the presynaptic mechanisms underlying asynchronous vesicle release are still not well understood. In this review article, we provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on the molecular components involved in delayed vesicle fusion and in the maintenance of sufficient calcium concentration to trigger AR. In addition, we discuss possible alternative models that may explain intraterminal calcium dynamics underlying AR

    The role of polyamine-dependent facilitation of calcium permeable ampars in short-term synaptic enhancement

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    © 2018 Rozov, Zakharova, Vazetdinova and Valiullina-Rakhmatullina. Depending on subunit composition AMPA receptor channels can be subdivided into two groups: GluA2-containing calcium impermeable AMPARs, and GluA2-lacking calcium permeable, AMPARs. These two groups differ in a number of biophysical properties and, most likely, in their functional role at glutamatergic synapses. GluA2-lacking channels have received a lot of attention over the last two decades mainly due to high calcium permeability, which was suggested to play a significant role in the induction of long-term synaptic plasticity in healthy tissue and neuronal death under neuropathological conditions. However, calcium permeable AMPARs possess another property that can contribute substantially to frequency dependent dynamics of synaptic efficacy. In the closed state calcium permeable AMPARs are blocked by endogenous polyamines, however, repetitive activation leads to progressive relief from the block and to the facilitation of ion flux through these channels. Polyamine-dependent facilitation of AMPARs can contribute to short-term plasticity at synapses that have high initial release probability and express calcium permeable AMPARs. During synaptic transmission activity-dependent relief from polyamine block of postsynaptic calcium-permeable AMPARs either counteracts presynaptic short-term depression in a frequency-dependent manner or, under specific stimulation conditions, induces facilitation of a synaptic response. Taking into account the fact that expression of calcium permeable AMPARs is developmentally regulated, depends on network activity and increases in diseased brain states, polyamine-dependent facilitation of calcium permeable AMPARs is an important, entirely postsynaptic mechanism of synaptic gain regulation

    Overexpression of calretinin enhances short-term synaptic depression

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    © 2019 Bolshakov, Kolleker, Volkova, Valiullina-Rakhmatullina, Kolosov and Rozov. Analysis of the effects of various proteins on short-term synaptic plasticity is a difficult task, which may require the use of knockout animals. Here, we propose an alternative experimental approach for studying the roles of desired proteins in synaptic plasticity. We packed the Ca 2+ -binding protein calretinin and the fluorescent protein Venus into AAV and injected the concentrated viral suspension into the neocortex of newborn rats. The infected layer 2/3 pyramidal cells were identified in rat cortical slices using Venus fluorescence. Analysis of short-term synaptic plasticity using paired patch clamp recordings between layer 2/3 pyramidal cells (presynaptic cell) and fast-spiking (FS) interneurons (post-synaptic cell) showed that calretinin expression in the pyramidal cells did not change the failure rate in this synapse but did decrease synaptic delay. Analysis of the parameters of short-term synaptic plasticity showed that the amplitude of the first EPSP in the train was not affected by calretinin, however, calretinin strongly enhanced short-term depression. In addition, we found that the effect of calretinin depended on the presynaptic firing frequency: an increase in frequency resulted in enhancement of synaptic depression

    Lactate Attenuates Synaptic Transmission and Affects Brain Rhythms Featuring High Energy Expenditure

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Lactate shuttled from blood, astrocytes, and/or oligodendrocytes may serve as the major glucose alternative in brain energy metabolism. However, its effectiveness in fueling neuronal information processing underlying complex cortex functions like perception and memory is unclear. We show that sole lactate disturbs electrical gamma and theta-gamma oscillations in hippocampal networks by either attenuation or neural bursts. Bursting is suppressed by elevating the glucose fraction in substrate supply. By contrast, lactate does not affect electrical sharp wave-ripple activity featuring lower energy use. Lactate increases the oxygen consumption during the network states, reflecting enhanced oxidative ATP synthesis in mitochondria. Finally, lactate attenuates synaptic transmission in excitatory pyramidal cells and fast-spiking, inhibitory interneurons by reduced neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals, whereas action potential generation in the axon is regular. In conclusion, sole lactate is less effective and potentially harmful during gamma-band rhythms by omitting obligatory ATP delivery through fast glycolysis at the synapse