7 research outputs found

    Catechismus christianae fidei, in quo veritas nostrae religionis ostenditur, et sectae Iaponenses confutantur, editus à patre Alexandro Valignano societatis Iesu

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    76 h. ; 4o. -- Sign.: A-T4. -- L. red. y curs. -- En port. monograma IHS y caracteres en japonés para los nombres "Maria" y "Jesus". -- Inic. xil. -- El "liber secundus" fue publicado independientemente el mismo año, en Lisboa, por Manuel de Lira

    Catechismus christianae fidei

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    24 h. ; 4o. -- Sign.: A8, B6, C8, D2. -- L. red. -- En port. monograma IHS. -- Inic. xil. -- La primera parte fue publicada independientemente el mismo año, en Lisboa, por Antonio Ribeir

    Lettera annale delle cose del Giapone del M.D.LXXXII

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    El nombre del autor consta al comienzo del texto, en p. 3: Del P. Gasparo Coeglio viceprouincialeSign.: A-G8, H4118 p., [2] en bl. ; 8o.Contiene además, en p. 105-118: Relatione della felice morte di cinque religiosi della Compagnia di Giesu ... nell'India Orientale l'anno 1583 cauata de vna del P. Alessandro Valignano ..

    Traducir, editar, evangelizar: el discurso jesuita del “siglo cristiano en Japón” desde la perspectiva de la modernidad-colonialidad (siglo XVI)

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    The Jesuit mission in Japan began in 1549. It was a historic experience that is becoming increasingly important in academic research. This article uses discourse analysis to analyze it in connection with the formation of the world-system in early modernity by studying the Jesuit Epistolario published in Évora in 1598 from a double perspective. First, it synthesizes translation as the productive grammar of the Jesuit discourse of evangelization in Japan. Then it interprets the edition as the grammar of recognition of the information that had arrived from Japan for European society. Finally, it concludes with the concept of circulation in order to highlight the semiotic productivity of the Jesuit network