22 research outputs found

    Influence of Wet Heat Treatment on the Performance Properties of Fabrics of Different Fibrous Composition

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    The article deals with the issues of changing the qualitative characteristics of dress fabrics under the influence of wet-heat returns. For the study, the fabrics in question were washed (the number of washes was 1, 5, 10). A comprehensive analysis of the results of testing dress fabrics for options before washing and after washing was carried out


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    The changes that have occurred in the Russian education system in the XXI century have entailed an influx of new words and expressions related to the provision of this type of activity. The traditions existing in Russian lexicography on the representation of the emerging nomenclature of terms can also be projected into the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation. However, at the present stage, the corpus of special words showing certain aspects of education reform has not been reflected in the dictionaries of the Russian language and requires further research. This includes a wide range of new terms, as well as those related to the documentation support of the unified state exam, as well as the procedure for its conduct. Background. A significant number of neologisms that have entered the field of education in recent years require reflection in special dictionaries of the Russian and Ossetian languages, since this terminology is used in the professional activities of a large number of people, and its significant part is used in the educational activities of the young, being a social group. Purpose. Analysis and classification of the nomenclature of terms related to the field of education, to the procedure for organizing and conducting the unified state exam, for their inclusion in special and bilingual dictionaries. Materials and methods. The material for the study was regulatory legal acts concerning the procedures governing the organization and conduct of the unified state exam. The main research methods are content analysis and continuous sampling. Results. The nomenclature of terms covering a significant part of society is determined for inclusion in both dictionaries and national corpus of the Russian and Ossetian languages. The thematic classification of special vocabulary is carried out taking into account the logical and semantic connections and the technological process of the state final certification. Practical implications. The research materials can be used for inclusion in the national corpus of the Russian and Ossetian languages, preparation of dictionaries and in the practice of documentation support of management activities in the Ossetian language

    Features of antifungal therapy during long-lasting infectious process: a clinical case of fungal keratitis and profile of antifungal sensitivity based on assessing biofilm formation

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    Among infectious diseases, opportunistic mycoses hold a special place. There has been accumulating a lot of evidence regarding the clinical and epidemiological aspects of infection caused by Fusarium spp., which global incidence rate among microbial keratitis ranges from 2 to 40% depending on the geographical location of the country. Colonizing mucous membranes, fungi can exist not only in the form of plankton, but form biofilms after surface attachment, which leads to elevated resistance to multiple antifungal agents. Here we describe a clinical case of fungal keratitis due to Fusarium solani by determining profile of the antifungal sensitivity for isolated fungal strains, by taking into account their potential for biofilm formation. We used an F. solani culture isolated from the patient as well as F. solani test culture obtained from the Russian National Collection of Microorganisms. While determining the sensitivity of fungal planktonic cultures to antifungal agents from the azole group (fluconazole, voriconazole), amphotericin B and terbinafine, it was revealed that antimycotics amphotericin B and voriconazole exerted a marked antifungal activity against clinical isolate, whereas the plankton F. solani test culture was more sensitive to all groups of antifungal agents. Due to a long-lasting progressive course of the infectious process and the high biofilm-forming ability of the clinical strain F. solani, the activity of antifungal agents on biofilm cells was modeled and examined in vitro. It was shown that regarding to the fungal biofilms, value of the minimally inhibitory concentration exceeded those for planktonic cultures by 100-fold. The mechanisms of action for antifungal agents on vital parameters of fungal cell structures were analyzed by using confocal laser scanning microscopy after staining samples with propidium iodide and acridine orange for 15 min to detect changes between intact and damaged cell surface. It was found that within the biofilm fungal cells preserved viability even after exposure to high concentrations of antifungals. In addition, despite the fungicidal drug activity at substantial concentrations acting on the biofilm cell membrane, the cell nuclei remained viable. Owing to the presence ot the mechanism of resistance in mycelial fungi shown in the study, it is necessary to take into account and investigate characteristics of biofilms in terms of drug sensitivity that will allow to optimize a choice of antimicrobial therapy

    Improved method for the obtaining DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine ligands for lanthanide cations

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    The composition of the reaction mixture after DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines was studied. In addition to the target product, DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine, the corresponding 6'-hydroxymethyl-substituted 2,2’-bipyridine and (5'-phenyl-[2,2'-bipyridin]-6-yl)methyl formate were isolated as by-products in some cases. Finally, an improved procedure for the DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines by using Finkelstein reaction was developed

    (Mechano)synthesis of azomethine- and terpyridine-linked diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymers

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    Three efficient synthetic approaches towards new azomethine- and terpyridine-containing 2,5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione (diketopyrrolopyrrole, DPP) based polymers, such as P1 and P2, are reported. The first approach involves the Pd-catalyzed synthesis via two- or three-component Suzuki or Stille cross-coupling reaction in solution. The second approach involves Pd-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling reaction under ball-milling conditions. And, finally, the third approach involves Pd-free condensation reaction under ball-milling conditions. The newly obtained polymers exhibited absorbance around 700 nm and emission around 900 nm, and, thus, these polymers are considered to be NIR-fluorophores

    Apnea of prematurity: from cause to treatment

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    Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a common problem affecting premature infants, likely secondary to a “physiologic” immaturity of respiratory control that may be exacerbated by neonatal disease. These include altered ventilatory responses to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and altered sleep states, while the roles of gastroesophageal reflux and anemia remain controversial. Standard clinical management of the obstructive subtype of AOP includes prone positioning and continuous positive or nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation to prevent pharyngeal collapse and alveolar atelectasis, while methylxanthine therapy is a mainstay of treatment of central apnea by stimulating the central nervous system and respiratory muscle function. Other therapies, including kangaroo care, red blood cell transfusions, and CO2 inhalation, require further study. The physiology and pathophysiology behind AOP are discussed, including the laryngeal chemoreflex and sensitivity to inhibitory neurotransmitters, as are the mechanisms by which different therapies may work and the potential long-term neurodevelopmental consequences of AOP and its treatment

    Improved Method for the Obtaining DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine Ligands for Lanthanide Cations

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    Received: 25.03.22. Revised: 24.05.22. Accepted: 24.05.22. Available online: 30.05.22.The composition of the reaction mixture after DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines was studied. In addition to the target product, DTTA-appended 2,2’-bipyridine, the corresponding 6'-hydroxymethyl-substituted 2,2’-bipyridine and (5'-phenyl-[2,2'-bipyridin]-6-yl)methyl formate were isolated as byproducts in some cases. Finally, an improved procedure for the DTTA tert-butyl ester alkylation with 6'-halomethyl-5-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridines by using Finkelstein reaction was developed.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 18-73-10119-P)

    Analysis of the Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Immunization Schedule

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    Background: The connection between vaccination and autoimmune diseases (and rheumatic pathology in particular) is still a subject of discussions. When discussing the possibility of vaccinating rheumatic patients we should take into account the ultra high dangers that infectious diseases pose for such patients, including those that can be prevented by vaccination. We should also take into account the experience of using various vaccine types in rheumatic patients, which illustrates of their high safety profile.Objective: Our aim was to study the immunization schedule in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Methods: The evaluation of vaccine history and other anamnestic data in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients was based on individual medical records (individual child’s card/preventive vaccination certificate), as well as questionnaires filled by mothers.Results: It has been determined that a significant proportion of children with vaccination schedule deviations are juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients. Almost one in four children with a confirmed rheumatic diagnosis has not been immunized against the major vaccine-preventable diseases. In one non-vaccinated group, there was a case of juvenile arthritis onset after recovering from measles. A small number of patient mothers connects the manifestation of rheumatic diseases with vaccination.Conclusion: Violations of vaccination status in JIA patients require corrections according to the results of clinical studies and the recommendations of international experts