146 research outputs found

    WP6 Comparative Analysis Skills Supply and Demand

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    This report addresses the regional governance of the skills supply and demand in Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshrie Region. The document describes and analyses how actors in the two Scottish regions understand and face the developmental challenges and how their skills agendas are constructed. The document also focuses on the levels and mechanisms of coordination among actors to implement the regional skills agenda given the socioeconomic context and regional skills (mis)matches

    Polítiques d'elecció de centre i segregació escolar : els centres privats dependents en els sistemes educatius europeus

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    L'article introdueix un marc conceptual per a l'anàlisi de la relació entre les polítiques d'elecció de centre i la segregació escolar. Es defensa la presa en consideració dels factors de segregació escolar com l'element clau per entendre els diferents efectes d'aquestes polítiques segons el context d'implementació. El document recull característiques estructurals i mesures de segregació en l'educació secundària de quinze sistemes educatius europeus. L'evidència empírica presentada apunta als itineraris escolars com el factor més important de segregació. La matrícula en la xarxa privada dependent mostra efectes diferents segons el país. L'anàlisi específica dels sistemes educatius europeus amb major presència del sector privat (model continental d'elecció), fa pensar que les diferències entre aquests països es deuen als diferents marcs reguladors de l'activitat d'aquests centres i a la desigual protecció de la xarxa pública.Este artículo introduce un marco conceptual para el análisis de la relación entre las políticas de elección de centro y la segregación escolar. Se defiende la toma en consideración de los factores de segregación escolar como el elemento clave para entender los diferentes efectos de estas políticas según el contexto de implementación. El documento recoge características estructurales y medidas de segregación en la educación secundaria de quince sistemas educativos europeos. La evidencia empírica presentada apunta a los itinerarios escolares como el factor más importante de segregación. La matrícula en la red privada dependiente muestra efectos diferentes según el país. El análisis específico de los sistemas educativos europeos con mayor presencia en el sector privado (modelo continental de elección), nos induce a pensar que las diferencias entre estos países se deben a los diferentes marcos reguladores de la actividad de estos centros y a la desigual protección de la red pública.Cet article introduit un cadre conceptuel pour l'analyse de la relation entre les politiques de choix de centre et la ségrégation scolaire. Il défend la prise en considération des facteurs de ségrégation scolaire comme étant l'élément-clé qui permet de comprendre les différents effets de ces politiques selon le contexte de mise en application. Le document recueille les caractéristiques structurelles de même que les mesures de ségrégation dans l'enseignement secondaire de quinze systèmes éducatifs européens. La preuve empirique présentée signale les itinéraires scolaires comme étant le facteur le plus important de ségrégation. L'inscription dans le réseau privé dépendant présente des effets différents selon le pays. L'analyse spécifique des systèmes éducatifs européens ayant une plus grande présence dans le secteur privé (modèle continental de choix) nous induit à penser que les différences entre ces pays sont dues aux différents cadres régulateurs de l'activité de ces centres et à l'inégale protection du réseau public.This paper introduces a conceptual frame for the analysis of the relationship between the policies governing the choice of school and school segregation. It defends the consideration of the factors of school segregation as the key element for understanding the different effects of these policies according to the implementation context. The article documents structural characteristics and segregation means in secondary education of fifteen European systems of education. The empirical evidence presented points to school itineraries as the key factor of segregation. Depending on the ountry, enrolment in the Government-dependent private network has different effects. The specific analysis of the European systems of education with the highest presence in private sector (continental model of choice) appears to suggest that the differences between these countries are due to the different regulating frameworks of the activity of these centres and the unequal protection of the state network

    WP3 Policy Mapping, Review and Analysis

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    This report presents the mapping, review and analysis of the most relevant LLL policies for young adults in Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/ Aberdeenshire. The report first reviews the national Scottish LLL policies which influence the implementation of LLL for young adults in the two regions under study. This report provides findings and analysis to comply with the H2020 YOUNG_ADULLLT Research Project, Work Package 3 (WP3). We have used the requirements and guidance in the WP3 proposal to select two appropriate Functional Regions (FRs): The Glasgow City Region and Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire. These FRs provide a focus for the WP3 mapping but also frame the other data gathering for the YOUNG_ADULLLT project. The mapping has provided material to facilitate an understanding of the policy landscape, including the different policy sectors of the two FRs set in the national context. The mapping required the selection of three detailed examples of LLL/Skills policies with their associated material actions in each of the two FRs. Currently, we have mapped four in each FR. Our mapping reflects the distinctiveness of Scottish public policy in that national policies provide the main framework for regional and locally devolved enactment and associated actions

    The political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts

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    This report is a rigorous literature review on the political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts and is aimed at education advisers and agencies, development practitioners and Ministry of Education policy makers working in conflict-affected contexts. The report seeks to provide theoretically informed and policy relevant insights on the global, national and local governance of education systems in conflict-affected contexts garnered from a rigorous review of the academic and policy literature on the political economy of education in conflict-affected contexts. The review was driven by three main questions: (1) What are the underpinning assumptions of the main bodies of political economy research in education and conflict? (2) What can the political economy of education literature since 1990 inform us about educational change and reform in conflict-affected contexts? (3) What are the strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and research gaps in the political economy of education literature exploring the governance of educational change and reform in conflict-affected contexts? Chapter 1 outlines the rationale and aims of the review. Chapter 2, describes the theoretical and conceptual framework and presents the framing of the key issues under review, and Chapter 3 outlines the review methodology. Chapter 4 presents the main characteristics and an assessment of the quality of the studies selected for the in-depth review, and Chapter 5, discusses the review’s main findings. Chapter 6 presents the conclusions of the study, outlines a theory of change that emerges from the findings and draws out the policy insights and research gaps for future study

    The Political Economy of Education Systems in Conflict-Affected Contexts: A Rigorous Literature Review

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    This report is a rigorous literature review on the political economy of education systems in conflict-affected contexts and is aimed at education advisers and agencies, development practitioners and Ministry of Education policy makers working in conflict-affected contexts. The report seeks to provide theoretically informed and policy relevant insights on the global, national and local governance of education systems in conflict-affected contexts garnered from a rigorous review of the academic and policy literature on the political economy of education in conflict-affected contexts.<p></p> The review was driven by three main questions: (1) What are the underpinning assumptions of the main bodies of political economy research in education and conflict? (2) What can the political economy of education literature since 1990 inform us about educational change and reform in conflict-affected contexts? (3) What are the strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and research gaps in the political economy of education literature exploring the governance of educational change and reform in conflict-affected contexts?<p></p> Chapter 1 outlines the rationale and aims of the review. Chapter 2, describes the theoretical and conceptual framework and presents the framing of the key issues under review, and Chapter 3 outlines the review methodology. Chapter 4 presents the main characteristics and an assessment of the quality of the studies selected for the in-depth review, and Chapter 5, discusses the review’s main findings. Chapter 6 presents the conclusions of the study, outlines a theory of change that emerges from the findings and draws out the policy insights and research gaps for future study

    Higher education, bridging capital, and developmental leadership in the Philippines: Learning to be a crossover reformer

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    The article presents findings from a research project which explored how experiences of higher education supported – or not – the emergence of developmental leadership and the formation of networks among leaders of three political and social movements in the Philippines in the post-Marcos era. Based on life history interviews with key leaders, the study points to the importance of different forms of social capital, especially bridging capital, in navigating a stratified system within this oligarchical democracy. Experiences of higher education were important for leaders' development, but not necessarily in predictable ways

    Una cuestión de Gobierno

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    En muchos sistemas educativos proliferan las polémicas acerca de la elección de escuela y se multiplican las señales de una segregación social rampante. Los autores intentan dar respuesta al título desde el análisis de las realidades de Chile, Estados Unidos, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos y Suecia. Y advierten que estas tendencias generan nuevos problemas de coordinación entre gobiernos y de confianza institucional en la mayoría de estos países

    TVET policy reforms in Chile 2006-2018: between human capital and the right to education

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    Human development and rights-based approaches to education have been gaining support among international organisations and development agencies as alternative frameworks to human capital orthodoxy. While these global trends have been well-documented in the international development literature, there is little empirical evidence into what extent, and through which mechanisms, alternative development paradigms in education are influencing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) reforms. Chile provides an excellent opportunity for this kind of research given the long cycle of political contestation of neoliberal education policies in the country during the last decade. The article analyses TVET policy discourses for the last three government administrations (2006–2018) from a Cultural Political Economy perspective. The adoption of the rights-based approach in Chile shows its potential to mobilise greater involvement of the state in the funding and provision of TVET and in the support to secondary TVET students who want to continue their studies in tertiary education. However, the rights-based approach to education falls short when it comes to problematising political economy structures that shape TVET policymaking and the precarious labour market opportunities available to TVET graduates. These shortfalls show the need to incorporate more fundamental critiques of the neoliberal paradigm into the formulation of alternative policy agendas for TVET

    Pilot Evaluation of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET in the State of Mexico

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    Since the first public announcement of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET (MMFD) in June 2013, more than 5,000 apprentices have enrolled in the programme and around 2,000 already graduated. The Ministry of Education (SEP and CONALEP), the Chambers of Commerce (i.e. COPARMEX) and the German Cooperation Agencies (i.e. CAMEXA) have been collaborating with state authorities, families, schools and companies to turn this initial idea into a significant and sustainable initiative. Although the numbers are still small, it seemed necessary to undertake a pilot evaluation study of the implementation and impact of this program on its participants to inform those responsible for this policy. We decided to focus our study on the State of Mexico because of the higher number of apprentices in this state and because of the access that the CONALEP authorities gave us to the informants. The report that you are about to read is structured in four main sections. In the first one we reviewed the international evidence on the experiences of policy transfer of Dual TVET. Transferring international good practice sin TVET is always a complex process that requires careful attention to the experiences and lessons from those that tried to do it before. In the second section, we present the main characteristics of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET and the specificities of its implementation in the State of Mexico. In a federal country like Mexico, it is important to understand that national policies may largely vary across states in terms of design and implementation. The third section outlines the methodology of the study, which is inspired by the realist evaluation principles. Realist evaluation, not only tries to measure the impact of interventions on beneficiaries, but also to understand the causal mechanisms that explain why this policy is more effective in certain contexts and with certain beneficiary populations than in others. In the final section, the results of the interviews and the survey with 25 apprentices that completed their studies under the MMFD in the State of Mexico are presented. Obviously, the reduced sample of the study limits the representativeness of our findings but it will offer some expected and unexpected results that should not be ignored by those involved in this policy in the State of Mexico and nationally

    El fracàs escolar : un camí llarg i desigual

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    En el present article, s'intenta analitzar el fracàs escolar des dels diferents indicadors que s'obtenen al llarg de tota la primària i la secundària i que, en molts moments, ens donen indicis i pistes sobre allò que després esdevé el percentatge d'individus que no aconsegueixen superar els ensenyaments obligatoris. En segon lloc, també s'hi estudia la incidència desigual d'aquest fracàs escolar sobre l'alumnat en funció del seu ambient social i cultural. Per fer-ho, s'hi analitzen els resultats obtinguts a Catalunya en diferents proves d'avaluacions externes realitzades al llarg dels darrers anys: PISA 2003, PISA 2006, Avaluació general de diagnòstic 2010 i Competències bàsiques 2009 i 2010. També s'hi comprova que es disposa d'indicadors que presenten una bossa d'alumnat que, des dels 10 anys, presenta risc de fracàs escolar, i també com aquest fracàs té més incidència en els nois i noies de classes socials més desfavorides. S'hi analitza també si el sistema educatiu català és prou equitatiu i si compensa les desigualtats socials existents o si, al contrari, les reprodueix. Encara que les dades que s'hi presenten són d'àrees diverses, es fa una incidència especial en l'apartat de competència lectora. Aquest apartat és avaluat de manera concreta per l'estudi PISA i també està inclòs dins de les competències comunicatives, a l'Avaluació general de diagnòstic del Ministeri d'Educació i a les Competències bàsiques del Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya.El presente artículo intenta analizar el fracaso escolar desde los diferentes indicadores que se obtienen a lo largo de las enseñanzas primaria y secundaria y que, en muchos momentos, nos dan indicios y consejos acerca de lo que luego se deriva en el porcentaje de personas que no logran superar las enseñanzas obligatorias. En segundo lugar, también se estudia la incidencia desigual de este fracaso escolar sobre el alumnado dependiendo de su entorno social y cultural. Para ello, se analizan los resultados obtenidos en Cataluña en diversas evaluaciones externas realizadas en los últimos años: PISA 2003, PISA 2006, Evaluación general de diagnóstico 2010 y Competencias básicas 2009 y 2010. También se comprueba la disponibilidad de indicadores que presentan una bolsa de estudiantes desde los 10 años de edad que se encuentran en riesgo de sufrir fracaso escolar y, además, cómo este fracaso tiene más impacto en el alumnado de clases sociales más desfavorecidas. Se analiza si el sistema educativo de Cataluña es suficientemente equitativo y compensa las desigualdades sociales existentes o si, por el contrario, las reproduce. Aunque los datos presentados son de diversas áreas, se hace un énfasis especial en el apartado de la competencia lectora. Este apartado es evaluado de manera concreta por el estudio de PISA, así, también se incluye en las competencias comunicativas, en la Evaluación general de diagnóstico del Ministerio de Educación y en las Competencias básicas del Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Cataluña.His article attempts to analyse the school failure from the different indicators that are obtained throughout compulsory schooling (primary and secondary) and that, in many moments give us clues and tips about then called school failure (percentage of people who fail to overcome the mandatory teachings), and, secondly, the unequal incidence of this school failure on the students depending on their social and cultural environment. Therefore shows the results obtained in Catalonia in various external assessments conducted in recent years: PISA 2003, PISA 2006, Evaluación general de diagnóstico 2010 and Competencias básicas 2009 and 2010. Checks the availability of indicators showing a bag of students since the age of 10, at risk of school failure, and also, as this failure has more impact on students from disadvantaged social classes. It examines whether the Catalonian Educational System is sufficiently fair and compensates for existing social inequalities or, conversely, reproduces them. Although the data presented are from different areas, is made special emphasis on the section of the reading competence. This section is specifically for the PISA study, thus, also evaluated is included in the communicative competence, General assessment of diagnosis of the Ministry of Education and the powers of the Department of Education of the Catalan Parliament
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