15 research outputs found

    The essential, objective and functional characteristics of the students’ academic mobility in higher education

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The globalization of education triggers fair criticism of the university self-sufficiency in any country to train competent professionals, moreover, today the necessity to expand the students’ academic mobility is universally recognized. The article describes the basic methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “academic mobility”. It explores the goal, objectives, functions of the students’ academic mobility in the context of international educational integration. This publication submits a classification of the forms of academic mobility of the higher education students on the following grounds: on the type of educational process, on the period of study in a foreign educational establishment, on the nature of the students’ involvement. The article can be useful to the academic staff of higher educational institutions, to the staff of the university centers of academic mobility as well as the employees of the university international departments in the development of international cooperation and academic mobility of the students

    Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space


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    There were analyzed 745 cards outpatient dental health of children from 3 to 14 years. Subjected to expert analysis of 270 cases of surgical treatment of periodontitis temporary molars. Analysis of the data showed that 62.2 % of the removal of first and second molars temporary exacerbation occurred as a result of chronic inflammation. The greatest number of deletions from the ages of 6 to 8 years is 38.4 %. During the period of physiological change of teeth in 56.6 % removal cases of temporary molars diagnosis followed by the chronic apical periodontitis and periapical abscess.Проанализировано 745 карт амбулаторного стоматологического здоровья детей с 3 до 14 лет. Экспертному анализу подвергнуты 270 случаев хирургического лечения периодонтитов временных моляров. Анализ данных показал, что в 62,2 % случаев удаления первых и вторых временных моляров происходило в результате обострения хронического воспалительного процесса. Наибольшее количество удалений приходится на возраст с 6 до 8 лет и составляет 38,4 %. В период физиологической смены зубов в 56,6 % случаев удаления временных моляров сопровождается диагнозами хронический апикальный периодонтит и периапикальный абсцесс


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    Due to the high incidence of tuberculosis of women of reproductive age research at 270 patients was conducted. The group of research included women with infertility and genital tuberculosis, pregnant women with active tuberculosis of lungs, pregnant women with clinically cured tuberculosis of respiratory organs. Pregnant women with tuberculosis of lungs were more often from sociopathic families, had venereal diseases, HIV infection, hepatitises.В связи с высокой заболеваемостью туберкулезом женщин репродуктивного возраста было проведено исследование у 270 пациенток. В группу исследования вошли женщины с бесплодием и генитальным туберкулезом, беременные с активным туберкулезом легких, беременные с клинически излеченным туберкулезом органов дыхания. Семьи беременных женщин с активным туберкулезом легких часто были отнесены к категории социопатических, сами пациентки чаще имели венерические заболевания, ВИЧ-инфекцию, гепатит

    The essential, objective and functional characteristics of the students’ academic mobility in higher education

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The globalization of education triggers fair criticism of the university self-sufficiency in any country to train competent professionals, moreover, today the necessity to expand the students’ academic mobility is universally recognized. The article describes the basic methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “academic mobility”. It explores the goal, objectives, functions of the students’ academic mobility in the context of international educational integration. This publication submits a classification of the forms of academic mobility of the higher education students on the following grounds: on the type of educational process, on the period of study in a foreign educational establishment, on the nature of the students’ involvement. The article can be useful to the academic staff of higher educational institutions, to the staff of the university centers of academic mobility as well as the employees of the university international departments in the development of international cooperation and academic mobility of the students

    The essential, objective and functional characteristics of the students’ academic mobility in higher education

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. The globalization of education triggers fair criticism of the university self-sufficiency in any country to train competent professionals, moreover, today the necessity to expand the students’ academic mobility is universally recognized. The article describes the basic methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “academic mobility”. It explores the goal, objectives, functions of the students’ academic mobility in the context of international educational integration. This publication submits a classification of the forms of academic mobility of the higher education students on the following grounds: on the type of educational process, on the period of study in a foreign educational establishment, on the nature of the students’ involvement. The article can be useful to the academic staff of higher educational institutions, to the staff of the university centers of academic mobility as well as the employees of the university international departments in the development of international cooperation and academic mobility of the students


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    Due to the high incidence of tuberculosis of women of reproductive age research at 270 patients was conducted. The group of research included women with infertility and genital tuberculosis, pregnant women with active tuberculosis of lungs, pregnant women with clinically cured tuberculosis of respiratory organs. Pregnant women with tuberculosis of lungs were more often from sociopathic families, had venereal diseases, HIV infection, hepatitises

    Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space

    Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space