16 research outputs found

    Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie Contributions to Algebra and Geometry

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    Abstract. Nonempty sets X 1 and X 2 in the Euclidean space R n are called homothetic provided X 1 = z+λX 2 for a suitable point z ∈ R n and a scalar λ = 0, not necessarily positive. Extending results of Süss and Hadwiger (proved by them for the case of convex bodies and positive λ), we show that compact (respectively, closed) convex sets K 1 and K 2 in R n are homothetic provided for any given integer m, 2 ≤ m ≤ n − 1 (respectively, 3 ≤ m ≤ n − 1), the orthogonal projections of K 1 and K 2 on every m-dimensional plane of R n are homothetic, where the homothety ratio may depend on the projection plane. The proof uses a refined version of Straszewicz's theorem on exposed points of compact convex sets. MSC 2000: 52A2

    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The importance of health system governance

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    Aim: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) arises where treatment is interrupted or inadequate, when patients are treated inappropriately, or when an individual has impaired immune function, which can lead to a rapid progression from infection with an MDR-strain to disease. This study examines the role of health systems in amplifying or preventing the development of MDR-TB. Methods: We present two comparative studies, which were undertaken in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (TFYR Macedonia) and Moldova. Results: The findings reveal several health systems-level factors that contribute to the different rates of MDR-TB observed in these two countries, including: pre-existing burden of disease; organization of the health system, with the existence of parallel systems; power dynamics among policy makers and disease programmes; and the accountability & effectiveness of programme oversight. Conclusions: The findings do not offer a universal template for health system reform but do identify specific factors that may be contributing to the epidemic and are worthy of further attention in the two countries

    Situaţia epidemiologică şi realizarea programului naţional de control şi profilaxie a tuberculozei pentru anii 2006-2010 în Republica Moldova

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    Programul Naţional de Control şi Profi laxie a Tuberculozei pentru anii 2006-2010 (PNCPT) a fost elaborat în baza analizei situaţiei epidemiologice, susţinut tehnic şi fi nanciar de către Programul TB/SIDA, fi nanţat de către Fondul Global de combatere a SIDA, Tuberculozei şi Malariei, Banca Mondială în Republica Moldova şi Fundaţia “Caritaş Luxemburg”. Pentru obţinerea obiectivelor preconizate, au fost realizate strategiile prioritare identifi cate şi incluse în Program menite să orienteze activitatea naţională multisectorială privind controlul tuberculozei pentru perioada anilor 2006-2010

    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: The importance of health system governance

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    Aim: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) arises where treatment is interrupted or inadequate, when patients are treated inappropriately, or when an individual has impaired immune function, which can lead to a rapid progression from infection with an MDR-strain to disease. This study examines the role of health systems in amplifying or preventing the development of MDR-TB.Methods: We present two comparative studies, which were undertaken in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (TFYR Macedonia) and Moldova.Results: The findings reveal several health systems-level factors that contribute to the different rates of MDR-TB observed in these two countries, including: pre-existing burden of disease; organization of the health system, with the existence of parallel systems; power dynamics among policy makers and disease programmes; and the accountability & effectiveness of programme oversight.Conclusions: The findings do not offer a universal template for health system reform but do identify specific factors that may be contributing to the epidemic and are worthy of further attention in the two countries

    Re-infecţia exogenă ca factor de risc major asociat cu răspândirea tuberculozei rezistente în spitalele de profil din ţară

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    Tratamentul de lungă durată în condiţii neadecvate de control al infecţiei este un factor de risc major asociat cu răspândirea tuberculozei rezistente în spitalele de profil din ţară. Scopul de bază a acestui studiu a fost evaluarea fenomenului de transmisie intraspitalicească a TB MDR prin analiza genotipică a diversităţii ADN a tulpinilor M.tuberculosis (metoda fingerprinting). În studiu au fost examinaţi 351 pacienţi de tuberculoză aflaţi la tratament în 4 spitale de profil din Moldova. Rezultatele obţinute au demonstrat că fenomenul transmiterii nosocomiale este prezent în toate staţionarele de tuberculoză din republică. Re-infecţia (transmisia) intra-spitalicească cu TB MDR printre pacienţii, care au fost în tratament spitalicesc s-a constatat în 68% din cazurile evaluate în acest studiu

    Sections and projections of homothetic convex bodies

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    Pairs of Convex Bodies with Centrally Symmetric Intersections of Translates

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    Abstract. For a pair of convex bodies K and K ′ in E d, the d-dimensional intersections K ∩ (x + K ′), x ∈ E d, are centrally symmetric if and only if K and K ′ are represented as direct sums K = R ⊕ P and K ′ = R ′ ⊕ P ′ such that: (i) R is a compact convex set of some dimension m, 0 ≤ m ≤ d, and R ′ = z − R for a suitable vector z ∈ E d, (ii) P and P ′ are isothetic parallelotopes, both of dimension d − m