44 research outputs found

    Metastatic seeding of colon adenocarcinoma manifesting as synchronous breast and chest wall localization: report of a case.

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    Colon carcinoma rarely metastasizes to the breast and it is usually associated with a poor prognosis. Even rarer is metastatic seeding of colon cancer cells in an intramammary location after surgery. Including a primary breast malignancy in the differential diagnosis of such cases is mandatory. We report a rare case of double seeding implantation of colon adenocarcinoma inside the breast parenchyma and intercostal muscles 6 years after resection of a pulmonary metastasis from colon adenocarcinoma. The metastasis was revealed by the presence of bone metaplasia in the intercostal muscles. We discuss how negative immunostaining for estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and HER-2, along with the immunohistochemical pattern of cytokeratin (CK) 20+/7-/5- and CDX2-positive immunostaining, excludes a primary breast malignancy, namely, a "matrix-producing" carcinoma, from the differential diagnosis. We also present the hypothesis of a paracrine pathogenetic mechanism to explain the bone metaplasia

    Effects of the number of removed lymph nodes on survival outcome in patients with sentinel node-negative breast cancer

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    Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is the gold standard surgical technique for axillary staging in patients with clinically node-negative. However, it is still uncertain what is the optimal number of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) to be removed to reduce the false-negative rate. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patients with a single negative SLN have a worse prognosis than those with two or more negative SLNs. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on a large series of SLN-negative breast cancer patients. Survival outcomes and regional recurrence rate were evaluated according to the number of removed SLNs. Secondly, the contribution of different adjuvant therapies on disease-free survival was explored. Statistical analysis included the chi-square, Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test, and Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Results: A total of 1080 patients were included in the study. A first group consisted of 328 patients in whom a single SLN was retrieved, and a second group consisted of 752 patients in whom two or more SLNs were retrieved. There was no relevant difference in median DFS (64.9 vs 41.4) for SLN = 1 vs SLN > 1 groups (HR 0.76, CI 95% 0.39–1.46; p = 0.38). A statistically significant difference in mDFS was showed only for HT-treated patients who were SLN = 1 if compared to SLN > 1 (100.6 months versus 35.3 months). Conclusions: There is likely a relationship between the number of resected SNL and mDFS. Our results, however, showed no relevant difference in median DFS for SLN = 1 vs SLN > 1 group, except for a subset of the patients treated with hormone therapy

    A Case of Follicular Tumor of Uncertain Malignant Potential (FT-UMP) with Glomeruloid Features Showing Capsular Mucinous Degeneration

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    The most recent revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of Endocrine Organs introduced a new variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). It is characterized by a "glomeruloid" architectural pattern of growth. We present a case of follicular tumor with glomeruloid features, with Alcian Blue positive mucinous stromal degeneration in foci of questionable capsular microinvasion. At our knowledge, this the second case of glomeruloid follicular tumor in the literature and the first case in which Alcian Blue staining was used to investigate capsular invasion. Moreover, RAS mutation further supports that this is a variant of follicular tumor with uncertain malignant potential

    Clinical presentation and treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors.

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    AIMS AND BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), although rare, are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms affecting the gastrointestinal tract. We present our experience in the treatment of localized and metastatic disease and a review of literature. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine patients were observed from April 2002 to July 2004. Eight tumors were in the gastric area and 1 was in the small bowel. In 5 cases, complete surgical removal was performed, and none of these patients underwent adjuvant therapy. The remaining 4 cases, with locally advanced or recurrent disease, were treated with imatinib. RESULTS: The patients with localized disease treated only by surgery did not relapse. In the patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease treated by imatinib, we observed 3 partial responses, and one case was not assessable because he had no measurable disease. In 2 of 3 responders, it was possible to perform a new radical surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Our series is too small to draw any conclusion. According to our review of the literature, surgery remains the standard treatment for non-metastatic GISTs. Imatinib mesylate represents a major breakthrough in the treatment of advanced GISTs and is the first effective systemic therapy for the disease

    MICROSCOPE mission analysis, requirements and expected performance

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    The MICROSCOPE mission aimed to test the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) to a precision of 10−1510^{-15}. The WEP states that two bodies fall at the same rate on a gravitational field independently of their mass or composition. In MICROSCOPE, two masses of different compositions (titanium and platinum alloys) are placed on a quasi-circular trajectory around the Earth. They are the test-masses of a double accelerometer. The measurement of their accelerations is used to extract a potential WEP violation that would occur at a frequency defined by the motion and attitude of the satellite around the Earth. This paper details the major drivers of the mission leading to the specification of the major subsystems (satellite, ground segment, instrument, orbit...). Building upon the measurement equation, we derive the objective of the test in statistical and systematic error allocation and provide the mission's expected error budget.Comment: References update

    Detection and quantification of mammaglobin in the blood of breast cancer patients: can it be useful as a potential clinical marker? Preliminary results of a GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: Mammaglobin is expressed mainly in mammary tissue, overexpressed in breast cancer (BC) and rarely in other tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of transcript MGB1 detection and to evaluate the role of MGB1 as potential clinical marker for the detection of disseminated cancer cells in the blood of BC patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 23 BC tissues, 36 peripheral blood BC samples and 35 healthy peripheral blood samples was prospectively recruited to investigate MGB1 expression by means of a quantitative Real Time RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: MGB1 overexpression in tissue samples of BC patients is significantly associated only with high level of Ki67 (P <0.05). None of the samples from peripheral blood of 35 healthy female individuals were positive for MGB1 transcript. In contrast MGB1 mRNA expression was detected in three of 36 (8%) peripheral blood of BC patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary results demonstrate that the detection of MGB1 transcript in peripheral blood of BC patients was specific but with low sensitivity. MGB1 overexpression by itself or in combination with Ki67 might be considered an index of BC progression

    MICROSCOPE mission: first results of a space test of the equivalence principle

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    According to the weak equivalence principle, all bodies should fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The MICROSCOPE satellite, launched in April 2016, aims to test its validity at the 10−15 precision level, by measuring the force required to maintain two test masses (of titanium and platinum alloys) exactly in the same orbit. A nonvanishing result would correspond to a violation of the equivalence principle, or to the discovery of a new long-range force. Analysis of the first data gives ÎŽ(Ti,Pt)=[−1±9(stat)±9(syst)]×10−15 (1σ statistical uncertainty) for the titanium-platinum Eötvös parameter characterizing the relative difference in their free-fall accelerations

    General Architecture of ECLAIRs Microsatellite

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    The ECLAIRs mission is part of CNES Myriade micro satellite family, and has been selected at the end of 2004 for a launch scheduled in 2009. The development of satellite reached the end of phase A in the first trimester of 2006. The scientific objective of the mission consist observing and characterizing in several wavelengths Gamma Ray burst, to localize them and to alert in real time a ground station network in order to allow ground based telescope to observe the burst’s afterglows. The payload is composed of a set of two instruments a X-ray/g-ray camera (CXG) developed by CEA that will detect and characterize gamma bursts and a Soft X-ray camera (SXC) developed by MIT that allows to increase the precision/accuracy in gamma ray burst localization

    Microscope: A Microsatellite for Equivalence Principle Measurement in Space

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    The MICROSCOPE mission is developed in the frame of the CNES Myriade micro satellite family. The project is currently ending its Phase B, the Preliminary Design Review has been held in March 2011 and the launch is planned in 2015. The scientific objective of the mission consists in a test of the Equivalence Principle (EP) between gravitational mass and inertial mass with a relative accuracy of 10-15; the payload is composed of a set of two 6-axis differential accelerometers developed by ONERA. To achieve this goal, a drag free control of the satellite has to be achieved in order to limit the non-gravitational accelerations on the payload below 3.10-10 ms-2*Hz-1/2. This paper begins with a introduction of the mission and the payload, explaining how mission requirements and payload I/F strongly constrain the design of spacecraft (drag free, microperturbation and stability). The functional chains of the satellite are presented in detail with an emphasis on mechanical and thermal architecture, Acceleration and Attitude Control System (AACS) and Cold Gas Propulsion System (CGPS). It is shown how the design of the satellite is optimized, melting new advanced technology (Payload, AACS, CGPS) and low cost, well proven methods and equipment of Myriade family