49 research outputs found

    House Dust Mite Exposure through Human Milk and Dust: What Matters for Child Allergy Risk?

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    Allergies are major noncommunicable diseases associated with significant morbidity, reduced quality of life, and high healthcare costs. Despite decades of research, it is still unknown if early-life exposure to indoor allergens plays a role in the development of IgE-mediated allergy and asthma. The objective of this study is to contribute to the identification of early-life risk factors for developing allergy. We addressed whether two different sources of house dust mite Der p 1 allergen exposure during early life, i.e., human milk and dust, have different relationships with IgE levels and asthma outcomes in children. We performed longitudinal analyses in 249 mother–child pairs using data from the PIAMA birth cohort. Asthma symptoms and serum total and specific IgE levels in children were available for the first 16 years of life. Der p 1 levels were measured in human milk and dust samples from infant mattresses. We observed that infant exposure to Der p 1 through human milk was associated with an increased risk of having high levels of serum IgE (top tertile > 150 kU/mL) in childhood as compared to infants exposed to human milk with undetectable Der p 1 [adjusted OR (95% CI) 1.83 (1.05–3.20) p = 0.0294]. The Der p 1 content in infant mattress dust was not associated with increased IgE levels in childhood. The risk of asthma and Der p 1 sensitization was neither associated with Der p 1 in human milk nor with Der p 1 in dust. In conclusion, high levels of IgE in childhood were associated with Der p 1 exposure through human milk but not exposure from mattress dust. This observation suggests that human milk is a source of Der p 1 exposure that is relevant to allergy development and fosters the need for research on the determinants of Der p 1 levels in human milk

    Shaping the Gut Microbiota by Breastfeeding: The Gateway to Allergy Prevention?

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    Evidence is accumulating that demonstrates the importance of the gut microbiota in health and diseases such as allergy. Recent studies emphasize the importance of the “window of opportunity” in early life, during which interventions altering the gut microbiota induce long-term effects. The neonate's gut microbiota composition and metabolism could therefore play an essential role in allergic disease risk. Breastfeeding shapes the gut microbiota in early life, both directly by exposure of the neonate to the milk microbiota and indirectly, via maternal milk factors that affect bacterial growth and metabolism such as human milk oligosaccharides, secretory IgA, and anti-microbial factors. The potential of breastmilk to modulate the offspring's early gut microbiota is a promising tool for allergy prevention. Here, we will review the existing evidence demonstrating the impact of breastfeeding on shaping the neonate's gut microbiota and highlight the potential of this strategy for allergy prevention

    Metagenomic characterisation of the gut microbiome and effect of complementary feeding on bifidobacterium spp. in Australian infants

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    Complementary feeding induces dramatic ecological shifts in the infant gut microbiota toward more diverse compositions and functional metabolic capacities, with potential implications for immune and metabolic health. The aim of this study was to examine whether the age at which solid foods are introduced differentially affects the microbiota in predominantly breastfed infants compared with predominantly formula-fed infants. We performed whole-genome shotgun metagenomic sequencing of infant stool samples from a cohort of six-month-old Australian infants enrolled in a nested study within the ORIGINS Project longitudinal birth cohort. Infants born preterm or those who had been administered antibiotics since birth were excluded. The taxonomic composition was highly variable among individuals at this age. Predominantly formula-fed infants exhibited a higher microbiome diversity than predominantly breastfed infants. Among the predominantly breastfed infants, the introduction of solid foods prior to five months of age was associated with higher alpha diversity than solid food introduction after six months of age, primarily due to the loss of Bifidobacterium infantis. In contrast, the age at which solid food was introduced was not associated with the overall change in diversity among predominantly formula-fed infants but was associated with compositional changes in Escherichia abundance. Examining the functional capacity of the microbiota in relation to these changes, we found that the introduction of solid foods after six months of age was associated with elevated one-carbon compound metabolic pathways in both breastfed and formula-fed infants, although the specific metabolic sub-pathways differed, likely reflecting different taxonomic compositions. Our findings suggest that the age of commencement of solid foods influences the gut microbiota composition differently in predominantly breastfed infants than in predominantly formula-fed infants

    Study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster (nested) randomized controlled trial of antenatal colostrum expression (ACE) instruction in first-time mothers: The ACE study

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    Background: Although many mothers initiate breastfeeding, supplementation with human-milk substitutes (formula) during the birth hospitalization is common and has been associated with early breastfeeding cessation. Colostrum hand expressed in the last few weeks before birth, known as antenatal colostrum expression (ACE), can be used instead of human-milk substitutes. However, evidence is lacking on the efficacy of ACE on breastfeeding outcomes and in non-diabetic mothers. Methods and Planned Analysis: This multicenter stepped-wedge cluster (nested) randomized controlled trial aims to recruit 945 nulliparous pregnant individuals. The trial is conducted in two phases. During Phase 1, control group participants are under standard care. During Phase 2, participants are randomized to ACE instruction via a pre-recorded online video or a one-on-one session with a midwife. Adjusted logistic regression analysis will be used to examine the relationship between ACE instruction and breastfeeding outcomes. Research Aims and Questions: Primary aim: (1) Does advising pregnant individuals to practice ACE and providing instruction improve exclusive breastfeeding rates at 4 months postpartum? Secondary research questions: (2) Do individuals who practice ACE have higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding during the initial hospital stay after birth? (3) Is teaching ACE via an online video non-inferior to one-on-one instruction from a midwife? (4) Does expressing colostrum in pregnancy influence time to secretory activation, or (5) result in any differences in the composition of postnatal colostrum? Discussion: Trial findings have important implications for maternity practice, with the online video providing an easily accessible opportunity for ACE education as part of standard antenatal care

    Shaping the Gut Microbiota by Breastfeeding : The Gateway to Allergy Prevention?

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    Evidence is accumulating that demonstrates the importance of the gut microbiota in health and diseases such as allergy. Recent studies emphasize the importance of the "window of opportunity" in early life, during which interventions altering the gut microbiota induce long-term effects. The neonate's gut microbiota composition and metabolism could therefore play an essential role in allergic disease risk. Breastfeeding shapes the gut microbiota in early life, both directly by exposure of the neonate to the milk microbiota and indirectly, via maternal milk factors that affect bacterial growth and metabolism such as human milk oligosaccharides, secretory IgA, and anti-microbial factors. The potential of breastmilk to modulate the offspring's early gut microbiota is a promising tool for allergy prevention. Here, we will review the existing evidence demonstrating the impact of breastfeeding on shaping the neonate's gut microbiota and highlight the potential of this strategy for allergy prevention