39 research outputs found

    Genotype tunes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissue tension to induce matricellular fibrosis and tumor progression

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    Fibrosis compromises pancreatic ductal carcinoma (PDAC) treatment and contributes to patient mortality yet anti-stromal therapies are controversial. We found that human PDACs with impaired epithelial transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling have elevated epithelial Stat3 activity and develop a stiffer, matricellular-enriched fibrosis associated with high epithelial tension and shorter patient survival. In several Kras-driven mouse models, both the loss of TGF-β signaling and elevated β1-integrin mechanosignaling engaged a positive feedback loop whereby Stat3 signaling promotes tumor progression by increasing matricellular fibrosis and tissue tension. In contrast, epithelial Stat3 ablation attenuated tumor progression by reducing the stromal stiffening and epithelial contractility induced by loss of TGF-β signaling. In PDAC patient biopsies, higher matricellular protein and activated Stat3 associated with SMAD4 mutation and shorter survival. The findings implicate epithelial tension and matricellular fibrosis in the aggressiveness of SMAD4 mutant pancreatic tumors, and highlight Stat3 and mechanics as key drivers of this phenotype

    Loss of placental growth factor ameliorates maternal hypertension and preeclampsia in mice

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    Preeclampsia remains a clinical challenge due to its poorly understood pathogenesis. A prevailing notion is that increased placental production of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) causes the maternal syndrome by inhibiting proangiogenic placental growth factor (PlGF) and VEGF. However, the significance of PlGF suppression in preeclampsia is uncertain. To test whether preeclampsia results from the imbalance of angiogenic factors reflected by an abnormal sFlt-1/PlGF ratio, we studied PlGF KO (Pgf-/-) mice and noted that the mice did not develop signs or sequelae of preeclampsia despite a marked elevation in circulating sFLT-1. Notably, PlGF KO mice had morphologically distinct placentas, showing an accumulation of junctional zone glycogen. We next considered the role of placental PlGF in an established model of preeclampsia (pregnant catechol-O-methyltransferase-deficient [COMT-deficient] mice) by generating mice with deletions in both the Pgf and Comt genes. Deletion of placental PlGF in the context of COMT loss resulted in a reduction in maternal blood pressure and increased placental glycogen, indicating that loss of PlGF might be protective against the development of preeclampsia. These results identify a role for PlGF in placental development and support a complex model for the pathogenesis of preeclampsia beyond an angiogenic factor imbalance

    Blockade of PDGF receptor signaling reduces myofibroblast number and attenuates renal fibrosis

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    Fibrosis can be considered as wound healing that never ceases, and activated fibroblasts (myofibroblasts) probably play a critical role in this unabated tissue repair process. In the setting of renal fibrosis, two central questions remain unanswered: Where do activated myofibroblasts come from; and what mechanism or mechanisms keep them activated? The study by Chen and colleagues addresses the role of platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) signaling in the activation of myofibroblasts

    A peek into cancer-associated fibroblasts: origins, functions and translational impact

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    In malignant tumors, cancer cells adapt to grow within their host tissue. As a cancer progresses, an accompanying host stromal response evolves within and around the nascent tumor. Among the host stromal constituents associated with the tumor are cancer-associated fibroblasts, a highly abundant and heterogeneous population of cells of mesenchymal lineage. Although it is known that fibroblasts are present from the tumor's inception to the end-stage metastatic spread, their precise functional role in cancer is not fully understood. It has been suggested that cancer-associated fibroblasts play a key role in modulating the behavior of cancer cells, in part by promoting tumor growth, but evolving data also argue for their antitumor actions. Taken together, this suggests a putative bimodal function for cancer-associated fibroblasts in oncogenesis. As illustrated in this Review and its accompanying poster, cancer-associated fibroblasts are a dynamic component of the tumor microenvironment that orchestrates the interplay between the cancer cells and the host stromal response. Understanding the complexity of the relationship between cancer cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts could offer insights into the regulation of tumor progression and control of cancer

    Protection against SARS-CoV-2 by BCG vaccination is not supported by epidemiological analyses

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    The Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG) vaccine provides protection against tuberculosis (TB), and is thought to provide protection against non-TB infectious diseases. BCG vaccination has recently been proposed as a strategy to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 (CoV-2) to combat the COVID-19 outbreak, supported by its potential to boost innate immunity and initial epidemiological analyses which observed reduced severity of COVID-19 in countries with universal BCG vaccination policies. Seventeen clinical trials are currently registered to inform on the benefits of BCG vaccinations upon exposure to CoV-2. Numerous epidemiological analyses showed a correlation between incidence of COVID-19 and BCG vaccination policies. These studies were not systematically corrected for confounding variables. We observed that after correction for confounding variables, most notably testing rates, there was no association between BCG vaccination policy and COVD-19 spread rate or percent mortality. Moreover, we found variables describing co-morbidities, including cardiovascular death rate and smoking prevalence, were significantly associated COVID-19 spread rate and percent mortality, respectively. While reporting biases may confound our observations, our epidemiological findings do not provide evidence to correlate overall BCG vaccination policy with the spread of CoV-2 and its associated mortality

    Dual reporter genetic mouse models of pancreatic cancer identify an epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition‐independent metastasis program

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    Abstract Epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a recognized eukaryotic cell differentiation program that is also observed in association with invasive tumors. Partial EMT program in carcinomas imparts cancer cells with mesenchymal‐like features and is proposed as essential for metastasis. Precise determination of the frequency of partial EMT program in cancer cells in tumors and its functional role in metastases needs unraveling. Here, we employed mesenchymal cell reporter mice driven by αSMA‐Cre and Fsp1‐Cre with genetically engineered mice that develop spontaneous pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) to monitor partial EMT program. Both αSMA‐ and Fsp1‐Cre‐mediated partial EMT programs were observed in the primary tumors. The established metastases were primarily composed of cancer cells without evidence for a partial EMT program, as assessed by our fate mapping approach. In contrast, metastatic cancer cells exhibiting a partial EMT program were restricted to isolated single cancer cells or micrometastases (3–5 cancer cells). Collectively, our studies identify large metastatic nodules with preserved epithelial phenotype and potentially unravel a novel metastasis program in PDAC

    Targeting Vascular Pericytes in Hypoxic Tumors Increases Lung Metastasis via Angiopoietin-2

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    Strategies to target angiogenesis include inhibition of the vessel-stabilizing properties of vascular pericytes. Pericyte depletion in early-stage non-hypoxic tumors suppressed nascent angiogenesis, tumor growth, and lung metastasis. In contrast, pericyte depletion in advanced-stage hypoxic tumors with pre-established vasculature resulted in enhanced intra-tumoral hypoxia, decreased tumor growth, and increased lung metastasis. Furthermore, depletion of pericytes in post-natal retinal blood vessels resulted in abnormal and leaky vasculature. Tumor transcriptome profiling and biological validation revealed that angiopoietin signaling is a key regulatory pathway associated with pericyte targeting. Indeed, pericyte targeting in established mouse tumors increased angiopoietin-2 (ANG2/Angpt2) expression. Depletion of pericytes, coupled with targeting of ANG2 signaling, restored vascular stability in multiple model systems and decreased tumor growth and metastasis. Importantly, ANGPT2 expression correlated with poor outcome in patients with breast cancer. These results emphasize the potential utility of therapeutic regimens that target pericytes and ANG2 signaling in metastatic breast cancer

    Activin-like kinase 3 is important for kidney regeneration and reversal of fibrosis

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    Molecules associated with the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, such as bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) and TGF-beta, are key regulators of inflammation, apoptosis and cellular transitions. Here we show that the BMP receptor activin-like kinase 3 (Alk3) is elevated early in diseased kidneys after injury. We also found that its deletion in the tubular epithelium leads to enhanced TGF-beta1-Smad family member 3 (Smad3) signaling, epithelial damage and fibrosis, suggesting a protective role for Alk3-mediated signaling in the kidney. A structure-function analysis of the BMP-Alk3-BMP receptor, type 2 (BMPR2) ligand-receptor complex, along with synthetic organic chemistry, led us to construct a library of small peptide agonists of BMP signaling that function through the Alk3 receptor. One such peptide agonist, THR-123, suppressed inflammation, apoptosis and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition program and reversed established fibrosis in five mouse models of acute and chronic renal injury. THR-123 acts specifically through Alk3 signaling, as mice with a targeted deletion for Alk3 in their tubular epithelium did not respond to therapy with THR-123. Combining THR-123 and the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril had an additive therapeutic benefit in controlling renal fibrosis. Our studies show that BMP signaling agonists constitute a new line of therapeutic agents with potential utility in the clinic to induce regeneration, repair and reverse established fibrosis