551 research outputs found

    Hospital environment as a reservoir for cross transmission. Cleaning and disinfection procedures

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    Background. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) represent a serious problem for public health, as they increase the morbidity and mortality rates, present a relevant financial burden, and significantly contribute to the antimicrobial resistance. Methods. The aim of this review was to investigate the literature about HAIs, with particular reference to hospital environments and the role of cleaning and disinfection procedures. Hospital environments are an essential reservoir for HAIs cross transmission, and the application of appropriate procedures related to hand hygiene and disinfection/sterilization of surfaces and instruments remain key strategies for controlling HAIs. Results. Different procedures, based on the risk associated with the healthcare procedure, are recommended for hand hygiene: washing with soap and water, antiseptic rubbing with alcohol-based disinfectants, antiseptic and surgical hand washing. Environmental surfaces can be treated with different products, and the mostly used are chlorine-based and polyphenolic disinfectant. The reprocessing of instruments is related to their use according to the Spaulding's classification. In addition, scientific evidence demonstrated the great relevance of the "bundles" (small set of practices performed together) in controlling HAIs. Conclusions. Research agenda should include the improvement of well-known effective preventive procedures and the development of new bundles devoted to high-risk procedures and specific microorganisms

    Optimized Collaborative Brain-Computer Interfaces for Enhancing Face Recognition

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    The aim of this study is to maximize group decision performance by optimally adapting EEG confidence decoders to the group composition. We train linear support vector machines to estimate the decision confidence of human participants from their EEG activity. We then simulate groups of different size and membership by combining individual decisions using a weighted majority rule. The weights assigned to each participant in the group are chosen solving a small-dimension, mixed, integer linear programming problem, where we maximize the group performance on the training set. We therefore introduce optimized collaborative brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), where the decisions of each team member are weighted according to both the individual neural activity and the group composition. We validate this approach on a face recognition task undertaken by 10 human participants. The results show that optimal collaborative BCIs significantly enhance team performance over other BCIs, while improving fairness within the group. This research paves the way for practical applications of collaborative BCIs to realistic scenarios characterized by stable teams, where optimizing the decision policy of a single group may lead to significant long-term benefits of team dynamics

    molecular enrichment for detection of s aureus in recreational waters

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    The identification of rapid methods for the control of recreational water and of aquatic environments with similar characteristics is necessary to provide adequate levels of health safety for users. Molecular techniques have been proposed in recent years as a viable alternative to traditional microbiological methods, as they offer various advantages and are less time consuming than traditional tests. An innovative protocol based on molecular enrichment that allows the identification of low concentrations of Staphylococcus aureus in recreational water has been developed. The method is based on the specific amplification of prokaryotic genomic DNA by the usage of universal primers for 23S rDNA; subsequently, a second amplification step is performed with specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and probe. This approach shows sensitivity levels similar to those observed with microbiological tests, with the additional benefits of the specificity typical of nucleic acids techniques. This methodology is easily applicable also to other microbiological parameters, representing an important milestone in hygiene monitoring by the detection of specific pollution indicators

    Clinical and neurophysiological abnormalities before and after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee

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    Objectives - We aimed to study knee proprioception and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to stimulation of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) in 7 patients with lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) before and after ACL reconstruction. Materials and methods - We recorded the spinal N14 and scalp P27 potentials in 5 patients, while in the remaining 2 patients we calculated scalp SEP maps by 20 electrodes. The knee proprioception was tested by comparing the sensitivity to movement of both the knees. Results - Before surgery, all patients showed decreased knee position sense and lack of the cortical P27 potential on the side of the ACL lesion. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligament improved neither the knee proprioception nor the somatosensory central conduction. Conclusion - We suggest that the loss of the knee mechanoreceptors can be followed by modifications of the central nervous system, which are not compensated by other nervous structures

    Long term results of single high dose Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in the treatment of primary lung tumors

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    Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is a standard treatment for inoperable early-stage NSCLC, with local control rates comparable to surgical series. Promising results have been achieved utilizing a high single-dose schedule. The aim of our study was to evaluate long-term local control and toxicity in a series of patients treated with SBRT delivered in a single dose of 30 Gy. 44 patients affected by early stage NSCLC were treated with SBRT delivered in a single dose of 30 Gy. Survival and prognostic factors were retrospectively evaluated. Median follow-up was 34 months (range 3–81). Three- and 5-year local progression-free survival (LPFS) were 87.8% and 87.8% respectively (median 30 months; range 6–81 months), 3- and 5-year OS and CSS were 64.9% and 36.9%, 80.9% and 65.5%, respectively. Two (4.6%) cases of grade 3 pneumonitis occurred. At the univariate analysis lesion diameter ≤ 25 mm was predictive of better 5-year LPFS (95.8% versus 56.3%; p = 0.003) and 5-year PFS (69.8% versus 27.8%; p = 0.002). The results of our study indicated a high local control, survival and tolerability after a long-term follow-up with the use of SBRT 30 Gy single dose. Further prospective studies could better define the role of this regimen

    Swimming at the Time of COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study among Young Italian Competitive Athletes

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    During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, several restriction measures were imposed to control the virus transmission, with important repercussions on different sectors, including sport. This study aimed to explore the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Italian competitive swimmers by analyzing how the disease and the restriction measures affected their training. In total, 396 competitive swimmers (mean age 16.0 ± 3.2 years) participated. A questionnaire was used to collect their general information, to assess whether they had had COVID-19 and the number of training days lost due to the disease or to the closure of swimming facilities, and the possible alternative training adopted. Twenty-four (6.1%) participants had had COVID-19 and lost, on average, 32 training days. The closure of facilities caused an interruption in swimming training for about 18% of the participants. The majority of these continued their training, mainly through home-based exercise, but reduced their weekly training time (-8 median hours/week). A positive association was found between regularly adopted weekly training volume and that assumed during pandemic closure (OR 9.433, CI95% 1.644–54.137, p = 0.012), suggesting that the previous level of engagement in sport can represent a predictor of exercise maintenance in challenging situations such as a pandemic. Further studies are needed to identify personal, environmental, and social resources that can help individuals to counteract the negative effects of restriction measures

    Exergames in childhood obesity treatment: A systematic review

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    In the last decade, active video games (exergames) have been proposed in obesity prevention and treatment as a potential tool to increase physical activity. This review was aimed to assess the possible role of exergames in reducing weight-related outcomes among overweight/obese children and/or adolescents. The databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus were interrogated to detect controlled studies involving healthy overweight/obese children and adolescents in interventions based exclusively on exergames. Out of a total of 648 articles found, 10 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The included studies differ for duration, setting and type of intervention, frequency of active game sessions, and outcomes considered. Seven out of ten studies reported better outcomes in children/adolescents involved in the interventions, with significant differences between groups in four, while three studies found better outcomes in control groups. These results suggest a possible positive effect of active video games on weight-related outcomes in obese children and adolescents. However, further research is still needed to define if they can be effectively used in childhood obesity treatment and which may be the most effective approach. The potentiality of the new digital media in this field should be explored

    Are nutrition and physical activity associated with gut microbiota? A pilot study on a sample of healthy young adults

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    BACKGROUND: The literature shows that gut microbiota composition is related with health, and a lot of individual and outer factors may determine its variability. In particular, nutrition and exercise seem to influence the presence in the gut of the two major bacterial phyla of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. STUDY DESIGN: An ongoing cross-sectional investigation is aimed to explore these associations in humans. METHODS: Healthy Caucasian young adults were asked to provide a fecal sample in order to analyze their gut microbiome considering their Body Mass Index (BMI), adherence to Mediterranean diet and Physical Activity (PA) level. RESULTS: A total of 59 participants (49.1% males, mean age 23.1 ± 3.14 years) were enrolled so far. Firmicutes (61.6±14.6) and Bacteroidetes (30.7 ± 13.3) showed the highest relative abundance in fecal samples. The Pearson's analysis showed a significant negative correlation between PA and Firmicutes (r =-0.270, p = 0.03). Linear regression confirmed a significant decrease of this phylum with the increase of PA (R2 = 0.07, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results suggest the association between physical activity and gut microbiota composition in healthy humans

    Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Innovative Photocatalysts: A Review

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    Waterborne pathogens represent one of the most widespread environmental concerns. Conventional disinfection methods, including chlorination and UV, pose several operational and environmental problems; namely, formation of potentially hazardous disinfection by-products (DBPs) and high energy consumption. Therefore, there is high demand for effective, low-cost disinfection treatments. Among advanced oxidation processes, the photocatalytic process, a form of green technology, is becoming increasingly attractive. A systematic review was carried out on the synthesis, characterization, toxicity, and antimicrobial performance of innovative engineered photocatalysts. In recent decades, various engineered photocatalysts have been developed to overcome the limits of conventional photocatalysts using different synthesis methods, and these are discussed together with the main parameters influencing the process behaviors. The potential environmental risks of engineered photocatalysts are also addressed, considering the toxicity effects presented in the literature
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