828 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Magnetic and Structural Properties of (X2YZ; X = Co and Ni, Y = Fe and Mn, and Z = Si) Full-Heusler Alloy Microwires with Fixed Geometrical Parameters

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    We studied Ni2FeSi-, Co2FeSi-, and Co2MnSi-based full-Heusler alloy glass-coated microwires with the same geometric parameters, i.e., fixed nucleus and total diameters, prepared using the Taylor–Ulitovsky method. The fabrication of X2YZ (X = Co and Ni, Y = Fe and Mn, and Z = Si)-based glass-coated microwires with fixed geometric parameters is quite challenging due to the different sample preparation conditions. The XRD analysis showed a nanocrystalline microstructure for all the samples. The space groups Fm3¯m (FCC) and Im3¯m (BCC) with disordered B2 and A2 types are observed for Ni2FeSi and Co2FeSi, respectively. Meanwhile, a well-defined, ordered L21 type was observed for Co2MnSi GCMWs. The change in the positions of Ni, Co and Mn, Fe in X2YSi resulted in a variation in the lattice cell parameters and average grain size of the sample. The room-temperature magnetic behavior showed a dramatic change depending on the chemical composition, where Ni2FeSi MWs showed the highest coercivity (Hc) compared to Co2FeSi and Co2MnSi MWs. The Hc value of Ni2FeSi MWs was 16 times higher than that of Co2MnSi MWs and 3 times higher than that of Co2FeSi MWs. Meanwhile, the highest reduced remanence was reported for Co2FeSi MWs (Mr = 0.92), being about 0.82 and 0.22 for Ni2FeSi and Co2MnSi MWs, respectively. From the analysis of the temperature dependence of the magnetic properties (Hc and Mr) of X2YZ MWs, we deduced that the Hc showed a stable tendency for Co2MnSi and Co2FeSi MWs. Meanwhile, two flipped points were observed for Ni2FeSi MWs, where the behavior of Hc changed with temperature. For Mr, a monotonic increase on decreasing the temperature was observed for Co2FeSi and Ni2FeSi MWs, and it remained roughly stable for Co2MnSi MWs. The thermomagnetic curves at low magnetic field showed irreversible magnetic behavior for Co2MnSi and Co2FeSi MWs and regular ferromagnetic behavior for Ni2FeSi MWs. The current result illustrates the ability to tailor the structure and magnetic behavior of X2YZ MWs at fixed geometric parameters. Additionally, a different behavior was revealed in X2YZ MWs depending on the degree of ordering and element distribution. The tunability of the magnetic properties of X2YZ MWs makes them suitable for sensing applications.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN, under PID2022-141373NBI00, by the EU under the “INFINITE” (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-06) Horizon Europe project, and by the Government of the Basque Country, under the Elkartek (MINERVA, ZE-KONP and MAGAF) projects and under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). M.S. wishes to acknowledge the funding within the Maria Zambrano contract by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades and the European Union—Next Generation EU (“Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”). We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, which not only provides very limited funding but even expropriates the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group; such interference helps keep us on our toes

    Influence of the Geometrical Aspect Ratio on the Magneto-Structural Properties of Co2MnSi Microwires

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    This present study illustrates the strong effect of geometrical parameters on the magneto-structural properties of Co2MnSi glass-coated microwires prepared using the Taylor–Ulitovsky method. Thus, there are three samples with different geometrical aspect ratios (ρ). The XRD analysis shows a significant change by modifying the aspect ratio; for ρ = 0.42, the main peak with miller indices (220) is recognized as an A2-type disordered cubic structure. For the sample with ρ = 0.46, mixed L21 and B2 cubic structures are observed. Meanwhile, in the sample with a low aspect ratio, ρ = 0.30, the perfect L21 ordered cubic structure is attained. Magnetic characterization has been carried out at a wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields. A significant increase in coercivity and normalized reduced remanence by decreasing the aspect ratio is detected. The change in the magnetic properties is attributed to the modification in the microstructure, which is induced during the fabrication process. Such a dependence on the microstructure and magnetic properties on the ρ-ratio can be associated either with the internal stress distribution and magnitude or with different quenching rates of microwires with different aspect ratios. The current findings demonstrate the tunability of the microstructure and magnetic properties of Co2MnSi-glass-coated microwires simply via a small modification in the geometric properties during the manufacturing process and without excreting any additional post-processing. The variation in the geometric parameters of Co2MnSi glass-coated microwires allows us to tune the magnetic properties and structure, which is essentially advantageous for sensing device development.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN, under PID2022-141373NBI00, by the EU under the “INFINITE” (Horizon Europe) project and by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA, ZE-KONP and MAGAF) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). M.S. wishes to acknowledge the funding within the Maria Zambrano contract by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades and European Union –Next Generation EU (“Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”). We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, who not only provided limited funding but even expropriated the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group. Such interference helps keep us on our toes

    Preparation and Magneto-Structural Investigation of Nanocrystalline CoMn-Based Heusler Alloy Glass-Coated Microwires

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    In this work, we have successfully fabricated nanocrystalline Co2MnSi Heusler alloy glass-coated microwires with a metallic nucleus diameter (dnuclei) 10.2 ± 0.1 μm and total diameter 22.2 ± 0.1 μm by the Taylor–Ulitovsky technique for the first time. Magnetic and structural investigations have been performed to clarify the basic magneto-structural properties of the Co2MnSi glass-coated microwires. XRD showed a well-defined crystalline structure with a lattice parameter a = 5.62 Å. The room temperature magnetic behavior showed a strong in-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy parallel to the microwire axis. The M-H loops showed unique thermal stability with temperature where the coercivity (Hc) and normalized magnetic remanence exhibited roughly stable tendency with temperature. Moreover, quite soft magnetic behavior has been observed with values of coercivity of the order of Hc = 7 ± 2 Oe. Zero field cooling and field cooling (ZFC-FC) magnetization curves displayed notable irreversible magnetic dependence, where a blocking temperature (TB = 150 K) has been observed. The internal stresses generated during the fabrication process induced a different magnetic phase and is responsible for the irreversibility behavior. Moreover, high Curie temperature has been reported (Tc ≈ 985 K) with unique magnetic behavior at a wide range of temperature and magnetic fields, making it a promising candidate in magnetic sensing and spintronic applications.This research was funded by the Spanish MCIU, under PGC2018-099530-B-C31 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), by EU under “INFINITE” (Horizon 2020) project, by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA and ZE-KONP) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22), by the University of Basque Country under the COLAB20/15 project and by the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa in the frame of Programa “Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2021” under 2021-CIEN-000007-01 project. We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, which not only provides very limited funding, but even expropriates the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group. Such interference helps keep us on our toes

    Carbon-Doped Co2MnSi Heusler Alloy Microwires with Improved Thermal Characteristics of Magnetization for Multifunctional Applications

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    In the current work, we illustrate the effect of adding a small amount of carbon to very common Co2MnSi Heusler alloy-based glass-coated microwires. A significant change in the magnetic and structure structural properties was observed for the new alloy Co2MnSiC compared to the Co2MnSi alloy. Magneto-structural investigations were performed to clarify the main physical parameters, i.e., structural and magnetic parameters, at a wide range of measuring temperatures. The XRD analysis illustrated the well-defined crystalline structure with average grain size (Dg = 29.16 nm) and a uniform cubic structure with A2 type compared to the mixed L21 and B2 cubic structures for Co2MnSi-based glass-coated microwires. The magnetic behavior was investigated at a temperature range of 5 to 300 K and under an applied external magnetic field (50 Oe to 20 kOe). The thermomagnetic behavior of Co2MnSiC glass-coated microwires shows a perfectly stable behavior for a temperature range from 300 K to 5 K. By studying the field cooling (FC) and field heating (FH) magnetization curves at a wide range of applied external magnetic fields, we detected a critical magnetic field (H = 1 kOe) where FC and FH curves have a stable magnetic behavior for the Co2MnSiC sample; such stability was not found in the Co2MnSi sample. We proposed a phenomenal expression to estimate the magnetization thermal stability, ΔM (%), of FC and FH magnetization curves, and the maximum value was detected at the critical magnetic field where ΔM (%) ≈ 98%. The promising magnetic stability of Co2MnSiC glass-coated microwires with temperature is due to the changing of the microstructure induced by the addition of carbon, as the A2-type structure shows a unique stability in response to variation in the temperature and the external magnetic field. In addition, a unique internal mechanical stress was induced during the fabrication process and played a role in controlling magnetic behavior with the temperature and external magnetic field. The obtained results make Co2MnSiC a promising candidate for magnetic sensing devices based on Heusler glass-coated microwires.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN under PID2022-141373NB-I00, by EU under the “INFINITE” (Horizon Europe) project, and by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA, ZE-KONP and MAGAF) projects and under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). MS wishes to acknowledge the funding within the Maria Zambrano contract by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades and European Union–Next Generation EU (“Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”). We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, which not only provides very limited funding, but even expropriates the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group. Such interference helps keep us on our toes

    Preparation and Magneto-Structural Investigation of High-Ordered (L21 Structure) Co2MnGe Microwires

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    We used the Taylor–Ulitovsky technique to prepare nanocrystalline Co2MnGe Heusler alloy glass-coated microwires with a metallic nucleus diameter of 18 ± 0.1 µm and a total diameter of 27.2 ± 0.1 µm. Magnetic and structural studies were carried out to determine the fundamental magneto-structural characteristics of Co2MnGe glass-coated microwires. XRD revealed a well-defined nanocrystalline structure with an average grain size of about 63 nm, lattice parameter a = 5.62 and a unique mixture of L21 and B2 phases. The hysteresis loops measured at different temperatures indicated a well-known ferromagnetic behavior for the reduced remanent, where a monotonic increasing in the reduced remanent and saturation magnetization occurs. The coercivity shows anomalous behavior compared to the Co2Mn-based glass-coated microwires. The magnetization curves for field cooling and field heating (FC–FH) demonstrate a considerable dependence on the applied magnetic field, ranging from 50 Oe to 20 kOe. Internal stresses, originated by the production process, resulted in various magnetic phases, which were responsible for the notable difference of FC and FH curves on magnetization dependence versus temperature. Furthermore, the ferromagnetic behavior and expected high Curie temperature, together with high degree of the L21 order, make it a promising candidate for many applications.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN, under PID2022-141373NB-I00 project, by EU under “INFINITE” (Horizon Europe) project and by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA and ZE-KONP) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). In addition, MS wishes to acknowledge the funding within the Maria Zambrano contract by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades and European Union–Next Generation EU (“Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”)

    Effect of Annealing on the Magnetic Properties of Co2MnSi-Based Heusler Alloy Glass-Coated Microwires

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    In the current study, we concentrated on the influence of annealing on the magnetic behavior of Co2MnSi-based Heusler microwires. We set the annealing temperature at 1023 K for 2 h, as the sample did not show any significant changes in the magnetic properties at lower temperatures, while annealing at temperatures above 1023 K damages the glass coating. Strong in-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy parallel to the microwire axis was evident in the magnetic behavior at room temperature for as-prepared and annealed samples. The coercivity of the annealed sample was four times higher than that of the as-prepared sample across a wide range of measuring temperatures. Both annealed and as-prepared samples exhibit quite stable coercivity behavior with temperature, which may have interesting applications. The an nealed sample did not exhibit magnetic saturation for M-H loops measured below 50 K. Sharp irreversible magnetic behavior has been detected for annealed samples at a blocking temperature of 220 K; at the same time, the blocking temperature for the as-prepared sample was 150 K. The strong internal mechanical stress induced during the fabrication of Co2MnSi microwires in addition to the internal stress relaxation caused by the annealing induced the onset of magnetic phases resulting in unusual and irreversible magnetic behavior.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN, under PID2022-141373NB-I00 project, by EU under “INFINITE” (HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-06) project and by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA and ZE-KONP) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). In addition, “Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”. We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, which not only provides very limited funding, but even expropriates the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group. Such interference helps keep us on our toes

    Manipulation of domain wall dynamics in amorphous microwires through the magnetoelastic anisotropy

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    We studied the effect of magnetoelastic anisotropy on domain wall (DW) dynamics and remagnetization process of magnetically bistable Fe-Co-rich microwires with metallic nucleus diameters (from 1.4 to 22 mu m). We manipulated the magnetoelastic anisotropy applying the tensile stresses and changing the magnetostriction constant and strength of the internal stresses. Microwires of the same composition of metallic nucleus but with different geometries exhibit different magnetic field dependence of DW velocity with different slopes. Application of stresses resulted in decrease of the DW velocity, v, and DW mobility, S. Quite fast DW propagation (v until 2,500 m/s at H about 30 A/m) has been observed in low magnetostrictive magnetically bistable Co56Fe8Ni10Si10B16 microwires. Consequently, we observed certain correlation between the magnetoelastic energy and DW dynamics in microwires: decreasing the magnetoelastic energy, K (me), DW velocity increases.This work was supported by the EU ERA-NET programme under project 'SoMaMicSens' (MANUNET-2010-Basque-3), by the Spanish MICINN under project MAT2010-18914, and by the Basque Government under Saiotek 10 MIMAGURA project

    Enhancing the Squareness and Bi-Phase Magnetic Switching of Co2FeSi Microwires for Sensing Application

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    In the current study we have obtained Co2FeSi glass-coated microwires with different geometrical aspect ratios, ρ = d/Dtot (diameter of metallic nucleus, d and total diameter, Dtot). The structure and magnetic properties are investigated at a wide range of temperatures. XRD analysis illustrates a notable change in the microstructure by increasing the aspect ratio of Co2FeSi-glass-coated microwires. The amorphous structure is detected for the sample with the lowest aspect ratio (ρ = 0.23), whereas a growth of crystalline structure is observed in the other samples (aspect ratio ρ = 0.30 and 0.43). This change in the microstructure properties correlates with dramatic changing in magnetic properties. For the sample with the lowest ρ-ratio, non-perfect square loops are obtained with low normalized remanent magnetization. A notable enhancement in the squareness and coercivity are obtained by increasing ρ-ratio. Changing the internal stresses strongly affects the microstructure, resulting in a complex magnetic reversal process. The thermomagnetic curves show large irreversibility for the Co2FeSi with low ρ-ratio. Meanwhile, if we increase the ρ-ratio, the sample shows perfect ferromagnetic behavior without irreversibility. The current result illustrates the ability to control the microstructure and magnetic properties of Co2FeSi glass-coated microwires by changing only their geometric properties without performing any additional heat treatment. The modification of geometric parameters of Co2FeSi glass-coated microwires allows to obtain microwires that exhibit an unusual magnetization behavior that offers opportunities to understand the phenomena of various types of magnetic domain structures, which is essentially helpful for designing sensing devices based on thermal magnetization switching.This research was funded by the Spanish MICIN, under PID2022-141373NBI00, by EU under “INFINITE” (Horizon Europe) project and by the Government of the Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA, ZE-KONP and MAGAF) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22). MS wish to acknowledge the funding within the Maria Zambrano contract by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades and European Union –Next Generation EU (“Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU”)

    Elucidation of the Strong Effect of the Annealing and the Magnetic Field on the Magnetic Properties of Ni2-Based Heusler Microwires

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    We study the effect of annealing and the applied magnetic field from 50 Oe to 20 kOe on the magneto-structural behavior of Ni2FeSi-based Heusler microwires fabricated by using Taylor-Ulitovsky technique. Using the XRD analysis, a strong effect of annealing, manifested as the development of the crystallization process, was observed. The average grain size and crystalline phase content of annealed sample increase from 21.3 nm and 34% to 32.8 nm and 79%, respectively, as-compared to the as-prepared one. In addition, upon annealing, phase transforms into a monoclinic martensitic structure with a modulation of 10 M, which cannot be found in the as-prepared sample. Concerning the magnetic properties, both samples show ferromagnetic behavior below and above the room temperature, where the Curie temperature of Ni2FeSi is higher than the room temperature. The induced secondary phases have a noticeable effect on the magnetic behavior of the annealed sample, where a high normalized saturation magnetization (NMs) and low normalized reduced remenance (Mr = M/M5K), compared to the as-prepared have been detected. Additionally, the coercivity of annealed sample shows one flipping point at 155 K where its behavior changes with temperature. Meanwhile, the as-prepared sample show two flipped point at 205 K and 55 K. A mismatch between field cooling (FC) and field heating (FH) magnetization curves with temperature has been detected for annealed sample at low applied magnetic field. The difference in magnetic and structure behavior of Ni2FeSi microwires sample is discussed considering the effect of induced internal stresses by the presence of a glass coating and the recrystallization and stresses relaxation upon annealing.This research was funded by the Spanish MCIU, under PGC2018-099530-B-C31 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), by EU under “INFINITE”(Horizon 2020) project, by the Government of unding have been chethe Basque Country, under PUE_2021_1_0009 and Elkartek (MINERVA and ZE-KONP) projects and by under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados” (Ref.: IT1670-22), by the University of Basque Country under the COLAB20/15 project and by the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa in the frame of Programa “Red guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2021” under 2021-CIEN-000007-01 project. We also wish to thank the administration of the University of the Basque Country, which not only provides very limited funding, but even expropriates the resources received by the research group from private companies for the research activities of the group. Such interference helps keep us on our toes