29 research outputs found

    Receptions of Human Dimension in the Context of Anthropological Discourse of Humanistic Management

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    The subject of research is the perception of human dimension as the anthropological aspect of humanistic management, based on the interrelations between man, government, society. The paper describes the evolution of views on man in the context of anthropological foundations of humanistic management;it is noted that the development trends of the philosophical and anthropological knowledge of humanistic management are based on human perception in the projection of anthropological dimensions of man, which is fundamental in European philosophy. The paper analyzes the essence of human dimension as anthropological paradigm of humanistic management, in which man is not only economic, or political, but also the spiritual and cultural member of society; gives the analysis of human dimension as anthropological paradigm of European philosophy that investigates the anthropological foundations of economic, political and social spheres, interprets conditions of creating a humane society, in which the imperatives of a just society should be implemented. Characteristics and features, as well as the conditions for achieving human dimension as the anthropological foundation of European humanistic management are disclosed. The acquired knowledge can be useful for solving anthropological problems of humanistic management

    Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century

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    This article presents philosophical and educational reflection of smart-society as a new model of the information society and presents its impact on human (intellectual) capital. It reveals timeliness of this topic, which is innovative and hardly developed. It analyses international experience in establishment and growth of smart-society and dimensions of axiological field of smart-society, which is based on axiological matrix of information and knowledge, which are considered and being civilized dimensions of modern society. The main idea is to prove the evolution of the information society to smart-society and the possibility of establishment of smart-society in Ukraine. The analysis of smart-society formation was made and its characteristics were defined, which claims priority role in the world information space formation and contribute to the competitiveness of Ukraine in the international information space


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    The relevance of studying the informatisation of the digital economy as the main trend of modern development is beyond doubt, since the digital economy represents the main trend of digitalisation. Therefore, the world's largest developed countries consider the development of the digital economy as one of the important strategies for increasing national competitiveness, promoting economic growth and social development. The digitalisation of the economy is a fundamental and transformative trend in the world of technology and business. It encompasses the convergence of digital technologies with economic activity, leading to a profound impact on industries, societies and people's lives. The purpose of the study is to examine the theoretical and practical aspects of digitalisation of the digital economy as the main trend of modern development. Metodology. The paper uses the following methods and approaches: cross-cultural, systemic, structural-functional, institutional, anthropological and axiological, as well as general scientific methods - allowing to effectively analyse the ways of using digitisation to create new benefits. The article uses a data-centric approach to the analysis of information provision at an enterprise for the purpose of change management, which includes methods of collecting, structuring, documenting and reusing basic data generated by the change management processes. Results. The article elaborates on the directions of development of the digital economy as an economic form of big data; the directions of exponential development of information and trust in information sources; reveals the informatisation of the digital economy as the main trend of modern digital development. Practical implication. The informatisation of the digital economy creates both opportunities and challenges. Companies, governments and individuals must proactively adapt to this trend by adopting technology, prioritising data management, developing digital skills and adhering to ethical and responsible practices to unlock the full potential of the digital economy. The digitalisation of the economy is a transformative force with far-reaching implications. It represents a new era of rapid change and innovation, offering opportunities for growth and efficiency, but also creating challenges that require careful navigation. As this trend continues to evolve, it will shape the future of industries, economies and societies around the world


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    The relevance of the problem under study is that the concept of the development of the "blue economy" represents the most modern development of ecopolises based on the ingenuity of ecosystems and the provision of numerous products and services on which human life and humanity depend. The aim of the article is to create conditions for the development of a "blue economy" as the basis of an ecologically sustainable ecopolis, in which a new culture of agro-ecology is revived as a new type of agricultural product. This study identifies the problems of today's agricultural production model, which generates a lot of waste and leads to genetic manipulation. The "blue economy" as a new direction of production cultivates the effective development of waste potential, demonstrating the evolutionary path of nature, which restores its balance and evolves from scarcity to abundance. The main approach of the study is the systemic method, which makes it possible to show the development of the "blue economy" as a system consisting of interconnected components that function as a whole, as well as methods for modelling the processes of a regenerative economy, of which the "blue economy" is a variety. People live in a complex system of the natural environment, in which they face the problems of environmental pollution, the overcoming of which leads to the need for new types of circular economy, of which the blue economy is a variant. The article analyses the conditions for the emergence of a "blue economy" based on the ingenuity of ecosystems to continue to provide humanity with the best products on which the quality of sustainable human life and the capacity of society to renew itself depend. Today's agricultural production is a model that produces a lot of waste, which can be used to process weeds, to make animal feed and to develop "coffee chemistry" by growing mushrooms on coffee biomass. The "blue economy" as a new direction of agricultural production can be a response to the innovative development of the food industry – from food to the production of animal feed and ingredients for cosmetics – which represents the formation of new values of the "blue economy" as a sustainable provision of new products. The combination of sustainable agriculture, new agricultural production and human health requires innovation and the development of the blue economy as a new culture of agroecology – environmentally friendly products and food

    A Plasma Survey Using 38 PfEMP1 Domains Reveals Frequent Recognition of the Plasmodium falciparum Antigen VAR2CSA among Young Tanzanian Children

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    PfEMP1 proteins comprise a family of variant antigens that appear on the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and bind to multiple host receptors. Using a mammalian expression system and BioPlex technology, we developed an array of 24 protein constructs representing 38 PfEMP1 domains for high throughput analyses of receptor binding as well as total and functional antibody responses. We analyzed the reactivity of 561 plasma samples from 378 young Tanzanian children followed up to maximum 192 weeks of life in a longitudinal birth cohort. Surprisingly, reactivity to the DBL5 domain of VAR2CSA, a pregnancy malaria vaccine candidate, was most common, and the prevalence of reactivity was stable throughout early childhood. Reactivity to all other PfEMP1 constructs increased with age. Antibodies to the DBL2βC2PF11_0521 domain, measured as plasma reactivity or plasma inhibition of ICAM1 binding, predicted reduced risk of hospitalization for severe or moderately severe malaria. These data suggest a role for VAR2CSA in childhood malaria and implicate DBL2βC2PF11_0521 in protective immunity

    The civil society as a paradigm, concept and social construct philosophical discourse

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    The article is an attempt to give an analysis of civil society in terms of socio-philosophical discourse as paradigms, theories, concepts and constructs of the phenomenon. The substantiation of the concept of civil society in terms of disclosure mechanisms samorazvorachivaniya grazhdanskogo society in the context of synergetic methodology. The notion of civil society in terms of socio-philosophical discourse as paradigms, theories, concept, construct that facilitates the penetration depth of the analyzed phenomena and promote the realization of their inherent essence. The practical significance of the work is to develop a little researched and timely topic that attempts to present a new understanding of man within this discours

    «Суспільство ризику» як наслідок кризи сучасної цивілізації у глобальному вимірі

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    Analyzed expression of crisis that led to the emergence of a new type of "risk society", which emerged as a result of the crisis of modern civilization on a global scale. It is proved that the "risk society" crystallized all the problems of modern society, which led to the emergence of risks - organizational, technological, environmental, civilization, global, which focuses all the contradictions of civilization. The crisis of modern civilization on a global dimension contributes to the emergence of globalization - globalization risk anthropological disasters, various forms of destabilization and destruction of society in all spheres of public life. Soundly that a breach in the social system lead to a loosening of its disintegration permanent geopolitical interests conflict, the emergence of disease in various forms - organizational relations, management decisions, management teams, operations geopolitical actors that lead to war as a means to solve their geopolitical interests. Purpose of the article - to form the theoretical bases of the analysis "risk society" as a consequence of the crisis of modern civilization in the global dimension. The article defines the essence of the crisis of modern civilization on a global scale; presents an analysis of "disorganized capitalism", based on crisis management as one of the consequences of globalization, which is not part of the adaptation of management systems to the modern world; reveals the concept of risk as an attribute of uncertainty which has become an integral feature of this society; established a typology of risks that creates modern civilization; designated risk situation that has developed in Ukraine related to the revolutionary changes in the power system on the basis of the proposed system contradictions and attempts to find a way out of them. It is noted that out of the present situation is accompanied by large-scale geopolitical risk and economic changes. Leading countries demonstrate an inability to co-cardinal institutional innovations that could channel the liberated capital restructuring of the economy based on new technological order, continue to play the current institutional system and service embodied in her economic interests. Concluded that the sustainable development strategy should change the liberal doctrine as the leading ideology of globalization. The essence of the problems facing modern civilization is to be found not only in the external factors, but also in the interior: in man, in his world, the aggregate values, determining his actions and methods of individual self-consciousness Анализируются прявления кризисных ситуаций, которые привели к появлению нового типа «общества риска», которое возникло как следствие кризиса современной цивилизации в глобальном измерении. Исследовано, что в «общестьве риска» кристаллизируются все проблемы современного социума, которые привели к появлению рисков – организационных, технологических, экологических, цивилизационных, глобальних, в которых сосредотачиваются все противоречия цивилизации Аналізуються прояви кризових ситуацій, що привели до появи нового типу «суспільства ризику», що виникло як наслідок кризи сучасної цивілізації у глобальному вимірі. Доведено, що у «суспільстві ризику» кристалізуються всі проблеми сучасного соціуму, що привели до появи ризиків – організаційних, технологічних, екологічних, цивілізаційних, глобальних, в яких зосереджуються всі суперечності цивілізації. Криза сучасної цивілізації в глобальному вимірі сприяє появі глобалізаційних процесів - глобалізації ризиків, антропологічних катастроф, різноманітних форм дестабілізації і руйнації соціуму у всіх сферах суспільного життя. Обгрунтвоано, що порушення у соціальній системі приводять до розхитування системи, її дезінтеграції, перманентної конфліктності геополітичних інтересів, появи патології в різних формах - організаційних відносинах, управлінських рішеннях, управлінських командах, діях геополітичних акторів, які приводять до воєнних дій задля вирішення своїх геополітичних інтересі

    Рецепція людиновимірності в контексті антропологічного дискурсу гуманістичного управління

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    The subject of research is the perception of human dimension as the anthropological aspect of humanistic management, based on the interrelations between man, government, society. The paper describes the evolution of views on man in the context of anthropological foundations of humanistic management; it is noted that the development trends of the philosophical and anthropological knowledge of humanistic management are based on human perception in the projection of anthropological dimensions of man, which is fundamental in European philosophy. The paper analyzes the essence of human dimension as anthropological paradigm of humanistic management, in which man is not only economic, or political, but also the spiritual and cultural member of society; gives the analysis of human dimension as anthropological paradigm of European philosophy that investigates the anthropological foundations of economic, political and social spheres, interprets conditions of creating a humane society, in which the imperatives of a just society should be implemented. Characteristics and features, as well as the conditions for achieving human dimension as the anthropological foundation of European humanistic management are disclosed. The acquired knowledge can be useful for solving anthropological problems of humanistic management.Предметом исследования является восприятие человеческого измерения как антропологического аспекта гуманистического управления, в оснвое которых взаимоотношения человека, власти, общества. В статье описывается эволюция взглядов на человека в контексте антропологических оснований гуманистического управления; отмечено, что тенденции развития философско-антропологического знания гуманистического управления основано на восприятие человеком в проекции антропологических измерений человека, что является основополагающим в европейской философии. В статье анализируются сущность человекомерности как антропологической парадигмы гуманистического управления, в которой человек является не только экономической, или политической ячейкой общества, но и духовно- культурной клеточкой общества; дается анализ человекомерности как антропологической парадигмы европейской философии, которая исследует антропологические основы экономической, политической и социальной сферы, осмысливает условия создания гуманного общества, в котором должны быть реализованы императивы справедливого общества. Раскрыты характерные черты и особенности, а также условия достижения человекомерности как антропологической основы европейского гуманистического управления. Полученные знания могут быть полезными для решения антропологических проблем гуманистического управления.Предметом дослідження є сприйняття людського виміру як антропологічного аспекту гуманістичного управління, в основі яких взаємовідносини людини, влади, суспільства. В статті описується еволюція поглядів на людину у контексті антропологічних засад гуманістичного управління; відмічається, що тенденція розвитку філософсько-антропологічного знання гуманістичного управління базується на сприйнятті людиною в проекції антропологічних вимірів людини, що є основоположним у європейській філософії. У статті аналізується сутність людиновимірності як антропологічної парадигми гуманістичного управління, у якій людина являється не тільки економічною, чи політичною клітинкою суспільства, але й духовно-культурної клітинки суспільства; дається аналіз людиновимірності як антропологічної парадигми європейської філософії, яка досліджує антропологічні основи економічної, політичної і соціальної сфер, осмислює умови створення гуманного суспільства, у якому повинні бути реалізовані імперативи справедливого суспільства. Розкриті характерні риси і особливості, а також умови досягнення людиновимірності як антропологічної основи європейського гуманістичного управління. Отримані знання можуть бути корисними  для вирішення антропологічних проблем гуманістичного управління


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    The search, growing and investigation of new monocrystals with special physical properties (ferreelectric, non-linear optical, superionic and superconducting) are the aim of the paper. The crystal growth from high temperature solutions has been investigated as well as crystal structures, optical, dielectric properties and electric conduction in the temperature range from nitrogen to 1000 degrees C. As a result three new families of ferroelectric crystals, differing by the high value of the spontaneous polarization, non-linear optical susceptibility and piezoactivity have been discoveredAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    The Formation of the Concept of Noosphere Development of Modern Society in the Conditions of Information Society

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    Analyzed the conditions of formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern soci- ety, based on ideas of V. Vernadsky about noosphere; justified categorical apparatus of the themes associated with the concepts “biosphere”, “noosphere”, the “noosphere thinking”, “academic gover- nance” that is defined by a sphere of reason, morality and justice and are based on scientific and rational and moral and equitable basis; reveals the directions of optimization of policy, government, governance, which constitute the essence of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society