29 research outputs found

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in COVID-19 pneumonia.

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    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a benign entity but can worsen the underlying condition with which it is associated. We evaluated the incidence and the clinical relevance of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in a consecutive series of 102 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Six cases of pneumomediastinum were identified by high-resolution chest CT-scan. Three patients required early intubation, and one of them died, while in in the remaining subjects the clinical course was benign. The presence of pneumomediastinum required some changes in the management of mechanical ventilation. In conclusion, spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a possible complication of severe COVID-19 pneumonia that can affect patient management and clinical outcomes

    Echocardiographic evaluation of diastolic dysfunction in young and healthy patients with psoriasis: A case-control study

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    Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease with a great prevalence in general population. The inappropriate activation of the cellular immune system has been hypothesized to be an independent cardiovascular risk factor, given the higher incidence of cardiovascular disorders in psoriatic patients. Echocardiographic abnormalities have been demonstrated too: the aim of our study was to evaluate the presence of preclinical cardiac dysfunction in a cohort of psoriatic patients without cardiovascular risk factors. We enrolled 52 patients with the diagnosis of chronic plaque psoriasis, compared with a control group not affected by any relevant systemic diseases and inflammatory disorders. In all patients and control group, echocardiographic conventional and tissue Doppler (TDI) studies were conducted. The analysis of echocardiographic parameters revealed normal dimension, mass and systolic function of the left ventricle. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction was found in 36.5% patients in the psoriasis group versus 0% in control group, and significant reduction of the E/A ratio was found also for the right ventricle. A significant increase of mitral regurgitation has been found in psoriatic patients (p=0.005). The early recognition of cardiovascular pre-clinic disease in psoriatic patients may guide a strict follow up and an early treatment, potentially improving cardiovascular prognosis

    [New pharmacological approaches to ischemic heart disease]

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    Major steps have been made in the treatment of ischemic heart disease from the discovery of nitrates as antianginal medication to the techniques of percutaneous angioplasty. This incredible therapeutic progress has resulted in a reduced incidence of ischemic heart disease and related mortality and morbidity. However, statistical and epidemiological data indicate that in ischemic heart disease, despite the achievement of great success, there is a necessity for a further step toward treatment, considering the fact that the characteristics of this population are changing (increased prevalence of subendocardial infarction compared with classic transmural infarction, especially in the elderly population). Furthermore, the need for alternative therapeutic approaches to traditional ones is recognized. Ranolazine is a selective inhibitor of Na channels that prevents pathological extension of late Na current developing in the ischemic myocardial cell. This current is responsible for calcium overload, with consequent impairment of diastolic relaxation. Ranolazine reduces Na overload induced by calcium and improves diastolic relaxation and coronary subendocardial flow, without affecting hemodynamic parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, or inotropic state of the heart, avoiding undesirable side effects. Efficacy of ranolazine has been evaluated in several trials, using clinical and instrumental endpoints (MARISA and CARISA) or, more recently, using endpoints such as mortality and reinfarction (ERICA and MERLIN-TIMI 36). Ivabradine acts through the inhibition of late Na current (also known as If), which controls the spontaneous diastolic depolarization of sinus node cells. The partial inhibition of these channels reduces the frequency of sinus node action potential initiation, resulting in decreased heart rate without effects on contractility, atrio-ventricular conduction, or repolarization. The BEAUTIFUL trial has tested whether the effect of ivabradine in lowering heart rate is able to reduce mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. The most significant results were obtained in the subgroup of patients with life-limiting exertional angina. In this group, ivabradine significantly reduced the primary endpoint, a composite of cardiovascular death, hospitalization for fatal and nonfatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or heart failure, by 24%, and hospitalizations for AMI by 42%. In the subgroup of patients with baseline heart rate >70 bpm, hospitalizations for AMI and revascularization were reduced by 73% and 59%, respectively