41 research outputs found

    Prediction of Kick Count in Triathletes during Freestyle Swimming Session Using Inertial Sensor Technology

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    Monitoring sports training performances with automatic, low cost, low power, and ergonomic solutions is a topic of increasing importance in the research of the last years. A parameter of particular interest, which has not been extensively dealt with in a state-of-the-art way, is the count of kicks during swimming training sessions. Coaches and athletes set the training sessions to optimize the kick count and swim stroke rate to acquire velocity and acceleration during swimming. In regard to race distances, counting kicks can influence the athlete’s performance. However, it is difficult to record the kick count without facing some issues about subjective interpretation. In this paper, a new method for kick count is proposed, based on only one triaxial accelerometer worn on the athlete’s ankle. The algorithm was validated on data recorded during freestyle training sessions. An accuracy of 97.5% with a sensitivity of 99.3% was achieved. The proposed method shows good linearity and a slope of 1.01. These results overcome other state-of-the-art methods, proving that this method is a good candidate for a reliable, embedded kick count

    Notational Analysis of Wheelchair Paralympic Table Tennis Matches

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    Paralympic table tennis is the third largest paralympic sport for the number of players. Performance analysis was conducted for the rally duration and interval and impact of serve, whilst none investigated the shots distribution among classes of physical impairment. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct a notational analysis of international competitions in relation to the wheelchair classes. Five matches for each wheelchair class (C1-to-C5) were evaluated from 20 elite male right-handed players. Both players for each match were analyzed for the following performance indicators: strokes type, the area of ball bouncing, and the shots outcome. Backhand shots were the most used technique for all classes. The most used strokes for C1 players were backhand and forehand drive and backhand lob, while for C5 players they were backhand and forehand push and backhand topspin. Similar shots distribution was registered for C2-to-C5 players. The central and far-from-the-net zone was mainly reached by the serve for all classes. Errors shots were similar in all classes, whilst winning shots were more frequent in C1. The current notational analysis provided a meaningful performance modelling of indicators for coaches and athletes that can be used to design training programs for each class

    Evolution led humans to bipedalism, but we live in a sedentary society: Will “Sunday running” protect us from NCDs at no cost?

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    Evolution led humans to bipedal stance and movement. However, we live in a sedentary society that strongly challenges our willingness to be physically active. We (mis)understand that being at least a Sunday runner could protect us from sedentary-related diseases, but what if this compromises the healthier life expectancy anyway? Citing Paul Gauguin, we know where we come from and what we are, the question arises about where we are going. And also, how

    El rock y el hombre : La construcción del estereotipo masculino en el campo visual

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    El eje de investigación del presente proyecto contempla los discursos estereotipados en la publicidad audiovisual. Tomando como caso de estudio la publicidad “Rock The Pasta” de Matarazzo, se analiza la imagen de masculinidad presentada, teniendo en cuenta el rol que cumplen los medios de comunicación en la construcción y reproducción de estereotipos. El estudio realizado abarca la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, años 2014 y 2015. A través de la recopilación y análisis de aportes de distintos referentes teóricos, con una mirada transdisciplinar que involucra nociones psicológicas, sociológicas y relacionadas al estudio de la comunicación, y a partir del empleo de herramientas de comprobación -encuesta vía web dirigida a hombres-; este proyecto analiza cómo afecta a la sociedad el estereotipo de masculinidad utilizado en los medios de comunicación, su relación con la música de rock, y en qué medida representa al hombre actual. El proyecto busca dejar en claro que, si bien la utilización de estereotipos es inevitable en la construcción discursiva en el campo de la comunicación, se debe realizar un uso responsable de ellos en el ámbito disciplinar, evitando connotaciones negativas.Mesa F.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    El rock y el hombre : La construcción del estereotipo masculino en el campo visual

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    El eje de investigación del presente proyecto contempla los discursos estereotipados en la publicidad audiovisual. Tomando como caso de estudio la publicidad “Rock The Pasta” de Matarazzo, se analiza la imagen de masculinidad presentada, teniendo en cuenta el rol que cumplen los medios de comunicación en la construcción y reproducción de estereotipos. El estudio realizado abarca la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, años 2014 y 2015. A través de la recopilación y análisis de aportes de distintos referentes teóricos, con una mirada transdisciplinar que involucra nociones psicológicas, sociológicas y relacionadas al estudio de la comunicación, y a partir del empleo de herramientas de comprobación -encuesta vía web dirigida a hombres-; este proyecto analiza cómo afecta a la sociedad el estereotipo de masculinidad utilizado en los medios de comunicación, su relación con la música de rock, y en qué medida representa al hombre actual. El proyecto busca dejar en claro que, si bien la utilización de estereotipos es inevitable en la construcción discursiva en el campo de la comunicación, se debe realizar un uso responsable de ellos en el ámbito disciplinar, evitando connotaciones negativas.Mesa F.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    El rock y el hombre : La construcción del estereotipo masculino en el campo visual

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    El eje de investigación del presente proyecto contempla los discursos estereotipados en la publicidad audiovisual. Tomando como caso de estudio la publicidad “Rock The Pasta” de Matarazzo, se analiza la imagen de masculinidad presentada, teniendo en cuenta el rol que cumplen los medios de comunicación en la construcción y reproducción de estereotipos. El estudio realizado abarca la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, años 2014 y 2015. A través de la recopilación y análisis de aportes de distintos referentes teóricos, con una mirada transdisciplinar que involucra nociones psicológicas, sociológicas y relacionadas al estudio de la comunicación, y a partir del empleo de herramientas de comprobación -encuesta vía web dirigida a hombres-; este proyecto analiza cómo afecta a la sociedad el estereotipo de masculinidad utilizado en los medios de comunicación, su relación con la música de rock, y en qué medida representa al hombre actual. El proyecto busca dejar en claro que, si bien la utilización de estereotipos es inevitable en la construcción discursiva en el campo de la comunicación, se debe realizar un uso responsable de ellos en el ámbito disciplinar, evitando connotaciones negativas.Mesa F.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas sp. EpS/L25, Isolated from the Medicinal Plant Echinacea purpurea and Able To Synthesize Antimicrobial Compounds

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    We announce here the draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. strain EpS/L25, isolated from the stem/leaves of the medicinal plant Echinacea purpurea This genome will allow for comparative genomics in order to identify genes associated with the production of bioactive compounds and antibiotic resistance

    Physical Activity and Redox Balance in the Elderly: Signal Transduction Mechanisms

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    Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are molecules naturally produced by cells. If their levels are too high, the cellular antioxidant machinery intervenes to bring back their quantity to physiological conditions. Since aging often induces malfunctioning in this machinery, ROS are considered an effective cause of age-associated diseases. Exercise stimulates ROS production on one side, and the antioxidant systems on the other side. The effects of exercise on oxidative stress markers have been shown in blood, vascular tissue, brain, cardiac and skeletal muscle, both in young and aged people. However, the intensity and volume of exercise and the individual subject characteristics are important to envisage future strategies to adequately personalize the balance of the oxidant/antioxidant environment. Here, we reviewed the literature that deals with the effects of physical activity on redox balance in young and aged people, with insights into the molecular mechanisms involved. Although many molecular pathways are involved, we are still far from a comprehensive view of the mechanisms that stand behind the effects of physical activity during aging. Although we believe that future precision medicine will be able to transform exercise administration from wellness to targeted prevention, as yet we admit that the topic is still in its infancy