10 research outputs found

    Molecular Diagnostics and Phylogenetic Analysis of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus EVN Gene in Naturally Infected Cats in Croatia

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    Infekcija virusom mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV) retrovirusna je zarazna bolest domaćih mačaka te predstavlja jedan od vodećih uzroka uginuća mačaka zarazne etiologije. Bolest je proÅ”irena među populacijom domaćih mačaka diljem svijeta s visokom prevalencijom u urbanim sredinama. Kao i ostali pripadnici roda Lentivirus, FIV uzrokuje perzistentnu infekciju transkripcijom virusne ribonukleinske kiseline (RNK) u provirusnu deoksiribonukleinsku kiselinu (DNK), te njezinom ugradnjm u genom domaćina. Upravo radi sličnosti s virusom humane imunodeficijencije (HIV), FIV predstavlja istraživački model u pronalasku učinkovitijeg liječenja i imunoprofilakse HIV-a. Obzirom da etioloÅ”ko izliječenje zaražene jedinke nije moguće provesti te da imunoprofilaksa ne zaÅ”tićuje mačke od filogenetski različitih podtipova terenskih sojeva virusa, mjere opće profilakse predstavljaju najznačaniji model u prevenciji i suzbijanju zaraze. Upravo je poznavanje filogenetskih karakteristika terenskih sojeva virusa jedan od osnovnih preduvjeta razvoja učinkovitijih dijagnostičkih i imunoprofilaktičnih mjera. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi perzistentnu infekciju virusom mačje imunodeficijencije dokazom specifičnih nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena. Po prvi puta na području Republike Hrvatske, infekcija je dokazana navedenom molekularnom metodom dokazom env gena u 14 seroloÅ”ki FIV pozitivnih mačaka. Filogenetskim analizama i usporedbama umnoženog odsječka provirusnog env gena FIV-a s nukleotidnim sljedovima env gena iz genske banke, utvrđena je pripadnost svih 14 izolata s područja Republike Hrvatske virusnom podtipu B. Pored pripadnosti B podtipu dokazana je i srodnost s izolatima bližeg zemljopisnog područja. Većina nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena dobivenih ovim istraživanjem najsrodnija je s izolatima virusa mačje imunodeficijencije s područja Austrije. Iako svih 14 nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena pripada B podtipu, uočena je i njihova međusobna heterogenost.Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection is a retroviral infectious disease of domestic cats and is one of the leading causes of death of infectious etiology among cats. The disease is spread among the population of domestic cats around the world with high prevalence in urban areas. As other members of the genus Lentivirus, FIV causes persistent infection by transcribing viral ribonucleic acid (RNK) into proviral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and incorporating it into the host genome. Because of its similarity with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), FIV presents a valuable research model for finding more effective treatment and HIV immunoprophylaxis. Given that etiologic treatment of the infected individual is not possible to carry out and that the immunoprophylaxis does not protect the cats from the phylogenetically different subtypes of field viral strains, general prophylactic measures represent the most significant model for prevention and suppression of the infection. Knowledge of the phylogenetic characteristics of field viral strains is one of the prerequisites for the development of more effective diagnostic and immunoprophylactic measures. The aim of this study was to determine the persistent infection from the feline immunodeficiency virus by proving the specific nucleotide sequences of the provirus env gene. The persistent infection was first proved in the Republic of Croatia in 14 FIV serologically positive cats by the stated molecular method. Phylogenetic analyses of the multiplicated sequence of FIV proviral env gene, along in comparison with the sequences of env gene from the gene bank, identified the phylogenetic affiliation of all 14 isolates from the territory of the Republic of Croatia to the viral subtype B. In addition to belonging to the viral B subtype, the isolates are phylogenetically shown to correlate with the other isolates from the nearest geographic region. Most of the nucleotide sequences obtained by this research show the most resemblance with the isolates of the feline immunodeficiency virus from Austria. Although phylogenetically all 14 nucleotide sequences of the proviral env gene belong to the B subtype, their mutual heterogeneity is also observed

    Pathology of canine herpesvirus infection

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    Pseća je herpesviroza globalno prisutna virusna zarazna bolest prouzročena psećim herpesvirusom 1 (Canid alphaherpesvirus-1; CHV). Infekcija ovim virusom ima dvije faze: litičku i latentnu. Sam ishod infekcije uvelike ovisi o dobi i razvijenosti imunoloÅ”kog sustava psa. Najznačajnija patoloÅ”ka posljedica pseće herpesviroze je liza endotelnih stanica i epitelnih stanica viÅ”e organskih sustava koja se pojavljuje u imunodeficijentnih Å”tenaca. Zbog pantropizma CHV-a, posljedica infekcije je nekrohemoragična upala mnogobrojnih organa zbog koje Å”tenci nerijetko i ugibaju. U imunokompetentnih starijih pasa, iako često asimptomatska, litička infekcija može biti i smrtonosna. Klinički simptomi uključuju infekcije diÅ”nog i spolnog sustava i očiju. NajčeŔće prisutna lezija očiju je konjunktivitis, ali mogu se pojaviti i ulceracije, petehijalna krvarenja i eksudativni blefaritis s krustama i alopecijom. Utjecaj CHV-a na respiratorni sustav rezultira blagim rinitisom, faringitisom i traheobronhitisom, iznimno pneumonijom. CHV se često povezuje i sa zaraznim traheobronhitisom u pasa, tzv. ā€˜ā€™kaÅ”aljem Å”tenareā€™ā€™. Infekcija spolnog sustava ograničena je na hiperemiju vagine ili prepucija s hiperplastičnim limfoidnim folikulima te papulovezikularnim lezijama, ali se smatra najvažnijim izvorom infekcije za Å”tenad pri porođaju. Prestankom kliničkih simptoma CHV prelazi u fazu latencije u živčanim ganglijima te se na taj način trajno zadržava u domaćinu. Prilikom stresa i imunosupresije latentni se CHV virus može reaktivirati i uspostaviti litičku fazu. Time se virus ponovno počinje replicirati i izlučivati, a oboljeli pas se mora isključiti iz uzgoja jer predstavlja izvor daljnjeg Å”irenja virusa. Ipak, primjenom cjepiva u gravidnih kuja moguće je zaÅ”tititi novorođenu Å”tenad te spriječiti teÅ”ke posljedice herpesviroze u pasa.Canine alphaherpesvirus-1 (CHV) is a globally present virus causing infectious disease in dogs. The outcome of CHV infection depends significantly on the age and immune system development of the dog and occurs in two phases: lytic and latent. Due to the pantropism of CHV, lysis occurs in the endothelium and epithelium of various organ systems, causing necrohaemorrhagic inflammation and frequently death in immunodeficient puppies. Lytic infection produces reduced or silent symptoms in older, immunocompetent dogs, although it can occasionally be fatal. Clinical signs of infection appear in the ocular, reproductive, and respiratory systems. The most typical eye lesion is conjunctivitis, though other conditions such as ulcers, petechial haemorrhages, exudative blepharitis with crusts, and alopecia can also occur. When CHV affects the respiratory system, it can cause mild rhinitis, pharyngitis, and tracheobronchitis, as well as severe pneumonia. The virus is also frequently linked to infectious tracheobronchitis in dogs, or ā€œkennel cough.ā€ Although infection of the reproductive system is restricted to hyperaemia of the vagina or prepuce with hyperplastic lymphoid follicles and papulovesicular lesions, it is thought to be the most significant source of infection for puppies after birth. After the onset of clinical symptoms, CHV enters the latency phase in the nerve ganglia, where it remains in the host indefinitely. During times of stress and immunosuppression in dogs, the latent CHV virus can occasionally reactivate and establisha lytic phase, at which point it resumes replication and shedding. These CHV latency effects are a significant problem since the affected dog is permanently infected, cannot be bred, and is always a source of possible virus outbreak. Although death ensuing from CHV infection is the worst conceivable consequence, immunisation of pregnant females can protect newborn puppies and breeders from this outcome

    Rotavirus A in Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars: High Genetic Diversity and Interspecies Transmission

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    Rotavirus A (RVA) is an important pathogen for porcine health. In comparison to humans, RVA in domestic animals and especially in wildlife is under researched. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence, genetic diversity, molecular epidemiology and inter-species transmission of RVA in domestic pigs and wild boars. During the three consecutive RVA seasons (2018ā€“2021) we collected 445 and 441 samples from domestic pigs and wild boars, respectively. Samples were tested by real-time RT- PCR, and RVA-positive samples were genotyped in VP7 and VP4 segments. Our results report an RVA prevalence of 49.9% in domestic pigs and 9.3% in wild boars. Outstanding RVA genetic diversity was observed in VP7 and VP4 segments, especially in domestic pigs exhibiting a striking 23 different RVA combinations (G5P[13] and G9P[23] prevailed). Interspecies transmission events were numerous between domestic pigs and wild boars, sharing G3, G5, G6, G9, G11 and P[13] genotypes. Furthermore, our data indicate that such transmission events involved even bovines (G6, P[11]) and, intriguingly, humans (G1P[8]). This study contributes to the basic knowledge that may be considered important for vaccine development and introduction, as a valuable and currently missing tool for efficient pig health management in the EU

    Interspecies transmission of porcine-originated G4P[6] rotavirus A between pigs and humans: a synchronized spatiotemporal approach

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    As a leading viral cause of acute gastroenteritis in both humans and pigs, rotavirus A (RVA) poses a potential public health concern. Although zoonotic spillover of porcine RVA strains to humans is sporadic, it has been detected worldwide. The origin of chimeric humanā€“animal strains of RVA is closely linked to the crucial role of mixed genotypes in driving reassortment and homologous recombination, which play a major role in shaping the genetic diversity of RVA. To better understand how genetically intertwined porcine and zoonotic human-derived G4P[6] RVA strains are, the present study employed a spatiotemporal approach to whole-genome characterization of RVA strains collected during three consecutive RVA seasons in Croatia (2018ā€“2021). Notably, sampled children under 2 years of age and weanling piglets with diarrhea were included in the study. In addition to samples tested by real-time RT-PCR, genotyping of VP7 and VP4 gene segments was conducted. The unusual genotype combinations detected in the initial screening, including three human and three porcine G4P[6] strains, were subjected to next-generation sequencing, followed by phylogenetic analysis of all gene segments, and intragenic recombination analysis. Results showed a porcine or porcine-like origin for each of the eleven gene segments in all six RVA strains. The G4P[6] RVA strains detected in children most likely resulted from porcine-to-human interspecies transmission. Furthermore, the genetic diversity of Croatian porcine and porcine-like human G4P[6] strains was propelled by reassortment events between porcine and porcine-like human G4P[6] RVA strains, along with homologous intragenotype and intergenotype recombinations in VP4, NSP1, and NSP3 segments. Described concurrent spatiotemporal approach in investigating autochthonous human and animal RVA strains is essential in drawing relevant conclusions about their phylogeographical relationship. Therefore, continuous surveillance of RVA, following the One Health principles, may provide relevant data for assessing the impact on the protectiveness of currently available vaccines

    Recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections

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    Clostridioides difficile je ubikvitarna, anaerobna bakterija koja nepovoljne uvjete preživljava formiranjem spora. Zabilježena je kao najčeŔći uzročnik bolničkih infekcija te predstavlja značajan problem za zdravstveni sustav mnogih zemalja. Klinička slika koju izaziva može varirati od blagog, samolimitirajućeg proljeva do fulminantnog kolitisa. U posljednje vrijeme javljaju se epidemije diljem svijeta uzrokovane hipervirulentnim sojevima C. difficile, koji osim Å”to rezultiraju povećanim morbiditetom i mortalitetom, dovode do povećane učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda. Rekurentne infekcije se javljaju u oko 25% pacijenata nakon preboljene inicijalne epizode, a učestalost im se povećava svakom novom rekurentnom epizodom. Postoje mnogobrojni čimbenici rizika povezani s nastankom rekurentnih epizoda, od kojih su ponovna upotreba antibiotika, visoka životna dob te zaraza hipervirulentnim sojevima među najznačajnijima. Pravodobna dijagnoza bolesti je nužna za odabir adekvatne terapije. Pritom odabir terapijskog protokola ovisi o tome radi li se o inicijalnoj ili rekurentnoj infekciji te o broju rekurentne epizode. U terapiji se najveći uspjeh postiže peroralnom primjenom vankomicina i fidaksomicina, a u terapiji viÅ”estrukih rekurentnih epizoda se preporučuje transplantacija fekalne mikrobiote. Postoje obećavajuće terapijske opcije, poput primjene monoklonalnog protutijela bezlotoksumaba, u smanjenju učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda, Å”to međutim iziskuje daljnja istraživanja. Budući da rekurentne infekcije predstavljaju izrazito opterećenje za zdravstveni sustav pojedine zemlje, potrebno je prepoznati i umanjiti učinak rizičnih čimbenika te primijeniti adekvatne preventivne mjere kako bi se negativan učinak ovih infekcija smanjio na minimum.Clostridioides difficile is ubiquitous, anaerobic bacteria that survives unfavorable conditions by forming spores. It is the most common hospital pathogen thus representing a major problem for healthcare systems in many countries. Clinical manifestations can range in severity from minimal, self-limited diarrhea to severe fulminant colitis. Lately, there have been several epidemic outbreaks across the world caused by hypervirulent C. difficile strains that not only increase morbidity and mortality rates, but also lead to a higher recurrence rate. Recurrent infections occur in approximately 25% patients following initial episode and its rates increase with every new recurrent episode. Many risk factors are associated with recurrence, some of the most important being repeated antibiotic use, increased age of the patient and infection with hypervirulent strains. A timely diagnosis is required in order to choose the right therapy. At the same time, choosing the therapeutic protocol depends on the infection being the initial episode or (and which number of) recurrent episode. Oral vancomycin and fidaxomicin have shown the greatest success in the treatment of recurrent C. difficile infections, while fecal microbiota transplantation remains recommended therapy option for multiple recurrences. There are many promising therapeutic options regarding reduction of recurrence rates, with monoclonal antibody bezlotoxumab being one of them. However further studies are being required. Since recurrent infections represent extreme healthcare burden for the country, it is important to recognize and reduce the impact of recurrence risk factors, as well as apply adequate preventive measures, in order to reduce the negative effect of these infections to the minimum

    Recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections

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    Clostridioides difficile je ubikvitarna, anaerobna bakterija koja nepovoljne uvjete preživljava formiranjem spora. Zabilježena je kao najčeŔći uzročnik bolničkih infekcija te predstavlja značajan problem za zdravstveni sustav mnogih zemalja. Klinička slika koju izaziva može varirati od blagog, samolimitirajućeg proljeva do fulminantnog kolitisa. U posljednje vrijeme javljaju se epidemije diljem svijeta uzrokovane hipervirulentnim sojevima C. difficile, koji osim Å”to rezultiraju povećanim morbiditetom i mortalitetom, dovode do povećane učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda. Rekurentne infekcije se javljaju u oko 25% pacijenata nakon preboljene inicijalne epizode, a učestalost im se povećava svakom novom rekurentnom epizodom. Postoje mnogobrojni čimbenici rizika povezani s nastankom rekurentnih epizoda, od kojih su ponovna upotreba antibiotika, visoka životna dob te zaraza hipervirulentnim sojevima među najznačajnijima. Pravodobna dijagnoza bolesti je nužna za odabir adekvatne terapije. Pritom odabir terapijskog protokola ovisi o tome radi li se o inicijalnoj ili rekurentnoj infekciji te o broju rekurentne epizode. U terapiji se najveći uspjeh postiže peroralnom primjenom vankomicina i fidaksomicina, a u terapiji viÅ”estrukih rekurentnih epizoda se preporučuje transplantacija fekalne mikrobiote. Postoje obećavajuće terapijske opcije, poput primjene monoklonalnog protutijela bezlotoksumaba, u smanjenju učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda, Å”to međutim iziskuje daljnja istraživanja. Budući da rekurentne infekcije predstavljaju izrazito opterećenje za zdravstveni sustav pojedine zemlje, potrebno je prepoznati i umanjiti učinak rizičnih čimbenika te primijeniti adekvatne preventivne mjere kako bi se negativan učinak ovih infekcija smanjio na minimum.Clostridioides difficile is ubiquitous, anaerobic bacteria that survives unfavorable conditions by forming spores. It is the most common hospital pathogen thus representing a major problem for healthcare systems in many countries. Clinical manifestations can range in severity from minimal, self-limited diarrhea to severe fulminant colitis. Lately, there have been several epidemic outbreaks across the world caused by hypervirulent C. difficile strains that not only increase morbidity and mortality rates, but also lead to a higher recurrence rate. Recurrent infections occur in approximately 25% patients following initial episode and its rates increase with every new recurrent episode. Many risk factors are associated with recurrence, some of the most important being repeated antibiotic use, increased age of the patient and infection with hypervirulent strains. A timely diagnosis is required in order to choose the right therapy. At the same time, choosing the therapeutic protocol depends on the infection being the initial episode or (and which number of) recurrent episode. Oral vancomycin and fidaxomicin have shown the greatest success in the treatment of recurrent C. difficile infections, while fecal microbiota transplantation remains recommended therapy option for multiple recurrences. There are many promising therapeutic options regarding reduction of recurrence rates, with monoclonal antibody bezlotoxumab being one of them. However further studies are being required. Since recurrent infections represent extreme healthcare burden for the country, it is important to recognize and reduce the impact of recurrence risk factors, as well as apply adequate preventive measures, in order to reduce the negative effect of these infections to the minimum

    Recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections

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    Clostridioides difficile je ubikvitarna, anaerobna bakterija koja nepovoljne uvjete preživljava formiranjem spora. Zabilježena je kao najčeŔći uzročnik bolničkih infekcija te predstavlja značajan problem za zdravstveni sustav mnogih zemalja. Klinička slika koju izaziva može varirati od blagog, samolimitirajućeg proljeva do fulminantnog kolitisa. U posljednje vrijeme javljaju se epidemije diljem svijeta uzrokovane hipervirulentnim sojevima C. difficile, koji osim Å”to rezultiraju povećanim morbiditetom i mortalitetom, dovode do povećane učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda. Rekurentne infekcije se javljaju u oko 25% pacijenata nakon preboljene inicijalne epizode, a učestalost im se povećava svakom novom rekurentnom epizodom. Postoje mnogobrojni čimbenici rizika povezani s nastankom rekurentnih epizoda, od kojih su ponovna upotreba antibiotika, visoka životna dob te zaraza hipervirulentnim sojevima među najznačajnijima. Pravodobna dijagnoza bolesti je nužna za odabir adekvatne terapije. Pritom odabir terapijskog protokola ovisi o tome radi li se o inicijalnoj ili rekurentnoj infekciji te o broju rekurentne epizode. U terapiji se najveći uspjeh postiže peroralnom primjenom vankomicina i fidaksomicina, a u terapiji viÅ”estrukih rekurentnih epizoda se preporučuje transplantacija fekalne mikrobiote. Postoje obećavajuće terapijske opcije, poput primjene monoklonalnog protutijela bezlotoksumaba, u smanjenju učestalosti rekurentnih epizoda, Å”to međutim iziskuje daljnja istraživanja. Budući da rekurentne infekcije predstavljaju izrazito opterećenje za zdravstveni sustav pojedine zemlje, potrebno je prepoznati i umanjiti učinak rizičnih čimbenika te primijeniti adekvatne preventivne mjere kako bi se negativan učinak ovih infekcija smanjio na minimum.Clostridioides difficile is ubiquitous, anaerobic bacteria that survives unfavorable conditions by forming spores. It is the most common hospital pathogen thus representing a major problem for healthcare systems in many countries. Clinical manifestations can range in severity from minimal, self-limited diarrhea to severe fulminant colitis. Lately, there have been several epidemic outbreaks across the world caused by hypervirulent C. difficile strains that not only increase morbidity and mortality rates, but also lead to a higher recurrence rate. Recurrent infections occur in approximately 25% patients following initial episode and its rates increase with every new recurrent episode. Many risk factors are associated with recurrence, some of the most important being repeated antibiotic use, increased age of the patient and infection with hypervirulent strains. A timely diagnosis is required in order to choose the right therapy. At the same time, choosing the therapeutic protocol depends on the infection being the initial episode or (and which number of) recurrent episode. Oral vancomycin and fidaxomicin have shown the greatest success in the treatment of recurrent C. difficile infections, while fecal microbiota transplantation remains recommended therapy option for multiple recurrences. There are many promising therapeutic options regarding reduction of recurrence rates, with monoclonal antibody bezlotoxumab being one of them. However further studies are being required. Since recurrent infections represent extreme healthcare burden for the country, it is important to recognize and reduce the impact of recurrence risk factors, as well as apply adequate preventive measures, in order to reduce the negative effect of these infections to the minimum

    Molecular Diagnostics and Phylogenetic Analysis of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus EVN Gene in Naturally Infected Cats in Croatia

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    Infekcija virusom mačje imunodeficijencije (FIV) retrovirusna je zarazna bolest domaćih mačaka te predstavlja jedan od vodećih uzroka uginuća mačaka zarazne etiologije. Bolest je proÅ”irena među populacijom domaćih mačaka diljem svijeta s visokom prevalencijom u urbanim sredinama. Kao i ostali pripadnici roda Lentivirus, FIV uzrokuje perzistentnu infekciju transkripcijom virusne ribonukleinske kiseline (RNK) u provirusnu deoksiribonukleinsku kiselinu (DNK), te njezinom ugradnjm u genom domaćina. Upravo radi sličnosti s virusom humane imunodeficijencije (HIV), FIV predstavlja istraživački model u pronalasku učinkovitijeg liječenja i imunoprofilakse HIV-a. Obzirom da etioloÅ”ko izliječenje zaražene jedinke nije moguće provesti te da imunoprofilaksa ne zaÅ”tićuje mačke od filogenetski različitih podtipova terenskih sojeva virusa, mjere opće profilakse predstavljaju najznačaniji model u prevenciji i suzbijanju zaraze. Upravo je poznavanje filogenetskih karakteristika terenskih sojeva virusa jedan od osnovnih preduvjeta razvoja učinkovitijih dijagnostičkih i imunoprofilaktičnih mjera. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi perzistentnu infekciju virusom mačje imunodeficijencije dokazom specifičnih nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena. Po prvi puta na području Republike Hrvatske, infekcija je dokazana navedenom molekularnom metodom dokazom env gena u 14 seroloÅ”ki FIV pozitivnih mačaka. Filogenetskim analizama i usporedbama umnoženog odsječka provirusnog env gena FIV-a s nukleotidnim sljedovima env gena iz genske banke, utvrđena je pripadnost svih 14 izolata s područja Republike Hrvatske virusnom podtipu B. Pored pripadnosti B podtipu dokazana je i srodnost s izolatima bližeg zemljopisnog područja. Većina nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena dobivenih ovim istraživanjem najsrodnija je s izolatima virusa mačje imunodeficijencije s područja Austrije. Iako svih 14 nukleotidnih sljedova provirusnog env gena pripada B podtipu, uočena je i njihova međusobna heterogenost.Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection is a retroviral infectious disease of domestic cats and is one of the leading causes of death of infectious etiology among cats. The disease is spread among the population of domestic cats around the world with high prevalence in urban areas. As other members of the genus Lentivirus, FIV causes persistent infection by transcribing viral ribonucleic acid (RNK) into proviral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and incorporating it into the host genome. Because of its similarity with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), FIV presents a valuable research model for finding more effective treatment and HIV immunoprophylaxis. Given that etiologic treatment of the infected individual is not possible to carry out and that the immunoprophylaxis does not protect the cats from the phylogenetically different subtypes of field viral strains, general prophylactic measures represent the most significant model for prevention and suppression of the infection. Knowledge of the phylogenetic characteristics of field viral strains is one of the prerequisites for the development of more effective diagnostic and immunoprophylactic measures. The aim of this study was to determine the persistent infection from the feline immunodeficiency virus by proving the specific nucleotide sequences of the provirus env gene. The persistent infection was first proved in the Republic of Croatia in 14 FIV serologically positive cats by the stated molecular method. Phylogenetic analyses of the multiplicated sequence of FIV proviral env gene, along in comparison with the sequences of env gene from the gene bank, identified the phylogenetic affiliation of all 14 isolates from the territory of the Republic of Croatia to the viral subtype B. In addition to belonging to the viral B subtype, the isolates are phylogenetically shown to correlate with the other isolates from the nearest geographic region. Most of the nucleotide sequences obtained by this research show the most resemblance with the isolates of the feline immunodeficiency virus from Austria. Although phylogenetically all 14 nucleotide sequences of the proviral env gene belong to the B subtype, their mutual heterogeneity is also observed

    An Outstanding Role of Adipose Tissue in Canine Stem Cell Therapy

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    Adipose tissue, previously known as connective tissue with a role in energy storage, is currently changing the course of treatments in veterinary medicine. Recent studies have revealed one particularly impressive function among all the newly discovered functions of adipose tissue. The interactive cells hosted by adipose tissue, the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and their role in treating numerous diseases have provided a prospective course of research with positive outcomes in regenerative veterinary medicine (RVM). This review describes the main features of adipose tissue, emphasizing an eclectic combination of cells within the SVF and its thus far researched therapeutic possibilities in canine RVM. An afterwards focus is on a highly researched component of the SVF, adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs), which were shown to have an extraordinary impact relying on several proposed mechanisms of action on mitigating pathologies in canines. Furthermore, ASC therapy showed the most significant results in the orthopaedics field and in neurology, dermatology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, and hepatology, which elevates the possibilities of ASC therapy to a whole new level. Therefore, this review article aims to raise awareness of the importance of research on cellular components, within abundant and easily accessible adipose tissue, in the direction of regenerative therapy in canines, considering the positive outcomes so far. Although the focus is on the positive aspects of cellular therapy in canines, the researchers should not forget the importance of identifying the potential negative aspects within published and upcoming research. Safe and standardized treatment represents a fundamental prerequisite for positively impacting the lives of canine patients

    The impact and complete genome characterisation of viruses involved in outbreaks of gastroenteritis in a farrow-to-finish holding

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    Abstract Viral enteric pathogens continuously burden intensive pig farming, causing gastrointestinal diseases of epidemic and endemic nature. The present study investigated two diarrhoea outbreaks on a large farrow-to-finish holding and subsequent circulation of outbreak-related enteric viruses. These viruses were characterised by whole genome sequencing, and statistical evaluation of the impact on specific production metrics was performed. The results provided evidence that the Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virusā€“swine enteric coronavirus (PEDVā€“SeCoV) S gene recombinant strain was responsible for the first outbreak, whilst Rotavirus A (RVA) in a mixed infection with Rotavirus B (RVB) and porcine kobuvirus (PKV) probably caused the second diarrhoea outbreak. Whole genome characterisation revealed a porcine origin of all viruses involved and significant heterogeneity of RVB strain, proposing four novel genotypes and changes in RVB VP1 genotype classification. The statistical evaluation confirmed only a minor disturbance in the number of weaned pigs per sow, with statistical forecasting showing positive trends. A follow-up study corroborated the endemicity of RVA and PKV, in contrast to PEDVā€“SeCoV. Punctual, comprehensive and timely investigation of diarrhoea outbreaks is a prerequisite for applying adequate pig health and biosecurity management. Calculating such outbreaks' impact on production metrics can potentially shape future decisions on management improvements