18 research outputs found

    Effect of Semantic Priming for Wide Attention Focus on Visuomotor Decision-making Task in Young and Older Non-professional Drivers

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    The study was aimed at estimating the semantic priming effect for wide attention focus on subjects response time (RT) in a decision-making visuomotor hand movement task (VMHT) performed in traffic scenarios for non-professional driver’s license tests. The priming was based on modified scrambled sentence task. Traffic scenarios were displayed either on whole screen or within the central 25% of the screen. VMHT was presented: 1) immediately after priming; 2) after primed in the same way adaptation of reactive visual saccade; 3) without priming and saccade adaptation. Thirty young and thirty older subjects took part in the study as they were divided equally into three groups with respect to the three conditions: 1) YP and OP (a group where the traffic test is performed before the sacccade adaptation); 2) YS and OS (after the saccade adaptation); 3) YC and OC (control group). The outcomes established that RTs of both YP and OP groups are higher while RTs of YS and OS groups are lower in comparison with the control groups. RTs of all older groups were significantly longer than those of the younger groups. Longer RTs were found with respect to large pictures than to small pictures. These results suggest that semantic priming has a rather negative effect on decision-making VMHT performance because priming with scrambled sentences also involves a decision-making process. Therefore, they both need similar cognitive resources of which probably VMHT is deprived by the preceding priming and as consequence its perceptual realization is delayed. The study suggests that priming and visuomotor performance are related and the effect of the former on the latter depends on which cognitive resources they need


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     Article is devoted to the study of safflower – oil-bearing crop, promising for Ukraine with a purpose of feasibility study of its growing in conditions of Eastern Forest-Steppe (in particular, in the Kharkiv region). Safflower has a fairly high level of profitability - reduces load on the soil, so it is a good predecessor. It is positioned as an alternative sunflower crop during growing in rainy conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine, as well as on impoverished and inadequate (saline and eroded) soils. In extremely drought conditions, with a significant freezing of winter cabbage crops, it is safflower that can stabilize the production of oilseeds and guarantee the profitability of crop and oilseed production. Results of laboratory examinations on the germinating power and capacity of safflower seeds of varieties, recommended for cultivation in Ukraine, are presented. Influence of classical nanomaterials (structured water and stimulants based on fullerenes) on the sowing properties of safflower has been determined. The important effect of nanomaterials is to increase resistance of plants to adverse environmental factors such as high and low temperatures, lack of moisture, phytotoxic effects of pesticides, pests and diseases, which ultimately contribute to a significant increase in viability and availability of environmentally friendly products. The main technological properties of seeds (moisture and oil content) and composition of fatty acids, acid number and peroxide number of safflower oil are determined.Статья посвящена исследованию перспективной для Украины масличной культуры сафлор с целью обоснования целесообразности его выращивания в условиях Восточной Лесостепи (в частности, на Харьковщине). Приведены результаты лабораторных исследований по энергии прорастания и всхожести семян сафлора сортов, рекомендованных для выращивания в условиях Украины. Определено влияние классических наноматериалов (структурированной воды и стимулирующих препаратов на основе фуллеренов) на посевные свойства сафлора. Определены основные технологические свойства семян (влажность и масличность) и состав жирных кислот, кислотное число и перекисное число сафлорового масла.Статтю присвячено дослідженню перспективної для України олійної культури сафлор з метою обґрунтування доцільності його вирощування в умовах Східного Лісостепу (зокрема, на Харківщині). Наведено результати лабораторних досліджень щодо енергії проростання та схожості насіння сафлору сортів, рекомендованих для вирощування в умовах України. Визначено вплив класичних наноматериалів (структурованої води і стимулюючих препаратів на основі фулеренів) на посівні властивості сафлору. Визначено основні технологічні властивості насіння (вологість та олійність) та склад жирних кислот, кислотне число і пероксидне число сафлорової олії

    Adaptation of eye and hand movements to target displacements of different size

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    Previous work has documented that the direction of eye and hand movements can be adaptively modified using the double-step paradigm. Here we report that both motor systems adapt not only to small direction steps (5° gaze angle) but also to large ones (28° gaze angle). However, the magnitude of adaptation did not increase with step size, and the relative magnitude of adaptation therefore decreased from 67% with small steps to 15% with large steps. This decreasing efficiency of adaptation may reflect the participation of directionally selective neural circuits in double-step adaptation

    Alternating Adaptation of Eye and Hand Movements to Opposite Directed Double Steps

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    <p>Eye and hand movements can adapt to a variety of sensorimotor discordances. Studies on adaptation of movement directions suggest that the oculomotor and the hand motor system access the same adaptive mechanism related to the polarity of a discordance, because concurrent adaptations to opposite directed discordances strongly interfere. The authors scrutinized whether participants adapt their hand and eye movements to opposite directions (clockwise/counterclockwise) when both motor systems are alternatingly exposed to opposite directed double steps, and whether such adaptation is influenced by the allocation of effector to adaptation direction. The results showed that hand and eye movements adapted to opposite directions, but adaptation was biased to the counterclockwise direction. Aftereffects emerged nearly unbiased and independently for both motor systems. The authors conclude that the oculomotor and the hand motor system use independent mechanisms when they adapt to opposite polarities, although they interact during adaptation or concurrent performance.</p


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     Article is devoted to the study of safflower – oil-bearing crop, promising for Ukraine with a purpose of feasibility study of its growing in conditions of Eastern Forest-Steppe (in particular, in the Kharkiv region). Safflower has a fairly high level of profitability - reduces load on the soil, so it is a good predecessor. It is positioned as an alternative sunflower crop during growing in rainy conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine, as well as on impoverished and inadequate (saline and eroded) soils. In extremely drought conditions, with a significant freezing of winter cabbage crops, it is safflower that can stabilize the production of oilseeds and guarantee the profitability of crop and oilseed production. Results of laboratory examinations on the germinating power and capacity of safflower seeds of varieties, recommended for cultivation in Ukraine, are presented. Influence of classical nanomaterials (structured water and stimulants based on fullerenes) on the sowing properties of safflower has been determined. The important effect of nanomaterials is to increase resistance of plants to adverse environmental factors such as high and low temperatures, lack of moisture, phytotoxic effects of pesticides, pests and diseases, which ultimately contribute to a significant increase in viability and availability of environmentally friendly products. The main technological properties of seeds (moisture and oil content) and composition of fatty acids, acid number and peroxide number of safflower oil are determined.Статья посвящена исследованию перспективной для Украины масличной культуры сафлор с целью обоснования целесообразности его выращивания в условиях Восточной Лесостепи (в частности, на Харьковщине). Приведены результаты лабораторных исследований по энергии прорастания и всхожести семян сафлора сортов, рекомендованных для выращивания в условиях Украины. Определено влияние классических наноматериалов (структурированной воды и стимулирующих препаратов на основе фуллеренов) на посевные свойства сафлора. Определены основные технологические свойства семян (влажность и масличность) и состав жирных кислот, кислотное число и перекисное число сафлорового масла.Статтю присвячено дослідженню перспективної для України олійної культури сафлор з метою обґрунтування доцільності його вирощування в умовах Східного Лісостепу (зокрема, на Харківщині). Наведено результати лабораторних досліджень щодо енергії проростання та схожості насіння сафлору сортів, рекомендованих для вирощування в умовах України. Визначено вплив класичних наноматериалів (структурованої води і стимулюючих препаратів на основі фулеренів) на посівні властивості сафлору. Визначено основні технологічні властивості насіння (вологість та олійність) та склад жирних кислот, кислотне число і пероксидне число сафлорової олії