871 research outputs found

    Determining efficient temperature sets for the simulated tempering method

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    In statistical physics, the efficiency of tempering approaches strongly depends on ingredients such as the number of replicas RR, reliable determination of weight factors and the set of used temperatures, TR={T1,T2,,TR}{\mathcal T}_R = \{T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_R\}. For the simulated tempering (SP) in particular -- useful due to its generality and conceptual simplicity -- the latter aspect (closely related to the actual RR) may be a key issue in problems displaying metastability and trapping in certain regions of the phase space. To determine TR{\mathcal T}_R's leading to accurate thermodynamics estimates and still trying to minimize the simulation computational time, here it is considered a fixed exchange frequency scheme for the ST. From the temperature of interest T1T_1, successive TT's are chosen so that the exchange frequency between any adjacent pair TrT_r and Tr+1T_{r+1} has a same value ff. By varying the ff's and analyzing the TR{\mathcal T}_R's through relatively inexpensive tests (e.g., time decay toward the steady regime), an optimal situation in which the simulations visit much faster and more uniformly the relevant portions of the phase space is determined. As illustrations, the proposal is applied to three lattice models, BEG, Bell-Lavis, and Potts, in the hard case of extreme first-order phase transitions, always giving very good results, even for R=3R=3. Also, comparisons with other protocols (constant entropy and arithmetic progression) to choose the set TR{\mathcal T}_R are undertaken. The fixed exchange frequency method is found to be consistently superior, specially for small RR's. Finally, distinct instances where the prescription could be helpful (in second-order transitions and for the parallel tempering approach) are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Utilização de energia solar e cercas eletrificadas no manejo das pastagens no Acre.

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    Este documento apresenta informações que visam orientar técnicos e produtores rurais do Acre para o uso eficiente da energia solar e das cercas eletrificadas no manejo de suas propriedades.bitstream/item/116523/1/7296.pd

    Editorial: Post-anesthesia Cognitive Dysfunction: How, When and Why

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    This work has been funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE 2020 and the POCI (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029542), Portugal 2020, and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project PTDC/CVT-CVT/29542/2017

    Evidence-based practice a relevant piece to update knowledge in mental health nursing

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    E-Poster Presentation.Introduction Web Journal Club as a collaborative learning method, is an effective method to enhance the knowledge base of nursing students, their presentation skills, problem-solving skills and ability to critically appraise literature. Objectives To describe the experience of a online journal club on education of MHN undergraduate students. Methods We implemented a journal club in the online classroom with a total of 24 portuguese undergraduate students enrolled in clinical training of MHN (sixth semester). Over a two-week period, five 2-hour online journal club sessions were conducted in April 2020. During each session, five journal articles were presented synchronously to a live online audience via the Zoom Classroom technology. After all sessions, students were invited by e-mail to complete an anonymous and voluntary online questionnaire via Google Forms. Results All students were all very positive about the journal club sessions and found the opportunity to discuss and reflect on practice issues in depth very helpful. They found the sessions supportive, they helped to bond the group, they learnt a great deal from each others experiences, and they felt that they gained in confidence as a group. Survey results also indicated that few participants experienced technical difficulties during sessions. Conclusions This pedagogical practice enhances gains in the various actors involved: 1) in students, contributing to their learning process and acquisition of competences, articulating research and clinical practice; and 2) lastly, even more indirectly, in people receiving care, since a evidence-based practice ensures safe and quality of nursing care delivery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of Abstracts Presented at the Prosthodontic Research Section of IADR General Sessions 2004–2005: Demographics, Publication Rates, and Factors Contributing to Publication

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    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to describe the demographics of abstracts presented at the prosthodontics section of IADR General Sessions from 2004 to 2005, evaluate the publication rate of abstracts, and analyze the relationship between variables in abstracts and publication. Materials and Methods: Prosthodontics research section abstracts from the IADR General Session in 2004 and 2005 were evaluated for: number of authors, presentation type, origin, affiliation, topic, study design, statistics, study outcome, and funding. The publication rate was calculated following a PubMed search. The journal of publication, year of publication, and the length of time before publication were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were used for the data analysis; the relationships between presentation type, study design, study outcome, statistics, funding, and publication were analyzed using logistic regression (α= 0.05). Results: From 346 abstracts, 37.0% were published. For oral presentations, 40.7% were published; 35.8% of poster presentations were published. The mean duration before publication was 26.4 months. North America had the most abstracts, and Europe had the most publications. Fixed prosthodontic research had the highest number and proportion for publication. A significant association with publication was noted for neutral study outcomes (p= 0.018), studies with funding (p= 0.035), and abstracts from Europe (p= 0.001). Conclusions: The majority of abstracts from the prosthodontics research section of IADR General Sessions from 2004 and 2005 remain unpublished. A significant association for publication was noted with neutral outcomes, funding, and abstracts from Europe

    Consorciação de gramíneas e leguminosas forrageiras no Acre.

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    As consorciações entre sete gramíneas e seis leguminosas forrageiras foram avaliadas no campo experimental do Projeto de Melhoramento de Pastagens da Amazônia Legal - PROPASTO, localizado no município de Senador Guiomard - Acre, em área de floresta tropical úmida. A importância do trabalho está relacionada ao fato das leguminosas constituirem o meio natural e, possivelmente, o mais importante método de incorporar nitrogênio do sistema solo/planta, além de contribuir para aumentar a qualidade da forragem. Foram efetuadas avaliações qualitativas e quantitativas das consorciações no período de fevereiro/77 a fevereiro/80 a intervalos de 45 a 56 dias no período chuvoso e seco, respectivamente. A consorciação de Quicuio da Amazônia (Brachiaria humidícula) com Puerária (Pueraria phaseoloides) apresentou a melhor persistência de produção e composição botânica no período seco e chuvoso. A utilização da Puerária em consorciação com gramíneas aumentou o valor nutritivo da pastagem, permitindo aumentar a performance animal e, consequentemente, a rentabilidade do empreendimento.bitstream/item/161391/1/1018.pd