167 research outputs found

    Spaces of Women’s Cinema: Space, Place and Genre in Contemporary Women’s Filmmaking, by Sue Thornham

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    Review of Spaces of Women’s Cinema: Space, Place and Genre in Contemporary Women’s Filmmaking, by Sue Thornham. Bloomsbury, 2019, 226 pp

    Assessing agricultural eco-efficiency in Italian Regions

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    none5Agriculture plays a key role in providing a wide range of ecosystem services, such as food, feed, fiber and biofuel, thus taking part in the economic development of countries. On the other hand, this sector also gives rise to negative externalities. The eco-efficiency has been considered as a meaningful index for assessing how efficient economic activities are in terms of resource-use and environmental pressures: measuring eco-efficiency provides policy makers with important information for developing policies focused on sustainable management and ef- ficient use of natural resources in the agricultural sector. In this context, sustainable development is now one of the most important objectives of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that has a key role in facing the challenges of the new paradigm of sustainability of agriculture. In this direction, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the eco-efficiency of the Italian agricultural sector, as an index useful for emphasizing the dif- ferences among some national geographical areas. This paper tries to fill the lack of scientific studies on agri- cultural eco-efficiency in Italy, despite the strategic role played by Italy in Europe. For this purpose, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology was used, focusing on the integration between agricultural pro- ductivity and resource conservation, in order to develop a support tool for policy makers and managers. The analysis had shown a better orientation in saving resources for the Southern Regions and a greater orientation in productivity for the Northern Regions. Overall, Italy seems to have a good capacity for sustainable management of agricultural resources although there is still space for improvement. In this regard, the measurement of eco- efficiency provides a useful index for policy makers to achieve better performances in terms of agricultural sustainability. This means that CAP subsidies should be granted in exchange for specific environmental ex- ternalities provided by farmers as a result of more ecologically friendly management with a land use planning avoiding the depleting of Ecosystem Services rich areas, allowing for the achievement of a balance between economic growth and ecosystem protection. Although the paper has expanded the literature on agricultural eco- efficiency, this work has some limitations that could serve as a reference for future studies that can include other ecological variables such as the provision of some ecosystem services that can be enhanced or impacted by agricultural development. Finally, the challenge to realize sustainable agriculture can represent a long-term guarantee of food security as well as societal well-being.openColuccia, Benedetta; Valente, Donatella; Fusco, Giulio; De Leo, Federica; Porrini, DonatellaColuccia, Benedetta; Valente, Donatella; Fusco, Giulio; De Leo, Federica; Porrini, Donatell

    Italian film avant-gardes, 1960-70: ontologies of the archive

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    This thesis situates Italian experimental films made between 1960 and 1970 within the historical landscape of film avant-gardes. A historical and theoretical methodology underpins my research, which identifies a coherent and sustained aesthetic and conceptual deployment of the archive (in the broadest sense) and its materials. I contend that this avant-garde, overshadowed by the international prestige of the Italian auteurs of the same period, and overlooked by most histories of Italian cinema, provides valuable material for critical and philosophical reflection on the cultural role of the archive. Each strand of this work opened up a dialogue between the past and the present, thus foregrounding both a historical and aesthetic attitude. Hence, my claim that ‘ontologies of the archive’ shows how experimental film practices of this period developed a pluralistic approach to the past, which entailed re-purposing the fabric and materials of audiovisual archives, revealing their versatility and generative potential. ‘Ontologies of the archive’ also questions how archival material relates to the film as a whole, how its meaning has been re-shaped, and how various segments and aphorisms relate to one another. Essentially, I explore the varied re-purposing of certain materials and formats in Italian experimental films, which to some extent anticipated the better-known Arte Povera movement and contributed to it. My conceptual framework draws mainly on Adorno’s essays ‘The Idea of Natural History’ (1932) and ‘The Essay as Form’ (1958), and on Umberto Eco’s ‘Form as Social Commitment’ (1962). Italian avant-garde film of this period looked back to the historic as well as contemporary avant-gardes, sharing a critical aesthetic that invoked anti-illusionistic, reflective modes of engagement with film form and content. Drawing on Peter Wollen’s 1975 essay ‘The Two Avant-Gardes’, I argue that the heterogeneous and transformative nature of the archive was formally poised between abstraction and naturalism. Thus, these films constitute a ‘third avant-garde’, arguably invoking the ‘essay film turn’ in the Italian avant-gardes of the 1960s. This aesthetic approach contributes to valued research conducted over the last twenty years on the archival nature of the essay film

    A first analysis on the need to integrate ecological aspects into financial insurance

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    It is known that financial insurance can address the economic impacts of a natural disaster, but some ecological aspects can play a crucial role in mitigating the overall risks for socio-ecological systems. To better strengthen the study of these relations, the aims of this paper are: (1) to analyze the main research topics of the scientific literature on ecological and/or financial-economic insurance to face natural disasters, through a co-word network analysis; (2) to analyze the temporal trends of the total Gross Insurance Premium and Meteorological and climatological extreme events in 29 OECD countries; and (3) to carry out a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of some selected variables in order to conceptualize a first empirical model combining financial-economic and ecological insurance to face natural disasters. The literature review has shown a predominance of topics related to financial insurance (about 60%), and the co-word map of key words has highlighted a common space where economic and ecological insurances interact. PCA highlighted three major components explaining 90.6% of the overall variation and discriminating aspects more related to the “financial” insurance, from those related to the “ecological” insurance. More in detail, PC1, which represents the financial insurance, explains the 60.4% of variation, PC2 and PC3 that represent surrogates of the “ecological” insurance explain respectively the 19.6% and the 10.6% of variation. On the basis of the application of the proposed empirical model, countries with high levels of financial and ecological preparedness have been identified. The next steps of this research will be focused on a pilot study area where a quantitative assessment will be applied to better define the landscape contribution to natural disaster risk mitigation, the analysis of the role of social capital through a cross-scales approach, in terms of policies and management strategies, and the investigation of innovative economic tools to take into account specific payment for ecosystem services in the context of natural disasters

    A Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Italian Version of the Geriatric Depression Scale

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    Objective. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is an evaluation tool to diagnose older adult's depression. This questionnaire was defined by Yesavage and Brink in 1982; it was designed expressly for the older person and defines his/her degree of satisfaction, quality of life, and feelings. The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-IT). Methods. The Italian version of the Geriatric Depression Scale was administered to 119 people (79 people with a depression diagnosis and 40 healthy ones). We examined the following psychometric characteristics: internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, and construct validity (factor structure). Results. Cronbach's Alpha for the GDS-IT administered to the depressed sample was 0.84. Test-retest reliability was 0.91 and the concurrent validity was 0.83. The factorial analysis showed a structure of 5 factors, and the scale cut-off is between 10 and 11. Conclusion. The GDS-IT proved to be a reliable and valid questionnaire for the evaluation of depression in an Italian population. In the present study, the GDS-IT showed good psychometric properties. Health professionals now have an assessment tool for the evaluation of depression symptoms in the Italian population

    Cross scale spatial and temporal indicators for measuring the effects of landscape heterogeneity on pollination service

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    Spatial heterogeneity as well as landscape services’ provision are a function of spatio-temporal scales, therefore, pattern–process relationships must be assessed at the multiple scales. In this context, this research aims at: (1) analyzing at the regional scale how pollination service can be affected by landscape heterogeneity, using two landscape indicators useful to quantify the multiscale landscape composition and landscape configuration simultaneously; and (2) assessing the effect that the infection of Xylella fastidiosa has exerted on the pollination services. The multi-scale spatial assessment has been focused on two land-covers: forests and olive groves that can act as source of pollination services. The multi-temporal analysis, based on the annual NDVI, has been used to assess the functionality of olive groves before and at the beginning of the infection of Xylella fastidiosa, and currently. The results have shown that in 2012 the most representative cluster (C1) (73.6% for forests and 63% for olive groves) is in the lower left part of the multiscale metric space, meaning that both land-covers show a fragmented spatial configuration at small spatial scales and tend to be aggregated at large scales. The multitemporal analysis has allowed to show the evident change in the landscape functioning in the provinces interested by the infection of Xylella fastidiosa (Lecce, Brindisi and Taranto) from 2013 to 2021, highlighting that the stability of the landscape has resulted completely changed for the loss of permanent land-covers (olive groves). In this study the spatio-temporal analyses have helped in giving a more complete indication in the assessment of landscape services where different factors can play a crucial role. The analysis of spatial patterns along a continuum of scale has been implemented by the analysis of multi-temporal dynamics to consider the effect of Xylella fastidiosa infection on pollination. The temporal behavior of NDVI has resulted completely changed in the provinces interested by this infection, meaning that recovering policies need to be undertaken to regenerate the landscape. When studying landscape services, some considerations must be considered in choosing the suitable spatial and temporal scale for its assessment. One of the recent drivers of change, represented by the infection of Xylella fastidiosa, and the planning of landscape functionality recovery interest higher spatial scales and will affect the scale at which landscape services, included pollination, are delivered

    Reliability and validity of the geriatric depression scale in Italian subjects with Parkinson's disease

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    Introduction. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is commonly used to assess depressive symptoms, but its psychometric properties have never been examined in Italian people with Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of this study was to study the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the GDS in a sample of PD patients. Methods. The GDS was administered to 74 patients with PD in order to study its internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct, and discriminant validity. Results. The internal consistency of GDS was excellent (α = 0.903), as well as the test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.941 [95% CI: 0.886-0.970]). GDS showed a strong correlation with instruments related to the depression (ρ = 0.880) in PD (ρ = 0.712) and a weak correlation with generic measurement instruments (-0.320 < ρ <-0.217). An area under the curve of 0.892 (95% CI 0.809-0.975) indicated a moderate capability to discriminate depressed patients to nondepressed patient, with a cutoff value between 15 and 16 points that predicts depression (sensitivity = 87%; specificity = 82%). Conclusion. The GDS is a reliable and valid tool in a sample of Italian PD subjects; this scale can be used in clinical and research contexts
