69 research outputs found

    Racehorse welfare across a training season

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    Racehorse welfare is gaining increasing public attention, however scientific evidence in this area is lacking. In order to develop a better understanding of racehorse welfare, it must be measured and monitored. This is the first study to assess racehorse welfare using scientific objective methods across a training season. The aim of this study was threefold, firstly to investigate welfare measures which could be used in the first welfare assessment protocol for racehorses. Secondly, to understand the effect that a racing and training season had on individual racehorses and thirdly to identify risk factors for both good and poor welfare. Thirteen racehorse training yards were visited at the beginning and the peak of the racing season in England. Behavioral observations along with individual environmental and animal-based welfare measures were carried out on 353 horses in 13 training yards selected for variability. In our sample the horses were generally in good physical health: 94% of horses recorded as an ideal body condition score, no horses had signs of hoof neglect and 77.7% had no nasal discharge. The overall prevalence of external Mouth Corner Lesions was 12.9% and was significantly higher for Flat racing than Jump racing horses. The majority of horses (67.5%) showed positive horse human interactions. When stabled 54.1% horses had physical social contact and nasal discharge was not associated with increased physical contact. The training season significantly affected Human Reactivity Tests, Horse Grimace Scale scores and time spent resting and feeding. A total of 14.5% of horses displayed stereotypic behavior on at least two occasions. Horses with windows in their stables spent more time surveying their surroundings. Overall, in this population of racehorses, horses spent around a third of their daytime feeding (33.7%) followed by time spent standing resting (22.6%). The welfare assessment protocol used in this study is suitable for use in industry to collect welfare data on racehorses

    Relationship between temperament and learning and memory performances in horses Equus caballus : modulation by stress

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    L’objectif de cette thèse était de caractériser les relations entre tempérament et performances cognitives chez le cheval et leur modulation par le stress. Le tempérament était évalué selon cinq dimensions: la peur, la réactivité à l’Homme, la grégarité, la sensibilité tactile et l’activité locomotrice. Les relations entre ces dimensions et les performances lors de tâches instrumentales et de mémoire de travail ont été recherchées. La dimension de peur semble particulièrement essentielle et son influence dépend du stress : elle aurait un effet positif sur les performances cognitives en cas de stress intrinsèque, c’est-à-dire lorsque la tâche est elle-même source de stress, et un effet négatif en cas de stress extrinsèque. En l’absence de facteur de stress, ces relations sont plus contrastées. Dans une moindre mesure, des relations entre performances cognitives et les autres dimensions de tempérament ont été observées. L’activité locomotrice a une influence positive sur les performances qui ne ressort qu’en présence de facteurs de stress, qu’ils soient extrinsèques ou intrinsèques. Ce travail de thèse permet de contribuer à la caractérisation des liens entre tempérament et cognition, qui est un champ d’étude en pleine expansion, et met en évidence l’importance du stress dans la compréhension ces relations.The aim of the current thesis was to characterize the relationships between temperament and cognitive performances in horses and their modulation when influenced by stress. The temperament was evaluated considering five dimensions: fearfulness, reactivity to humans, gregariousness, tactile sensitivity and locomotor activity. The relationships between these dimensions and performances during instrumental learning tasks as well as working memory tests have been investigated. The dimension of fearfulness seems particularly important and its influence depends on the presence or absence of stressor. Fearfulness has a positive effect on performances in case of intrinsic stress, i.e. the cognitive task is the source of stress; and a negative effect in case of extrinsic stress. Without any stressor, these relationships are more contrasted. To a lesser extent, relationships between cognitive performances and the other dimensions of temperament have been found. Especially, the dimension of locomotor activity has a positive effect on performances that stands out only in presence of stressors, whether they are intrinsic or extrinsic. This thesis contributes to the characterization of links between temperament and cognition, which is a field of study in a wide expansion, and shows the importance of stress in order to understand these relations

    Les performances d'apprentissage dépendent du tempérament de chaque cheval

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    National audienceExiste-t-il des bons et des mauvais élèves à l’école des chevaux ? Comment améliorer les performances d’apprentissage de son cheval ? Les travaux présentés ici sont les principaux résultats d’une thèse dont l’objectif était de déterminer quels sont les atouts de chaque animal en fonction de son tempérament

    Tempérament et performance d'apprentissage : quels chevaux apprennent le mieux ?

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    National audienceLes performances d'apprentissage chez le cheval sont souvent étudiées, alors que ses capacités de mémorisation à long terme et ses capacités d'extinction restent peu connues. Pourtant, dans la pratique, cet animal est présumé avoir une excellente mémoire. De plus, il apparaît fondamental de bien connaître les capacités d'apprentissage et de mémoire des chevaux afin d'optimiser les méthodes de dressage
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